Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager
Sabrina M. Oliver, Communications and Public Affairs
Committee Meeting
April 29, 2009
The Naming Committee met on April 27, 2009 in the Second
Floor Conference Room at 9:30 a.m. Those present included Council Member and
Chair Sally Greene, Mayor Pro tem Jim Ward, Council Member Bill Strom, and Communications and Public Affairs Director Sabrina Oliver.
The Committee discussed recommendations by the Greenways and
Parks and Recreation Commissions regarding naming and dedication changes.
Outlined below are the actions taken by the Committee:
- Discussed the naming of the Sport Art Gymnastics building
property. Reviewed site map and endorsed proposed site of Town building.
Asked that map be shared with Greenways and Parks and Recreation
committees. Pending additional information, took no action.
- Discussed the dedication of the Booker Creek Linear Park project in memory of Alice Ingram. The Committee endorsed the concept of a
memorial marker to be placed atop low stacked stones. Council Member Ward
was charged with working with Public Works to develop a plan for the
marker. Once a plan is in place, the Committee will present it to Council
for recommended action.
- Discussed the dedication of future Phase 3 section of the
Bolin Creek Trail in honor of Joe Herzenberg. The Committee endorsed the
concept, and requested clarification of the location of Phases 1 and 2 of
the project. On receipt of this information, the Committee will prepare a
recommendation for Council action.
- Recommended formalizing the name “Southern Community Park”
because of its location adjacent to Southern Village; will prepare a
recommendation for Council action.
- Recommended placement of identifying signage on the
Wallace Parking Deck and requested that Catherine Lazorko work with the
Downtown Partnership on the details of a proposed plan.
- On a request from the Cemetery Advisory Board, recommended
naming the gazebo at the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery in honor of Rebecca
Clark and will prepare a recommendation for Council action.
- Recommended naming the disc golf course at Southern
Community Park the Dogwood Disc Golf Course; will prepare a recommendation
for Council action.
- Tabled a request regarding naming of a community garden
pending further information.
The next meeting of the Naming Committee is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 20, at 6 p.m. in the Second Floor Conference Room at Town Hall.