City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 9/14/2009

Title of Agenda Item: Budget Ordinance Amendment for Acceptance of Governors Crime Commission Grant Funds (R-5) (O-2)

Council Goal Four:  Maintain and Improve Community Facilities and Services

Background: In July 2009, the Governor’s Crime Commission notified the Police Department that the Department’s request for grants funds in the amount of $4991 had been approved.

Fiscal Note: The budget ordinance would amend the Police Department's FY2009-2010 operating budget by $4991 to provide training for officers on the use of a new tracking system to aid in the location of missing persons who suffer from Alzheimer’s and Autism. The funds will also be used to purchase cordless engravers as part of Operation ID. There is no match required for the acceptance and use of these funds.

Recommendations: That the Council consider adopting a resolution and enacting the budget ordinance amendment authorizing the acceptance of the FY2009-2010 Project Turnaround funds.

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Governors Crime Commission Award Letter