City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 10/28/2009

Title of Agenda Item: Project Ordinance for a 2009-10 Transit Planning Grant (Federal Transit Administration Section 5303). (O-5)

Council Goal 5: Improve Town's Fiscal Condition.

Background: The Town has received federal and State Transit planning funds, known as Section 5303 funds that have been allocated to Chapel Hill by the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organiztion.

As the lead agency for the Urbanized Area, the City of Durham (DCHC-MPO) distributes these funds to transit systems.

Fiscal Note: Section 5303 planning funds have been allocated to Chapel Hill in the amount of $136,677 and will be used for general program support and technical assistance of the Town’s Transit and Planning staff. The City of Durham administers the funds for the MPO who will reimburse the Town 90 percent of the project expenses. The Town is required to provide the local match of 10 percent of expenditures for these projects. Local funds expended are anticipated to be $4,500 from the Transportation Department’s Capital Reserve Fund and $9,168 from the General Fund's Planning budget, if 100% of the project is completed.

Recommendations: That the Council enact a project budget ordinance.

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