City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 11/23/2009

Title of Agenda Item: Transit Operator II Position Increase. (O-4)

Council Goal 4:  Maintain and Improve Community Faclities and Services

Background: Over the past year Chapel Hill Transit has added new services to Hillsborough and Chatham County. In addition, service expansions have been introduced on the HS route, the NS and other areas of town. Many of these services have been funded through a series of grants or contracts with the Federal Transit Administration or outside agencies to cover operating costs. These services were not included in the 2009-10 Budget Ordinance and Pay and Classification System.

These additional services increase staffing requirements. For Chapel Hill Transit to meet that need we request modification to the Pay and Classification System to add nine (9) transit operator positions. Without these additional positions, service would be provided by overtime to existing positions.
Below is a description of the service expansions, the sources of grant funding, grant funding and the number of additional employees needed to meet the requirements of these grants.

Fiscal Note: The positions included in this recommendation will be partially funded by funds discussed in the November 23, 2009 agenda item “Transit Fund Operating Grants Ordinance Amendment” as well as existing grants and contracts. Local matching funds are included in the Chapel Hill Transit budget or by contracts with outside agencies. In the event that these grants end and services are discontinued, employees can be absorbed by normal attrition.

Funding Type        Service Expansion          Total Grant         Funds allocated to Operator                                                                                                    Wages and Benefits

CMAQ                   NS route frequency
                                to 10 minutes                  $113,586                     $113,586

JARC                     Expansion of HS
                               route to Roger’s Road      $156,186                     $ 51,415

JARC                     NS & G Evening Service   $118,534                     $ 65,481

JARC                     Express bus service
                               to Chatham Co/Pittsboro  $292,712                     $ 82,232

New Freedom         Improved Demand 
                                Response Service 
                                to the elderly                     $ 97,600                     $ 50,140

TTA Contract        Express bus service
                               Hillsborough to
                               Chapel Hill                       125,192.22                $ 43,422


Recommendations: That the Council amend the Town of Chapel Hill Budget Ordinance, Section 6. Classification and Pay Plan to add 9 Transit Operator II positions (Grade 29).

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Manager's Memorandum