City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 11/23/2009

Title of Agenda Item: Proposed Master Plan - Hollow Rock Access Area to the New Hope Preserve. (R-8)

Council Goal 4: Maintain and Improve Community Facilities and Services.

Background: In 1991, Chapel Hill, the City of Durham, Durham County, and Orange County adopted the New Hope Corridor Open Space Master Plan. The report recommends the preservation of land along New Hope Creek and some tributaries as an open space buffer between the more densely developed areas of Orange and Durham counties. A portion of the master plan includes the Hollow Rock area of New Hope Creek.

In September 2006, the Town executed an interlocal agreement with the City of Durham, Durham County, and Orange County for acquisition and master planning of a portion of the Hollow Rock section of the New Hope Creek corridor. The Council purchased 2 acres of the 75 acre site. The Town’s portion is located in Durham County.

Two Council members were appointed to a Park Planning Advisory Committee, which has worked to create a master plan for future development of this property. The process included design workshops and public input meetings. The Committee has completed its work and has now forwarded its report to the four governments. Please see the attached Proposed Master Plan - Hollow Rock Access Area to the New Hope Preserve.

Fiscal Note: Adoption of the Hollow Rock Master Plan would result in no immediate financial impact. However, there would eventually be costs associated with development and routine operation of the park. At this time there is no information on how those costs might be allocated among the local jurisdictions adopting the Master Plan.

Recommendations: We recommend that the Council provide any initial comments concerning the Proposed Master Plan - Hollow Rock Access Area to the New Hope Preserve. In addition, we recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution, which refers the report to the Greenways and Parks and Recreation Commissions for comments and recommendations.

Viewing attachments may require Adobe Acrobat.
Staff Memorandum
Proposed Master Plan