City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 11/23/2009

Title of Agenda Item: Budget Ordinance for Rental of Lincoln Gymnasium. (O-7)

Council Goal 4: Maintain and Improve Community Facilities and Services.

Background: The 30 year mutual cooperation agreement between the Town and the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools expired in 2007. Under this agreement, the Town made an initial investment in the facility and paid $1.00 per year to the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools for the use of Lincoln Gymnasium. The Town is now required to pay a rental fee of $15.00 per hour for use of the gymnasium, which is a critical facility for our basketball program.  The school system has invoiced us approximately $30,000 for rental of the Lincoln Gymnasium for the FY 2009 fiscal year. These rental fees are due now. In addition, based on our anticipated usage of the gymnasium in FY 2010 (current budget year), the Department expects to pay the same amount $30,000 in this fiscal year.

The demands for indoor gymnasium space currently out pace the available space.  The inability to use the Lincoln gym would require a dramatic reduction in services, especially for our youth basketball program.

Fiscal Note: Allocation of these funds would reduce the Town's fund balance by $60,000.

Recommendations: That the Council enact an ordinance that would allocate $60,000 to the Parks and Recreation Department's operating budget from fund balance.

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