City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 1/25/2010

Title of Agenda Item: Development Review Assessment Update. (O-4) (O-5) (R-7)

Background: A Council goal for 2008 included a review of the planning and development process, beginning with a look at internal staff processes we could improve without the need for Council action. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide an update on our efforts to improve the development review process, which was last reported to Council on June 8, 2009.

Fiscal Note: Allocation of $300,000 to establish a capital project for development technology and allocation of $15,000 for consultant services to provide an evaluation of development standards and procedures. These expenses are anticipated to be offset by improved efficiencies in the Town’s review process.

Recommendations: That the Council adopt the attached budget ordinances for development review technology, and adopt the attached resolution for a review of development standards and procedures including authorization of up to $15,000 for technical assistance for the review.

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Staff Memorandum
Status Report