Meeting Date: 2/22/2010 |
Title of Agenda Item:
Approve Municipal Agreement for Weaver Dairy Road Widening Project and authorize use of Surface Transportation Program/Direct Attributal (STP DA) funds and Bond Funds toward cost of sidewalks. (R-5) Council Goal 4: Maintain and Improve Community Facilities and Services. |
This report provides information regarding certain roadway measures on Weaver Dairy Road between Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and Erwin Road. The following measures are planned as part of the State Transportation Improvement project:
· One through travel lane in each direction with exclusive turn lanes and center turn lane to accommodate growing traffic volume · Bus pull-off areas as necessary · Designated bicycle lanes in both directions and sidewalks on both sides · Raised center median areas to provide refuge for pedestrians and landscaping opportunities, where possible · Extension of Weaver Dairy Road to Sage Road |
Fiscal Note: The project is funded by the State Transportation Improvement Program and is administered by the State. The expected cost of the total project cost is approximately $13.5 million. The project let date is July 20, 2010 and the construction is expected to start in September/October 2010. The estimated cost of the sidewalks is approximately $302,684. The Town is responsible for forty percent of the cost of the sidewalks. The estimated Town cost is $121,074. We recommend that a combination of STP DA funds and Town bond fundsbe used towards the local share. The Town is responsible for maintenance of the sidewalks after the construction is completed. | |||
Recommendations: That the Council enter into an agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation and authorize use of STP DA funds and Bond Funds towards the cost of sidewalks. | |||
ATTACHMENTS: Viewing attachments may require Adobe Acrobat. |
Staff Memorandum | |||
Resolution | |||
Area Map | |||
Agreement |