TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Pam Eastwood, Human Resources Director


SUBJECT:       Preliminary Findings on Employee Pay and Benefits Surveys


DATE:             January 28, 2005



The Human Resources Department staff is pleased to present this report which contains preliminary findings of the pay and benefits surveys conducted in November 2004, and analyzed by the Human Resources staff in December 2004.  You will find attached the following report with supplemental information:


Report on Pay and Benefits Survey


1.      Total Number of Employees in each Organization

2.      November 2004 Town of Chapel Hill Pay Survey

3.      Position Classification and Pay Plan

4.      November 2004 Town of Chapel Hill Benefits Survey


The Human Resources staff is currently developing pay and benefits recommendations for the Council to consider as a part of the Manager’s Recommended Budget. Further research and analysis are underway to define the actions and related costs of these recommendations. I will be glad to answer any questions about these materials. Thank you.