Questions from Gene Pease
Q: Explanation of the unrestricted fund balance, what it is, what is the difference between the 8% minimum required (I think by law?) vs. CH budgeted 18% (is it really $7.4m?). What historically is it used or, if it is.
A: We are preparing a working paper on this topic for discussion at a later date.
Q: Clarification from Cal on the $800,000 ($300,000 in + revenues and $500,000 in budget savings). Attachment 2 of the document presented to Council 1-26-05 estimates this savings. It wasn't clear to me if these savings programs were already in place, or are these initiatives still to be initiated?
A: We will report at the February 7th Committee meeting.
Q: Are there any other programs, initiatives and/or decisions that can be delayed this YEAR to increase that number to get a larger rolling start for next years problem?
A: We are conducting a review and will report at a later meeting.
Q: Bond issues - If a formalized Excel spreadsheet was put together on the bond issue projects, that follows the chart on page one of Kay's memo on "Report on Debt Payments", (which is by project), it would be easy to could look at various scenarios of financing costs per year if the projects were spread out over 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 years vs. the 3 years in the current schedule.
A: We will discuss at the February 7th Committee meeting.
Q: Bond issue - Towns Ops Center - Could we see a general overview Time and Action calendar of how the Ops Center could be split in two projects, and the financing costs associated with the split vs. the current plan.
A: We are preparing a working paper on this issue for the February 28th Council meeting. The paper will be available for the February 24th committee meeting.
Q: I would like to learn more about the Chapel Hill Transit program, and the relationship/agreements between Carrboro and UNC. How many trips were there in last years budget, and what is the forecast for the current year? Joe and/or Edith mentioned a advertising (I think) proposal a while ago that the Council didn't proceed with. How much $ are we talking about? Are there any other ways to increase revenue. What would charging a dime (or a nickel or a quarter) a trip generate? I heard an ad on the radio this morning for the system, how much are we spending on marketing? If the system is free, why would we invest in marketing $$$?
A: A copy of the contract with the Transit partners will be sent out by email. Mary Lou Kuschatka, Transportation Director, will attend the February 7 meeting to discuss Transit issues.
Q: The North Carolina League of Municipalities,, has a "salary survey & fringe benefits results" survey, that I cannot access because I'm not a member of government. Can someone look at that survey and compare it to the internally generated report that the HR department completed. What are the areas in agreement and where do they disagree between the two?
A: A copy of the report has been sent to the Committee in electronic form.