TO: Chapel Hill Town Council
FROM: Mayor’s Committee for Town-University Discussion
Mayor Kevin Foy
Council Member Bill Strom
Council Member Edith Wiggins
SUBJECT: Report on Discussions with University Representatives
DATE: August 25, 2003
On June 25, 2003, following a Public Hearing, the Town Council considered taking action on an application for modification of the University’s Development Plan for the main campus. The original Development Plan had been approved by the Council in October, 2001.
On June 25, the Council took the following actions:
This memorandum reports on discussions held over the summer.
This committee was appointed to discuss issues related to three unresolved components of the proposed modification to the University’s Development Plan:
The University appointed three representatives to meet with the Mayor’s Committee:
The committee met four times during July and August. Summary minutes from each of these meetings are attached. The committee also toured a combination chiller/deck on the campus of UNC-Greensboro (accompanied by other Council members and University representatives). The committee had no authority to approve or agree to any resolution of the outstanding issues. At each meeting, Council members noted that the Public Hearing on this modification application is still open, and that the purpose of the committee and its meetings was to generate ideas for consideration by the full Town Council at the reopening of the Public Hearing on August 25.
The following key issues emerged during committee discussions. We outline each issue here, with comments summarizing the ideas that emerged.
Proposed Cobb Parking Deck and Chiller Plant: The University’s June proposal calls for construction of a parking deck and chiller plant behind the Paul Green Theater and near the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery. Based on our discussions with the University’s representatives and subsequent discussions between Town and University staff representatives, we believe that the University would agree to the following, in addition to meeting the regular conditions required by the OI-4 Ordinance and the rules for application of the Ordinance requirements.
The University earlier had agreed to stipulations regarding: compliance with light performance standards; screening of mechanical equipment; construction of a sidewalk on South Road from Country Club Road to Winston Dormitory; and upgrading traffic signal equipment and timing at several intersections.
Proposed Jackson Circle Parking Deck: The University’s June proposal calls for construction of an 800 space parking deck at the intersection of Jackson Circle and Manning Drive. The University continues to be in agreement with the stipulations originally offered and we suggest no additional stipulations in regard to this proposal.
South Columbia Street: The University is prepared to agree with the Town to move forward on the South Columbia Street project in the configuration previously selected by the Council in 1998 (modified in 2002 to add a sidewalk on the west side), and to work with the Town to aggressively pursue funding for the project from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The University’s proposal is conditioned on the Town’s acceptance of their development proposals for the Cobb parking Deck and Chiller Plant and the Jackson Circle Parking Deck, and agreement that the South Columbia Street configuration would be subject to reconsideration by the Town and the University no earlier than one full academic year after completion of construction of the South Columbia Street project.
We note that the University has requested that all of the above proposals be considered together, as a single package.
During the final meeting of the committee, University representatives outlined a revised proposal for the Cobb deck/chiller, coupled with agreement to join the Town in advocating for South Columbia Street improvements as previously agreed upon by the Town and University. We expect the University to prepare materials outlining this revised proposal to present to the Town Council for consideration as part of the reconvened hearing on August 25. We also expect to receive additional information from the University in response to questions raised by Council members. It is our understanding that this revised proposal and supplementary information will be delivered on Friday, August 22, for distribution.
The Public Hearing on this application will re-convene on August 25, for receipt of further evidentiary materials from the Town Manager, the University, and the public.
Once the hearing has been closed, the Council may choose to take action on this application on August 25. University representatives have asked that the Council make a decision on August 25. Absent the University’s agreement that there be additional time, the Land Use Management Ordinance provides that the Council shall act on these remaining items on August 25.
A memorandum from the Town Manager will accompany this report, and include resolutions of approval and denial for the Council’s consideration.
1. Materials and Minutes, July 31, 2003 (p. 1-1).
2. Materials and Minutes, August 5, 2003 (p. 2-1).
3. Materials and Minutes, August 15, 2003 (p. 3-1).
4. Materials and Minutes, August 18, 2003 (p. 4-1).