TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Selection of Artist for Percent for Art Hargraves Center/A.D. Clark Pool Extraordinary Maintenance Project


DATE:             August 25, 2003

RESUBMITTED:      September 8, 2003


The following resolution would authorize the Town Manager to enter into a contract with David Wilson for $16,976 in current Town funds and an additional $6,000 from the Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission to produce public art in the form of seven mural panels for the Hargraves Center/A.D. Clark Pool extraordinary maintenance project.


The attached budget ordinance would account for the Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission’s contribution of $6,000 by increasing the non-bond multi-year fund for this project.




On March 4, 2002, the Town Council established the Percent for Art Program, which provides for spending a percent of the budget of selected capital projects on public art.  The resolution adopted on that date includes an outline of the process to select artists and art.




This project would result in the creation of seven mural panels at the Hargraves Center that would commemorate the history of the Center and highlight current activities. The project was selected utilizing an Artist Selection Committee created by the Public Arts Commission.  The Public Arts Commission followed a process consistent with the Resolution adopted on March 4, 2002. 


The North Carolina Arts Council Touring Directory describes David Wilson’s work as displaying “a particular sensibility to the traditional values of family, religion, and relationships in the African and African American communities.” Further, “his depictions, in a variety of ever-changing styles, operate on a more universal level which deals with the realization of one’s greater sense of self and connection to life. The bright and bold compositions of painter/designer David Wilson incorporate motifs from African and African American imagery into his own visual statement.”


The project would be accomplished by using a combination of Town and Chapel Hill Public Art Commission funds.


Percent for Art 1                                                                      $10,876

Additional Town funding 2                                                                                6,100

Additional State funding 3                                                                                 3,000

Funds from Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission budget                3,000


TOTAL                                                                                   $22,976


1 One percent of the Hargraves Center/AD Clark Pool extraordinary maintenance project budget.

2 The Council allocated $7,000 in additional funding on January 13, 2003 from the Capital Improvements Program fund to the Arts Commission for a "Percent for Art" project at the Hargraves Center. Of this amount $900 has already been spent on artist honorariums during the selection process.

3 The Public Arts Commission received a grant from the North Carolina Arts Council for $3,000.




The Public Arts Commission has created an Artist Selection Committee which followed a process consistent with the resolution.  The Commission recommends that David Wilson be awarded the Percent for Art commission for the Hargraves Center/AD Clark Pool extraordinary maintenance project.


Manager’s Recommendation:  That the Council adopt the following resolution that would:


The Manager also recommends that the Council adopt the attached budget ordinance that would account for the $6,000 in Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission funds.




  1. March 4, 2002 Percent for Arts Resolution (p. 6).





WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill adopted a Percent for Art Program on March 4, 2002; and


WHEREAS, the Town Council has adopted a budget for the Hargraves Center/A.D. Clark Pool extraordinary maintenance project of $1,087,600, including $10,876 for public art; and


WHEREAS, the Council allocated an additional $7,000 from the 2003 Capital Improvements Program budget to the art project at the Hargraves Center; and


WHEREAS, $6,100 of the $7,000 from the 2003 Capital Improvements Program budget allocated to the art project at the Hargraves Center remains; and


WHEREAS, the Public Arts Commission received a grant from the North Carolina Arts Council in the amount of $3,000, and will match this grant with an additional $3,000 for this project; and


WHEREAS, the Public Arts Commission will pay to the Town the amount of $6,000 for this project; and


WHEREAS, the Public Arts Commission has conducted an artist selection process consistent with the guidelines included in the resolution of March 4, 2002, and recommends that the Town Council authorize a contract between the Town and David Wilson;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Town Manager is authorized to enter into a contract with David Wilson such that the cost of the contract and related costs do not exceed $22,976 in Town funds to complete artwork in the form of seven mural panels.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Arts Commission is authorized to proceed with inviting public involvement in the development of the art project.


This the 8th day of September, 2003.




BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that, pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the capital projects ordinance for various capital projects funded from a variety of sources is hereby amended as follows:




The capital projects as authorized by the Town Council includes various capital projects funded from grants, the Capital Improvements Program funds, and other miscellaneous sources of revenue for a variety of projects extending beyond one fiscal year.




The Manager of the Town of Chapel Hill is hereby directed to proceed with implementation of these projects within terms of funds appropriated here.




Revenues anticipated to be available to the Town to complete the project are hereby amended as follows:


                                                                        Current Budget         Revised Budget


         Adopt-A-Trail Grant                                                        39,360                         39,630

         Clean Water Management Grant                                     200,000                       200,000

         Chapel Hill-Carrboro School                                          148,059                       148,059

         Metropolitan Planning Grant                                              79,000                         79,000

         State Bicycle/Pedestrian Grant                                        300,000                       300,000

         Pritchard Park Gift                                                          100,193                       100,193

         Pritchard Park Interest & Rental Income                           63,807                         63,807

         Donations                                                                           2,000                           2,000

         Orange County Bond Funds                                           205,000                       205,000

         Transfer from CIP Fund                                                  423,549                       423,549

         Transfer from General Fund                                              76,875                         76,875

         Transfer from Library Gift Fund                                                 0                       383,450

         Interest Earnings                                                               88,156                         88,156

         N.C. Transportation Grant                                              212,865                       212,865

         OWASA Reimbursement                                                 42,931                         42,931

         Pedestrian Signal Reimbursement                                        5,000                           5,000

         N. C. DOT Grant                                                           207,500                       207,500


                                                                        Current Budget         Revised Budget


         Installment Purchase Proceeds                                     1,200,000                    1,200,000

         Library Gifts and Donations                                            175,000                       175,000

         Other                                                                               10,500                         10,500

         Public Arts Commission Grant                                                   0                           6,000



         Total                                                                           3,963,515                    3,969,515




Amounts appropriated for capital projects are hereby amended as follows:


                                                                        Current Budget         Revised Budget


         Booker Creek Linear Park                                               20,000                         20,000

         Dry Creek Trail                                                              270,800                       275,430

         Lower Booker Creek Trail                                             721,749                       721,749

         Pritchard Park                                                                164,000                       164,000

         Southern Community Park                                              205,000                       205,000

         Willow Drive Bridge                                                       343,952                       343,952

         Hargraves                                                                         50,000                         50,000

         Scroggs School Athletic Fields                                        148,059                       148,059

         N. C. 54/Hamiliton Improvements                                   170,000                       170,000

         Morgan Creek Trail                                                          89,375                         89,375

         Hargraves Renovations                                                1,200,000                    1,206,000

         Percent for Art Program                                                            0                           7,000

         Carolina Sports Art Building                                                      0                         10,500

         Library Technology Plan                                                            0                       558,450


         Total                                                                           3,382,935                    3,969,515




The Manager is directed to report annually on the financial status of the project in an informational section to be included in the Annual Budget, and shall keep the Council informed of any unusual occurrences.




Copies of this projects ordinance shall be entered into the Minutes of the Council and copies shall be filed within 5 days of adoption with the Manager, Finance Director and Clerk.


This the 8th day of September, 2003.







WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Chapel Hill includes public art as part of the section on Community Character; and


WHEREAS, the Town Council has included a Percent for Public Art Program in the short-term implementation measures adopted on July 5, 2000; and


WHEREAS, the Public Arts Commission and its subgroups have been working with the Town staff to develop policies and procedures for a Percent for Public Art Program;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby establishes a Percent for Public Art Program:


to help define the community’s identity and sense of place,

to promote social interaction and discourse,

to bring the arts into everyday life and

to memorialize the past while expressing shared values for the future.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the program shall be guided by the following policies:


1.   Program Objective: To provide art accessible to the public and to the users of Town buildings and parks, for the improvement of the quality of life in Chapel Hill, and more specifically to:


      help define the community’s identity and sense of place,

      promote social interaction and discourse,

        bring the arts into everyday life, and

      memorialize the past while expressing shared values for the future.


2.   Annual Public Art Plan: The Town Council shall meet at least annually to consider a Public Art Plan recommended by the Public Arts Commission.  The recommended Public Art Plan shall include:


a.      Those capital projects which should include 1% of their project budgets for public art 


b.            The distinction between those capital projects which should include public art on-site and which should contribute 1% of their budget to a pool of funds reserved for public art commission, acquisition, maintenance and conservation


c.      General location(s) for the art not recommended for the site of a capital project.


d.      The Town Council shall decide on which capital budgets shall include 1% for art and the general site(s) of the art, and shall appropriate funds.  This set of decisions shall be known as the Public Art Plan for the given year.


3.   Budget: 1% of the annual Capital Improvements Program shall be considered by the Council for reservation for public art.  However, the base from which the 1% is calculated shall exclude grant funds for which the Town provides a local match, bond funds which do not allow such a use, and any other funds whose source would prevent their use for public art.


a.   The project budget shall include all costs funded by the Town for designing, building and equipping the facility, including site work but excluding the acquisition of land. 


b.   The public art budget shall include all costs of artist selection; artist fee; fabrication; installation, including special plumbing, wiring or lighting; publicity; celebration; and any other cost related to the public art project.


4.    Location:


Location of artwork shall generally be on the site of the capital project unless specified otherwise in the adopted Public Art Plan. Specific location within the specified site shall be considered by the Public Arts Commission as part of the selection of the artwork and review of its design development.


  1. Consideration shall be given to the unique site, surrounding uses and development, function of the facility, users of the facility, style of the facility, visibility to the public, maintenance and security issues. Artwork should be selected and placed to enhance the project as a whole.  


5.   Selection of Artists and Art:


a.   The Public Arts Commission shall establish a process with written guidelines, available to the public, for the selection of artists and the review of the art proposed for acquisition.  The process shall be open to the public and shall encourage participation by as wide a variety of citizens as possible.


b.   The Public Arts Commission shall appoint a committee to be chaired by a Commission member and to include at least one representative each of the Public Art Commission, Town Council, the designer of the capital project (if relevant), the host department, the public at large; and two art professionals.


  1. The committee shall make its recommendation to the full Public Arts Commission.


  1. The Public Arts Commission shall present to the Town Council the artist and his/her style, the type of  artwork which would be expected to result from a commission; or the specific artwork it recommends be acquired; or the artwork which it recommends be maintained or conserved.  The Town Council shall authorize a contract as recommended, with or without its own conditions, or shall request another recommendation from the Public Art Commission.


6.   Execution of Artist’s Commission:


a.   The artist’s contract shall define a process for his/her design development.


b.   The artist’s contract shall define the review points during the design development


c.   The artist shall be involved with the design development of the capital project if relevant and if the artist is chosen in time.


d.   The process shall include a means of involving the public, including a public forum to consider the design concept.


e.   It is possible that, after the Public Art Commission or its committee, Town staff and the public review the artist’s design concept, the artist will be asked to modify the design concept before being authorized to begin fabrication.


7.   Acceptance of Art: The Town Manager shall accept the artwork before the final payment is made to the artist.


8.   Accounting: Funds appropriated for public art shall be placed in a project budget or multi-year account(s) specified for this purpose.  Grants, gifts and other revenue the Town may receive for the selection, establishment, maintenance and deaccessioning of public art shall also be placed in this multi-year fund.


This the 4th day of March, 2002.