Town of Chapel Hill,

Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan


Process & Schedule

September 8, 2003


The stated transportation goal of the Town of Chapel Hill Comprehensive Plan 2000 is to:


“Develop a balanced, multi-modal transportation system that will enhance mobility for all citizens, reduce automobile dependence, and preserve/enhance the character of Chapel Hill”. (p.97)


A key action as stated in Section 10A-2 of the Comprehensive Plan is to:

“Develop a comprehensive pedestrian and bicycle network”.


The goal of the bicycle and pedestrian action plan is first to identify a potential network and then to identify methods of creating it. The action plan is a long range plan. Plan implementation could be incorporated in the Capital Improvements Program process. The network should be safe and convenient to facilitate bicycling and walking as a chosen mode of transportation.






The plan area matches the urban services boundary defined in the 2000 Comprehensive Plan. 


The plan will identify and encourage potential linkages to facilities in neighboring communities where possible. Work shall be coordinated with UNC, Carrboro, Orange County and Durham County to encourage regional connections.


Network Features:

The network should be designed to:



The final plan document itself will consist of a short text document illustrated with photographs, assorted images a proposals map (indicating route links to other communities) and inset maps to accompany descriptions of the improvements required for sections of the routes.


Plan Content

The items to be addressed in this plan include but are not limited to:

o        Objective 1 Complete a network of bikeways and sidewalks that serves citizens' needs, especially for travel to employment centers, commercial districts, transit stops, institutions, and recreational destinations.

o        Objective 2 Provide bikeway facilities that are appropriate to the street classification, traffic volume and speed on all rights-of-way.

o        Objective 3 Maintain and improve the quality, operation, and integrity of bike and pedestrian network facilities.

Time Frame: The plan preparation process is targeted to deliver a draft plan to The Town Council by June 2004.


Provisional Schedule

Key Step



Bicycle & Pedestrian Board

August 26, 2003

Reviewed Process & Schedule

Report To Council

Monday September 8, 2003

Process & Schedule For Action Plan. Referral to Advisory Boards.

Refer Boards & Commissions

September, 2003

Process & Invitation to Open House

Bicycle & Pedestrian Board

Tuesday September 30, 2003

Prepare for Open House. Review Plan Objectives


Sunday October 5, 2003

Info table & display to engage citizen input for Plan

Kick Off Open House

Thursday October 9, 2003

At Library 6-9 p.m.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Board

Tuesday October 28, 2003

Discuss Open House Feedback. Review current network.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Board

Tuesday November 18, 2003

Review network development

Bicycle and Pedestrian Board

Tuesday December 9, 2003*

Complete working Draft

Open House

Wednesday Jan 14, 2004

At Library 6-9 p.m. 

Bicycle and Pedestrian Board

January- April  2004

Refine Draft & Review Document.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Board

Tuesday May 25, 2004

Complete Draft

Report Draft to Town Council

Monday June 21, 2004

Referral to Advisory Boards

Review by Boards/ Commissions 

July-August, 2004  

May include Joint Meeting Planning & Transportation Brd

Public Hearing

September 20, 2004


Council Work Session


If needed

Town Council Adoption

October, 2004


*Meeting proposed for rescheduled date due to Holidays.