TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Response to Petition from Sunrise Coalition Board Member regarding Council Minutes of May 12, 2003
DATE: September 22, 2003
The Council received a request from a citizen at its September 8, 2003 Council meeting that the Minutes of May 12, 2003, be amended to include a specific request regarding the proposed Habitat development on Sunrise Road.
If the Council so desires, adoption of the attached resolution would amend the Minutes of May 12, 2003, to include that request.
At the Council’s September 8, 2003 meeting, Sandra Cummings, Sunrise Coalition Board Member, petitioned the Council on three points. This report responds to the first of the three points in that petition.
The first point was a specific request made of the Council at the May 12 meeting regarding noise levels on the proposed Habitat development on Sunrise Road. Ms. Cummings’ September 8 remarks noted that:
“In reviewing the minutes from May 12, I noticed that the minutes did not include the following request that I made to the Town Council. And I quote, “We request that if Habitat cannot do acoustical studies, that the Town take responsibility for doing so, so that we can more accurately assess the situation and make the appropriate provisions.”
An excerpt of the May 12, 2003 Minutes is provided as Attachment 1. Ms. Cummings’ September 8 written request, as well as her remarks of May 12, are included as Attachment 2.
Summary Minutes
Minutes of meetings of the Town Council are prepared in summary format, meaning that comments are summarized so that the main points are clear and understandable. Ms. Cummings’ presentation of May 12 included specific remarks regarding traffic, environmental constraints, noise, and pollution (see Attachment 2). As is customary, the minutes reflect that these issues were brought forward, but do not include the narrative read by Ms. Cummings at the May 12 meeting.
Videotapes as Permanent Records
Videotapes of Council meetings are maintained in the Town Clerk’s Office for archival purposes. Council members, citizens and staff frequently view these tapes. The Town Clerk reviews the videotapes when preparing draft minutes of meetings for the Council’s consideration.
The remarks made by citizens to the Council during Council meetings, as well as written materials presented, become part of the permanent record. It is not our practice to include these remarks verbatim in the Minutes. Rather, the material is summarized to enable the reader to recognize the view of the presenter.
Council Minutes are prepared in summary format to provide the reader with the purpose of the discussions, the general views of citizens offering comments, brief descriptions of staff reports or narratives, and the specific actions taken by the Council. Council comments are presented in more detail to provide a greater understanding of the actions taken.
Prior to adoption, draft minutes are distributed to the Council for review. We believe the Council’s adopted Minutes accurately reflect the discussions, citizens’ views, staff reports, and actions of the Council.
We do not believe that providing detailed comments, with the exception of Council comments, would enhance the effectiveness of the Minutes, particularly since all comments are part of the public record, as well as any written materials presented and the videotape of the meeting.
We believe no action is necessary, but offer the following resolution to amend the minutes if desired by the Council.
WHEREAS, the Council received a petition from a citizen on September 8, 2003, requesting that specific comments made at the Council’s May 12, 2003 meeting be included in the adopted Minutes of that meeting;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Adopted Minutes of May 12, 2003, be amended to include the following language offered by Sandra Cummings regarding Item 6 - Draft of Mayor’s Committee’s Report on Proposed Habitat for Humanity Development, page 15, second from last paragraph:
“We request that if Habitat cannot do acoustical studies, that the Town take responsibility for doing so, so that we can more accurately assess the situation and make the appropriate provisions.”
This the 22nd day of September, 2003.
Excerpt from Adopted Minutes of May 12, 2003 of the Chapel Hill Town Council
Sandra Cummings, representing the Sunrise Coalition, explained that she has lived within a one-mile radius of the location in question for 25 years. Ms. Cummings thanked the Mayor's Committee for their thoughtful recommendations and Mayor Foy for forming the Committee. She said that the Sunrise Coalition wholeheartedly supported the 17 principles and asked the Council to adopt them with no change. Ms. Cummings said that the Coalition had requested, in particular, that the project adhere to present zoning. The Sunrise Coalition continues to be concerned about density, she said, not about affordable versus more costly housing. Ms. Cummings asked the Town to move away from trying to determine how many houses, affordable or otherwise, could be built. The Town should concentrate instead on how many this piece of property, with its constraints, can reasonably and safely support, she said.
Ms. Cummings listed four major issues that drive the Coalition's concern for density: increased traffic, environmental constraints, noise, and pollution. She said that a high-density development on Sunrise Road would not contribute to the public good. Ms. Cummings stated that the neighborhood supports the project in general, but added that the Town cannot solve all of Chapel Hill's affordable housing needs on this one piece of land. Ms. Cummings urged the Town Council and Habitat to continue balancing the need for affordable housing with the need to protect existing neighborhoods.