TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Update on the Automated Red Light Enforcement System


DATE:             September 22, 2003



This report provides an update on the Automated Red Light Enforcement System (SafeLight Chapel Hill).  A separate item follows this report asking the Council to consider appointment of Hearing Officers necessary for the citation appeal process.




On May 29, 2002, the Town Council approved a resolution authorizing the Manager to negotiate and contract with Affiliated Computer Services, Incorporated (ACS) for the establishment of an Automated Red Light Enforcement System in Chapel Hill.  After several months of negotiations, the Town signed a service contract with ACS in April, 2003. 


At its May 12, 2003 meeting, the Town Council approved a resolution authorizing the Manager to enter into an agreement with the City of Charlotte for use of the “SafeLight” logo in conjunction with the automated red light enforcement system in Chapel Hill.  The City of Charlotte signed the agreement in June 2003, and we have changed the project name from “Automated Red Light Enforcement System” to “SafeLight Chapel Hill”. 


Attachment #1 provides copies of e-mails received from citizens regarding the SafeLight Chapel Hill Program.


Public Information Program: The agreement between the Town and ACS requires that ACS develop and assist in implementing a Public Information Program for SafeLight Chapel Hill at no cost to the Town.  Staff from the Town Police Department, the UNC Public Safety Department, the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Town Engineering Department met with ACS representatives and agreed upon the following elements to be included in the Chapel Hill Public Information Program:


Development of Web site:  The web site was developed by ACS working closely with the Town’s Information Technology Department.  Currently, the web site is hosted by ACS and is linked to the Town website.  Our plan is for the Town to assume responsibility for hosting the web site early next year, once all of the proposed SafeLight cameras are fully operational.  The web site address is as follows:



The content of the web site includes:


·        The applicable North Carolina General Statute and Town Ordinance, and a copy of the Service Contract between the Town and ACS

·        Phase I Intersection Video Validation Study and the Locations of SafeLight Cameras

·        Information about the citation appeal process including the Citation Appeal Form and the Citation Transfer of Responsibility Form

·        Links to information from other SafeLight communities  


The web site will be updated periodically as SafeLight Chapel Hill evolves.


Other Public Information Materials: In accordance with our contract, ACS will develop and provide the following promotional materials for SafeLight Chapel Hill:


·        Pens and Pencils

·        Key Chains

·        Brochures                    

·        Coloring Books

·        A Video Presentation

·        Stickers


Some of these materials are presently available for distribution, and others are still being developed by ACS and will be available this fall.


Additionally, we have begun working with the University, the local school system, and civic organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce to disseminate information and materials regarding SafeLight Chapel Hill.


Video Validation Study: ACS conducted a Phase I video validation study involving 14 approaches at 11 intersections to determine the extent of the red light running problem at those locations.  The video validation locations were selected based on the following criteria:


·        Accident Data

·        Input from the Police Department

·        Signal Timing Complaints

·        Traffic Congestion


The study data were collected over a 16-hour period (6am to 10pm) at each location during the week of April 28, 2003.  A summary of the Phase I study results are provided in Attachment #2.


ACS also conducted a Phase II video validation study involving 14 approaches at 11 intersections during the week of August 25, 2003.  We expect to receive the results of the Phase II study in October. The Phase II video validation study locations are provided in Attachment #3.


First Two Locations for SafeLight Cameras:  Staff from the Police Department and the Engineering Department met and reviewed the Phase I video validation study conducted by ACS.  Based on the study data and our experience with traffic at the study locations, the following two locations were selected for SafeLight camera installations in Phase I of the project:


1)      On Airport Road, northbound approach (outbound) at Estes Drive

2)      On US 15/501, northbound approach (outbound) at Sage Road/Scarlet Drive


The following data were used in selection of the above two locations:


·        Accident Data (based on the severity and type of injuries involved)

·        Speed Limit Violations

·        Traffic Congestion

·        Citizen Complaints

·        Field Observations by the Police Department

·        Safelight Program Violation Threshold (minimum of twenty red light violations per day per location)


SafeLight Cameras were installed at the above two locations and began operating on September 2, 2003.  Warning citations were issued for seven days, after which issuance of regular citations began on September 9, 2003.  Thru September 12th, 4 warning and 3 regular citations have been issued at the Airport Road/Estes Drive intersection, and 20      warning  and 23 regular citations have been issued at the US 15-501/Sage Road intersection.


Improvements at Camera Locations:  Recently, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published several guidelines concerning automated enforcement of red light violations.  Based on these guidelines, we inspect each intersection where cameras are expected to be installed and review/adjust the following before the cameras are put into operation:


·        Traffic Signal Clearance Timings and Phasing: We review and confirm that traffic signal clearance timings and phasing comply with State standards for red light camera installations.

·        Traffic Signal Progression Timing Plans:  We review and confirm effective traffic signal progression timings in corridors involving camera installations.

·        Traffic Signal Equipment Upgrades:  We upgrade traffic signal heads, if necessary, to include light emitting diode (LED) lenses and backer plates.

·        Advisory Signs:  We install Safelight advisory signs, in accordance with State standards, on all intersection approaches.


Before and After Study:  The Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE), which is associated with NC State University, agreed to conduct a “before and after” study to determine the effectiveness of red light cameras in Chapel Hill.  The study will include both camera and non-camera locations selected from the intersections identified in the video validation study.  Attachment #4 includes a copy of the ITRE study proposal.


This study will be the first of its kind in the field of red light camera research.  It is expected to yield valuable information regarding the effect of automated red light enforcement on the type, severity, and number of intersection collisions.


Appointment of Hearing Officers:  The Safelight Chapel Hill program includes a citation appeals procedure, with appeals to be considered by Council appointed Hearing Officers who would be paid $25.00 per hearing.  This procedure is similar to those found in other SafeLight communities in North Carolina.


We placed advertisements for the Hearing Officer positions in local newspapers and posted the positions on the Town web site.  We received three applications and they are provided in a separate agenda item for the Council’s consideration.


Although there is no limit on the number of Hearing Officers that the Council may appoint, we recommend appointment of three officers as a starting point.  We believe that three Hearing Officers could conduct hearings on a rotation basis and in a timely manner.  Hearing Officers would receive training regarding the hearing process, applicable law, and the functional aspects of automated enforcement.  Hearings would be conducted at Town Hall during both daytime and evening hours to accommodate the needs of appellants.




That the Council appoint three Hearing Officers to conduct hearings for appeals of SafeLight Chapel Hill citations.  (Please refer to the separate agenda item regarding appointment of Hearing Officers.)




1.   E-mails received from Citizens (p. 5).

2.   Summary of Phase I Video Validation Study Results (p. 9).

3.   Intersections Included in Phase II Video Validation Study (p. 10).

4.   Study Proposal from ITRE (p. 11).