To: Mayor and Town Council
From: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
Subject: Allocation of $125,000 in Available Streetscape Bond Funds for Mast Arm Signal Poles
Date: October 27, 2003
Adoption of the attached resolution would allocate $125,000 in available Streetscape bond funds to supplement the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s (NCDOT) proposed downtown signal system improvement project. These supplemental funds would permit installation of single-arm mast arm signal poles at three downtown intersections consistent with the Town’s Downtown Streetscape Master Plan.
In 1993, the Town Council adopted the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan as a component of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Consistent with this Master Plan, a detailed Streetscape Lighting Plan was developed that included a recommendation that 7 intersections on Franklin Street and 3 intersections on Rosemary Street be upgraded with metal single-arm mast arm signal poles. These mast arm signal poles would permit the removal of overhead utility and signal mounting wires that would otherwise be necessary. They would be painted dark green to match the streetscape lights and furnishings also recommended in the Master Plan. The following drawing, adapted from NCDOT’s standard engineering details, illustrates how a typical single-arm mast arm pole would look.
Typical Single-Arm Mast Arm Pole
When the Streetscape Lighting Plan was developed it was anticipated that these mast arms would be purchased through Duke Power Company in the same manner as the Town funded the new street and pedestrian lights that are currently being installed on sections of East Franklin and North Columbia Streets. At that time it was estimated that the installed cost of these mast arms would be approximately $50,000 per intersection. Since that time the estimated cost has risen significantly and although an exact figure can not be determined without developing engineered drawings in cooperation with Duke Power Company, the anticipated installed costs are believed to range from $80,000 - $180,000 per intersection depending upon the complexity of installation and whether smooth tapered metal poles or decorative fluted metal poles with pedestrian level lights are proposed.
In the summer of 2003, Town staff was notified by NCDOT that they were developing final plans for installing traffic signals at the currently unsignalized Church Street and Franklin Street intersection and were also developing plans for upgrading traffic signal poles at several other locations within the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan study area. Specifically their plans call for the installation of two double-arm mast arm poles at the Church Street and Franklin Street intersection, and the installation of new metal support poles and overhead signal mounting wires at the Mallette Street/Franklin Street, and Rosemary Street/Columbia Street intersections. In response to these NCDOT proposals, Town staff met with NCDOT staff to determine if it would be possible to revise the plans to permit installation of single-arm mast arm signals at all three locations as recommended in the Streetscape Lighting Plan. A brief description of the differences between single and double-arm mast arm signal poles can be found in the discussion section on page 3.
At the Town staff’s request, NCDOT engineers have determined the estimated costs associated with these upgraded improvements. In order to proceed, we believe that funding for these upgrades would need to be provided by the Town. The proposed costs are as follows:
Church and Franklin Streets
Install four tapered single-arm mast arm poles (approximate pole diameter 20”) rather than two double-arm mast arm poles (approximate pole diameter 44”). Include pedestrian signal heads on all four poles and add streetlight fixtures on two of the poles. The cost is estimated to be $25,000 for the added features charged to the Town.
Mallette and Franklin Streets
Install four tapered single-arm mast arm poles rather than four metal support poles with overhead signal mounting wires. Include pedestrian signal heads on all four poles and add streetlight fixtures on two of the poles. The cost is estimated to be $50,000 for the added features charged to the Town.
Rosemary and Columbia Streets
Install four tapered single-arm mast arm poles rather than four metal support poles with overhead signal mounting wires. Include pedestrian signal heads on all four poles and add streetlight fixtures on two of the poles. NCDOT is still preparing the cost estimate for this upgrade but we anticipate it will be similar to the $50,000 cost estimate for the upgrade at Mallette and Franklin Streets.
We believe that the installation of mast arm signals is an important component of the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan. If they are to be installed, however, we believe that they should be carefully selected to assure that they complement the other Streetscape improvements proposed in the Master Plan. Specifically, we believe it is important to use single-arm mast arm poles rather than double-arm poles because the scale of the single-arm poles (approximately 20” in diameter) is more consistent with a pedestrian environment than the much larger size (approximately 44” in diameter) required of the double-arm poles. Because four single-arm poles are necessary to signalize a typical four-way intersection rather than two double-arm poles, there is some additional expense involved in using the smaller poles.
The estimated costs from NCDOT include all work necessary for installation including street cuts and required signal system conduits. Once installed these poles would be owned and maintained by NCDOT, other than routine periodic repainting which would be the Town’s responsibility.
The current unencumbered fund balance in the Streetscape CIP is $240,000. It is possible that this figure could increase by as much as $10,000 to $20,000 if funds encumbered to cover contingencies associated with Duke Power Company’s ongoing streetlight installation project are not needed. As recommended in our last Streetscape report to the Council, we recommend that a sufficient balance be retained in this account to permit Town crews to install another discrete section of improvements during the 2004 summer construction season. The cost for constructing recently completed sections has ranged from $100,000 to $130,000. We believe that if $125,000 were made available at this time for mast arm signal system improvements, the remaining balance of $115,000 - $135,000 would be sufficient funds to construct a typical section of Streetscape improvements in 2004.
We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution to authorize that $125,000 of available Streetscape funds be utilized as outlined above to fund upgrades to NCDOT designated downtown signal improvement projects.
WHEREAS, the Town Council adopted the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan as part of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, $125,000 is available in bond funding to implement a portion of the mast arm signal system improvements identified in the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Council has received a report from the Town Manager recommending that these funds be allocated to supplement NCDOT’s proposed downtown signal improvements allowing for the installation of mast arm poles consistent with the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan at three downtown locations;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Town Manager to allocate $125,000 to permit installation of single-arm mast arm signal poles as part of NCDOT’s proposed downtown signal improvement project.
This the 27th day of October, 2003.