1. Transit Capital Projects (FY 2006-2010).
2. Upgrade Chapel Hill Signal System- Improve Chapel Hill signal system.
3. Estes Drive Extension - N.C. 86 to Greensboro Street (Carrboro), widen to three lanes with five foot bicycle lanes* and sidewalks.
4. Old Durham-Chapel Hill Road: U.S. 15-501 to I-40-Construct five-foot bikelanes* and sidewalks.
5. Seawell School Road-Improvements from Homestead Road to Estes Drive Extension, including turn lanes, bicycle lanes*, sidewalks and transit accommodations.
6. Homestead Road-NC86 to High School Road, provide bicycle lanes*, sidewalks and turn lanes.
7. Morgan Creek Greenway-Construct a greenway from the Southern Village to Frank Porter Graham Elementary School
8. Estes Drive-NC 86 to Curtis Road, widen existing roadway to include two 12-foot travel lanes, four-foot bicycle lanes* and sidewalks.
9. Community Center to Willow Drive-bicycle and pedestrian connection to Bolin Creek Greenway.
10. Franklin Street/Bolin Creek Greenway Pedestrian/Bicycle Access: Install pedestrian/bicycle access between Franklin Street and Bolin Creek Greenway.
11. Estes Drive- Curtis Road to Franklin Street, construct sidewalk along entire length and provide pedestrian signal at intersection with Chapel Hill Library Drive.
12. Bolin Creek Greenway- Construct a greenway from Airport Road to Umstead Park.
13. Barbee Chapel Road- NC54 to Downing Creek Parkway, provide sidewalks and bicycle lanes*.
14. Southern Railroad Greenway- Construct a greenway along the Southern Railroad right of way from Estes Drive to the UNC Horace Williams property.
15. Pope Road - Ephesus Church Road - construct five foot bicycle lanes*.
16. Piney Mountain Road-Improvements from NC 86 to Riggsbee Road, including turn lanes, sidewalks, bicycle lanes* and transit accommodations.
17. Mount Carmel Church Road: Improvements from U.S. 15-501 South to Chatham County line, to be limited to include bicycle lanes*, sidewalks, transit and safety improvements.
18. Dry Creek Greenway-Construct a greenway from Perry Creek Drive to Erwin Road.
19. Upper Booker Creek Greenway-Construct a 10-foot bikeway from the Northern Community Park to Weaver Dairy Road Extension
20. Country Club Road-Construct a sidewalk on the east side from South Road to Raleigh Street.
21. Fordham Boulevard- Construct a sidewalk along the north side, Manning Drive to Carmichael Street.
22. Bolin Creek/Little Creek Greenway-Construct a greenway from Chapel Hill Community Center to Pinehurst Drive.
23. Old Mason Farm/Finley Golf Course Road- Construct bicycle lanes* and sidewalks.
*Bicycle lanes will only be constructed if they meet the criteria adopted by the Town of Chapel Hill. If the proposed bicycle lanes do not meet the criteria wide outside lanes will be included in the project