TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            Parks &Recreation Commission

                        Pam Hemminger, Chair


SUBJECT:       Recommendations Concerning the Horace Williams Citizens Committee’s Recommended Principles, Goals and Strategies for Guiding the Development of the Horace Williams Property (Carolina North)


DATE:             November 20, 2003


The Commission met on November 19, 2003 and reviewed the Horace Williams Citizens Committee’s Recommended Principles, Goals and Strategies for Guiding the Development of the Horace Williams Property (Carolina North). The Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to recommend the following changes and additions:


1. On page 11, “Natural Areas/Parks and Recreation Facilities Principles” replace the existing Goals 2A and 2B with:


                     Goal 2A: Partner with Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Orange County and community groups to locate and build the University's portion of the future improved surface Rail Trail in an early phase of development and in a manner that meets State and AASHTO standards and will allow the Town to plan for logical connections of the trail both north and south of Carolina North.


                     Goal 2B: Partner with Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Orange County and community groups to locate and develop additional trails throughout the campus and near Bolin and Crow Creeks that would serve transportation and recreation needs of the campus.


2. In the event that a school is sited on the property, any recreation area provided for the school should not count toward other recreation area requirements.


3. All residential areas, including affordable housing, should have supporting recreation areas.


4. Roads should not be located in such a way as to split or bi-sect large open space areas. The Commission was especially concerned about this possibility in the northern portion of the site near Homestead Road.