To adopt official policy and procedures for the appropriate and consistent application of traffic calming measures on Town-maintained streets in Chapel Hill.
This policy and the associated procedures shall be applicable until such time that they are officially amended, modified, or rescinded by the Town Council.
Traffic calming measures are applicable in residential neighborhoods where speeding vehicles and/or cut-through traffic are the primary concerns, and traditional police enforcement is found to be unfeasible and/or ineffective. Streets must typically be residential in nature for consideration under this policy. Traffic calming devices will not typically be placed on Arterial classification streets. The following policy and procedures are intended to promote traffic calming measures that are appropriately implemented and are supported by the community.
The following procedure will be used to identify, evaluate, and implement traffic calming projects in Chapel Hill.
1. A citizen requesting traffic calming improvements will fill out a Request for Traffic Calming Measures form available in the Town Engineering Department and on the Town web site.
2. Upon receipt of a properly completed Request form, the Engineering Department will determine an applicable “service area” surrounding the requested traffic calming site(s), and will provide the requesting citizen with a Petition form to be signed by interested property owners within the designated service area. The size and extent of the service area will take into consideration the type of traffic calming project being proposed, the layout and type of properties in the vicinity, and the characteristics of the street network surrounding the proposed project site(s). Depending on the circumstances, the service area may include:
· All properties abutting the proposed street segment to be modified.
· All properties on adjacent street(s) with ingress/egress only possible via the modified street segment.
· All properties on adjacent street(s) that have alternative points of ingress/egress but will be otherwise affected by the modified street segment.
3. The requesting citizen will obtain signatures on the Petition form. A valid Petition for traffic calming measures must be signed by 2/3’s of the property owners within the service area surrounding the requested traffic calming site(s).
(Property owned by the United States Government will not be included in the total of properties within the service area. Property owned by the State of North Carolina or a railroad may be included in the property total, depending on the circumstances (See G.S. 160A-217, 220, 221, & 222). Property owned by the Town will be included in the property total.)
4. The requesting citizen will return the Petition form, with original signatures, to the Engineering Department at Town Hall, 306 N. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27516.
5. The Engineering Department will confirm that the Petition signatures concur with land ownership records. Once a Petition is determined to be valid, the Engineering Department will notify the requesting citizen of the petition status.
6. Upon receipt of a valid Petition (as described in Step #5 above), the Engineering Department will gather project site data including traffic volumes, speeds, and accident history. A proposed project plan will be developed using the following procedure:
· Assess problems and needs
· Identify goals and objectives
· Identify evaluation criteria
· Evaluate alternatives
· Select a proposed plan
The development of a traffic calming plan will include citizen input, consideration of current Town Policy for Placement of Stop Signs and Assignment of Speed Limits (APPENDIX A), and evaluation of the types and design criteria of traffic calming measures applicable to site (APPENDIX B).
The Engineering Department will prepare a cost estimate for the proposed traffic calming project and associated improvements.
7. Traffic calming projects will be prioritized in accordance with the ranking system outlined in APPENDIX C, and will be presented to the Town Transportation Board for consideration. The Transportation Board will review the proposed projects, including the associated traffic data compiled for each project. Based on its review, the Transportation Board will provide recommendations to be included with the Town Manager’s annual report to the Town Council regarding proposed traffic calming projects.
8. The Town Manager will prepare an annual report to the Town Council regarding proposed traffic calming projects. This report will include:
· A prioritized list of proposed traffic calming projects
· A copy of the valid Petition associated with each project
· A summary of the traffic data pertaining to each project
· Transportation Board review comments and recommendations
· The Town Manager’s recommendations
The Council will receive the Manager’s report and recommendations, and will refer it for further consideration during annual budget deliberations.
9. During the budget development process, the Council will consider the proposed traffic calming projects presented in the Manager’s annual report, and will allocate funds for construction as it deems appropriate.
10. After the Council adopts a budget for the coming fiscal year, the Engineering Department will contact the person(s) listed on each Request form received for traffic calming projects, and will notify them that the requested traffic calming project has or has not been funded for construction.
11. Once project funding is approved by the Council, the Engineering Department will prepare construction plans and specifications and an updated cost estimate.
12. When the final project drawings are complete, the Engineering Department will schedule a neighborhood meeting to discuss the plans, estimated costs, and construction procedures/schedule. Each property owner in the service area of the project will be notified when and where the meeting is scheduled.
13. The project will be constructed by Town forces or by private contractor.
14. Town staff will monitor the performance of completed traffic management projects, and will report to the Council and Transportation Board regarding the operation and effectiveness of the traffic calming measures within 12-18 months following installation. This follow-up report could result in Council action to revise or remove a previously approved traffic management measure.
Adopted by the Chapel Hill Town Council: 04/24/89
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OBJECTIVE: It is the policy of the Town of Chapel Hill to install stop signs and assign speed limits that will promote the safe, efficient, and orderly movement of vehicles throughout the Town while preserving existing residential neighborhoods and providing safe and accessible means for pedestrian movement adjacent to and across Town streets.
GUIDELINES: The following guidelines shall be considered when evaluating placement of stop signs and assignment of speed limits on Town streets. In general, the Town of Chapel Hill places signs of all types in accordance with the recommendations of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (M.U.T.C.D.), published by the U.S. Department of Transportation. This policy includes the general M.U.T.C.D. recommendations and supplements them with more specific guidelines directed to situations expected to arise in Chapel Hill.
Stop sign(s) may be warranted at an intersection where one or more of the following conditions exist:
1. Intersection of less important road with a main road where application of the normal right-of-way rule is unduly hazardous.
2. Intersection of a minor street entering a through highway or street.
3. Unsignalized intersection in a signalized area.
4. Intersection where a combination of high speed, restricted sight distance, and serious accident record indicates a need for control by stop sign(s).
5. Intersection which intercepts identified pedestrian route(s) carrying significant pedestrian volume.
6. Intersection on a street without curbs or sidewalks when such streets are carrying traffic volume significantly above that for which the street was designed.
7. Intersection with existing irregular stop sign placement, where additional sign(s) would improve safety.
STOP SIGN/SPEED LIMIT POLICY (Continued) Page 2 of 3
8. Unsigned intersection within an existing series of intersections with stop signs.
9. Where the interest of public safety dictates.
10. Intersection of two collector streets that provide primary service to an area and carry nearly equal traffic volumes, which makes clear assignment of right-of-way difficult.
11. Intersection adjacent to facilities such as parks, pools, schools, or other facilities which significantly increase and concentrate pedestrian and vehicular traffic in a localized area.
12. Intersection within a specific street network that carries through traffic on a route which is less desirable than on an alternative route or designated thoroughfare.
Stop sign installation will normally not be recommended in the following situations:
1. At mid-block locations.
2. Solely for the purpose of controlling vehicular speeds.
3. At locations where a stop would create a high likelihood of rear-end collisions.
4. On major arterials or thoroughfares.
5. At locations where yield signs will provide adequate control without requiring full stops.
6. At railroad crossings.
Stop sign installations will be evaluated by Town engineering staff and judged in accordance with these guidelines to avoid potentially detrimental use of this highly restrictive traffic control measure. Evaluations will consider alternatives to stop sign installations which may include construction of sidewalks, improvement of sight distance, construction or improvement of alternative traffic routes, or other site-specific improvements in lieu of stop sign placement.
In general, speed limits will be assigned on the basis of street classification as follows:
Local........................................................................................................................... 25 mph
Collector................................................................................................................ 25-35 mph
Arterial (Major and Minor)........................................................................................... 45 mph
STOP SIGN/SPEED LIMIT POLICY (Continued) Page 3 of 3
Changes in existing speed limits and/or posting of speed limits other than those generally recommended by street classification will be considered in situations where:
1. Changes in use of property adjacent to a street creates changed speed limit conditions.
2. Changes in vehicular or pedestrian traffic patterns on a given street creates changed speed limit conditions.
3. The proximity or locations of parks, pools, schools, driveways or other facilities increases and concentrates vehicular and pedestrian traffic on a given street or streets.
4. Street design will not accommodate the speed limit normally recommended, or the posted speed limit.
5. Changes will create a more uniform, continuous speed limit throughout a defined travel corridor.
Speed limits below 25 mph will not be considered on public streets with the exception of special zones such as schools or hospitals.
Speed limits will be evaluated by Town engineering staff to create conditions where the Town street system can be utilized efficiently and safely at speeds that can be adequately enforced. Evaluations will include review of alternatives to speed limit changes which may include street improvements, construction of alternative routes, control of access, or other site-specific improvements in lieu of speed limit changes.
Traffic Calming Device |
Street Classification (Intersection) |
Average Daily Traffic Volume (ADT) Minimum & Maximum |
Street Width (Edge to Edge) |
Street Grade or Intersecting Street Grades |
Line of Sight (Minimum) |
Adjacent On-Street Parking |
Posted Speed Limit |
Minimum 85th Percentile Speed |
Speed Humps Speed Tables |
Local or Local Collector |
800 - 3000 vpd |
25 ft. |
4% |
360 ft. |
Removed |
25 mph |
35 mph |
Pavement Treatments |
Local or Local Collector |
800 - 3000 vpd |
20 ft. |
4% |
360 ft. |
Removed |
25 - 35 mph |
35 to 45 mph |
Semi-Diverters |
Local |
800 - 1500 vpd |
25 ft. |
1% |
360 ft. |
Removed |
25 mph |
35 mph |
Cul-de-sac |
Local |
800 - 1500 vpd |
(Note 1) |
(Note 2) |
360 ft. |
Removed |
25 mph |
35 mph |
Mid-block Closure |
Local |
800 - 1500 vpd |
25 ft. |
(Note 2) |
360 ft. |
Removed |
25 mph |
35 mph |
Forced Turn Channelization |
Major Street - Local or Local Collector Minor Street - Local |
800 - 1000 vpd |
25 ft. |
(Note 1) |
360 ft. |
Removed |
25 - 35 mph |
35 to 45 mph |
Traffic Circle |
Major Street - Local or Local Collector Minor Street - Local |
800 - 3000 vpd |
(Note 1) |
1% |
360 ft. |
Removed |
25 - 35 mph |
35 to 45 mph |
Chicanes |
Local Collector |
800 - 3000 vpd |
(Note 1) |
4% |
360 ft. |
Removed |
25 - 35 mph |
35 to 45 mph |
Chokers |
Local or Local Collector |
800 - 3000 vpd |
(Note 1) |
4% |
360 ft. |
Removed |
25 - 35 mph |
35 to 45 mph |
Note 1: Existing Street conditions must be able to accommodate Emergency vehicle requirements.
Note 2: Existing Street conditions must be able to maintain drainage requirements.
Note 3: The criteria in this table were developed by the Chapel Hill Engineering Department. They are based on accepted traffic
engineering practices and similar traffic calming applications in other parts of the country.
Item |
Points |
1. Traffic Volume |
Average daily traffic volume on the proposed project street divided by 100. [20 points maximum] |
2. Traffic Speed |
Percentage of vehicles traveling at or more than 10 mph over the posted speed limit on the proposed project street divided by 2. [40 points maximum] |
3. Traffic Accidents |
Two points per accident that likely could have been resolved by the recommended traffic calming device, based on accident records for the past three consecutive years. [ 20 points maximum] |
4. Schools |
Five points for each private or public elementary, middle, or high school within the area benefited by the proposed traffic calming measure. |
5. Other |
a) Five points if a street proposed for a traffic management project has a sidewalk on only one side. b) Twenty points if a street proposed for a traffic management project does not have a sidewalk on either side. c) Ten points if a street proposed for a traffic management project has travel lane widths wider than 10 feet. d) Three points for each pedestrian generator or attractor (such as a park, swimming pool, green-way, etc.) within the area benefited by the proposed calming measure. e) One point for each bus stop within the area benefited by the proposed calming measure. f) Five points for each designated school crossing within the area benefited by the proposed calming measure.