TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Update on Panhandling
DATE: February 9, 2004
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide follow-up information pertaining to the solicitation ordinance enacted on March 3, 2003.
In March, the Council amended the Town’s solicitation ordinance to include limitations on solicitation at night, and prohibitions of solicitation along roadways, shoulders and medians. During the months of April and May all police officers received training on the new ordinance. During this same time officers issued warnings to solicitors who were in violation of the new provisions. Issuance of citations began on June 1, 2003.
Since June 1, 2003, seventeen citations have been issued for violation of the panhandling ordinance. Two were for soliciting along the roadways, one for soliciting at night at homes in a residential neighborhood, and fourteen for soliciting at night in the Central Business District.
The number of citations issued has decreased steadily since enforcement began (three in June, eight in July, five in August, and one in October). We believe that the decrease is due to colder weather; a visible presence by officers, civilian security monitors, and Wackenhut security personnel; and consistent enforcement. The Police Department will maintain these patrol and enforcement efforts as the weather warms and activity increases in the Central Business District.