2.            Discussions with Northside about Neighborhood Conservation District


Description: The new Land Use Management Ordinance includes provisions for creation of overlay zoning districts for older neighborhoods and several neighborhoods have expressed interest in pursuing such a designation. The action contemplated that a neighborhood conservation district could be prepared and adopted as part of a residential small area planning process.  The first such neighborhood to come forward requesting use of this new tool has been the Northside neighborhood. A resolution is attached that would initiate the process of developing a neighborhood conservation district for this neighborhood.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Overlay Zoning District to be included in Ordinance

o       Council Consider Resolution Initiating Study, 2/24/03

o       Project Start: First Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Fourth Quarter, 2003


May 12, 2003 Status:  The Council adopted a resolution authorizing preparation of a conservation district proposal on February 24, 2003, and appointed an initial group of citizens to an advisory board on April 14, 2003.  The first meeting of the advisory group is tentatively scheduled for May 15, 2003.


August 25, 2003 Status:  The Northside Neighborhood Conservation District Advisory Committee began meeting May 15, 2003, and has had several meetings over the summer. In July, it began meeting twice a month, on the first and third Thursdays of the month.  The Committee plans to make a status report to the Council on September 22, 2003.


November 10, 2003 Status:  The Northside Neighborhood Conservation District Advisory Committee made a status report to the Council on September 22, 2003.  The Planning Board and the Northside Committee have had two work sessions on developing a neighborhood conservation district, on September 16, 2003 and on October 30, 2003.  The Northside Committee plans to bring a proposal to the Council with work completed to date on November 24, 2003, for consideration at a January 2004 public hearing.  Also upcoming is a planned Committee meeting with interested property owners and residents on November 20.


January 15, 2004 Status:  The Northside Neighborhood Conservation District Advisory Committee held an informational meeting on November 20 for neighborhood residents.  On November 24, the Northside Committee made its report with a proposal for consideration at the Council’s November 24 , 2003 meeting.  The Council called a public hearing for January 21, 2004 on a Zoning Atlas Amendment to consider creating an overlay Neighborhood Conservation District for Northside.  A public information meeting was held on December 15, 2004, and Planning Board consideration occurred on December 16, 2004.


Plans are also underway to hold a community charrette on design guidelines, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, February 7, 2004 in Town Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (see Attachment 1, 2004 Draft Council Goals).


February 23, 2004 Status:  Council consideration of ordinance establishing a Northside Neighborhood Conservation District expected for February 23, 2004.


3.      Greenways and Open Space: Acquisition and Development


Description: Develop additional funding sources to carry out the long-term master plans for greenways and open space. Annual update of Capital Improvements Program could be an opportunity for including additional funding.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council on Additional Funding Sources and Long-Term Schedule

o       Project Start: Second Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Fourth Quarter, 2003


         May 12, 2003 Status:  The Greenways Commission has started its discussion of this item.  We expect to have a report in the third quarter of calendar year 2003.


August 25, 2003 Status:  The Greenways Commission deferred discussion pending the outcome of the Council’s discussions related to a possible Green Infrastructure Bond. The potential bond along with funds tentatively scheduled through the Transportation Advisory Committee for the metropolitan area could address the financial needs of the program for several years.


November 10, 2003 Status:  With the approval of the bond referendum on November 4, the Commission will address this issue at its next meeting, on December 17. 


January 15, 2004 Status:  Approval of the bond referendum on November 4 provided significant funding over the next several years. The Greenways Commission sent a petition to the Council on December 17, 2003 urging the Council to begin deliberations concerning use of the 2003 Parks bond. The end result of those discussions will produce a schedule for development of about 50% of the Greenways Master Plan. In addition the Commission is working on an update of the existing Master Plan.


February 23, 2004 Status: The Manager expects to present a reply to the Greenways Commission’s petition on February 23.  The Council is expected to act as a Committee of the Whole in the spring to discuss a bond sale schedule.


7.            Duplex Study


Description: On October 21, 2002, the Council took a temporary action to prohibit new duplexes in certain zones, with a sunset date for the prohibition of August 25, 2003, unless the Council took action to amend or extend the provisions. The Council asked the Manager to study the duplex issue further and propose changes prior to June 2003.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report with Options, Amend Ordinance

o       Begin Project: First Quarter, 2003

o       Public Hearing Date:  May 19, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: By end of Second Quarter, 2003


May 12, 2003 Status: The Council will hold a public hearing on a proposal on May 19, 2003, with Planning Board review scheduled for May 6, 2003.  The Northside Conservation District Committee will also review the proposal at its initial meeting tentatively scheduled for May 15, 2003.


August 25, 2003 Status:  After holding the public hearing on May 19, 2003, the Council on June 9 extended the sunset provisions on duplex restrictions until February 28, 2004, to allow additional time for consideration of issues relating to duplexes in the Northside Neighborhood Conservation District Advisory Committee (see Item #2 in this Status Report).  We are behind schedule in pursuing this project, due to reallocation of staff resources required to implement the new Land Use Management Ordinance.


November 10, 2003 Status:  The Northside Neighborhood Conservation District Committee has recommended that the prohibition on new duplexes be made permanent for the Northside neighborhood.  This recommendation, along with an accompanying recommendation regarding how to regulate duplex construction in the rest of Town, will be presented at the January 21 Public Hearing.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Staff recommendations will be presented at the January 21, 2004 Public Hearing.


February 23, 2004 Status:   To be considered by the Council on February 23, 2004, as part of the Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendments.


8.            Monitor/Evaluate Land Use Management Ordinance


Description: The new Land Use Management Ordinance will be monitored and evaluated as it is applied over time.  The Council, citizens, and community groups have indicated an interested in setting up a system for monitoring how the new development regulations are working.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council

o       Begin Project: First Quarter, 2003

o       Report to Council:  Second Quarter of 2003 on comments

o       Report to Council:  Third Quarter of 2003 on proposed changes

o       Possible Public Hearing Date:  January, 2004

o       Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2004


May 12, 2003 Status: The Planning Department is keeping a file of comments received to date and is maintaining a list of areas for possible adjustment.


August 25, 2003 Status:  The Planning Department continues to keep a file of comments received and maintain a list of areas for possible adjustments.  We were not able to produce an interim report in June 2003, due to work on implementing the new Ordinance and work on a proposed modification of UNC’s Development Plan.


November 10, 2003 Status:  A report is being submitted to the Council at tonight’s regular business meeting, summarizing the topics and issues that have been identified for discussion and possible change.  Full discussion of these topics will be presented to the Council at the January 21 Public Hearing.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Staff recommendations will be presented at the January 21, 2004 Public Hearing.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Phase I of Land Use Management Ordinance amendments expected to be completed on February 23, 2004.  Additional phase reported in 2004 (see Attachment 1).


9.      Update Design Manual


Description: The revision of the Design Manual is the next step in implementing the new Land Use Management Ordinance.   


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Updated Design Manual

o       Begin Project: First Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Fourth Quarter, 2003


May 12, 2003 Status:  A staff work group is presently meeting every two weeks to discuss draft revisions to the Design Manual.  We anticipate that the revised Manual will have 11-12 sections, of which three have been revised into final draft form to date.


August 25, 2003 Status:  A staff work group continues to meet every two weeks to discuss draft revisions to the Design Manual.  We anticipate that the revised Manual will have 11-12 sections, of which seven have been revised into final draft form to date.  Work is beginning on revising the Standard Details and preparation of illustrations for the Design Manual document.  We expect to complete revisions in the Design Manual for presentation to the Council in December 2003.


November 10, 2003 Status:  The draft Design Manual and Standard Detail revisions are complete and undergoing final review by the staff work group.  We expect to present the revised documents to the Council in January 2004.


January 15, 2004 Status:  The draft revisions to the Design Manual and Standard Details are complete and have been reviewed by the staff work group responsible for developing the necessary revisions.  The revised documents will be presented to the Council at its January 26 regular meeting.


February 23, 2004 Status:  On January 26, 2004, the Council received the Design Manual and Standard Details.  It is now in use by Town departments.


11.        Joint Planning with Durham


Description: This new effort results from adoption by Durham and Chapel Hill of a new Joint Planning Agreement, calling for mutual courtesy review of projects.  The project would develop a process for implementing the new joint planning agreement.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Process for sharing information with Durham and Town Council

o       Begin Project: Second Quarter, 2003

o       Target Completion Date: Third Quarter, 2003


May 12, 2003 Status: The Joint Planning Agreement has been signed by the parties (Durham County, City of Durham, and Town of Chapel Hill).  On April 25, 2003, staff from the jurisdictions met to develop coordination procedures.


August 25, 2003 Status:  On June 11, 2003, the Durham-Chapel Hill Work Group received a comparison of regulatory/development review processes in the jurisdictions.


November 10, 2003 Status:  On September 10, 2003, the Work Group reviewed planned projects in the joint area of jurisdiction. 


January 15, 2004 Status:  On December 10, 2003, the Work Group held its quarterly meeting.


May 12, 2003 Status:  A staff work group is presently meeting every two weeks to discuss draft revisions to the Design Manual.  We anticipate that the revised Manual will have 11-12 sections, of which three have been revised into final draft form to date.


August 25, 2003 Status:  A staff work group continues to meet every two weeks to discuss draft revisions to the Design Manual.  We anticipate that the revised Manual will have 11-12 sections, of which seven have been revised into final draft form to date.  Work is beginning on revising the Standard Details and preparation of illustrations for the Design Manual document.  We expect to complete revisions in the Design Manual for presentation to the Council in December 2003.


November 10, 2003 Status:  The draft Design Manual and Standard Detail revisions are complete and undergoing final review by the staff work group.  We expect to present the revised documents to the Council in January 2004.


January 15, 2004 Status:  The draft revisions to the Design Manual and Standard Details are complete and have been reviewed by the staff work group responsible for developing the necessary revisions.  The revised documents will be presented to the Council at its January 26 regular meeting.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Now regular function/process of Town government.


19.    Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance

Description:  The Council deferred work on a general Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance until completion of work on a Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. The Council adopted the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance on February 10, 2003. The ordinance will go into effect following adoption by Carrboro, Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board.

Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·         Other jurisdictions to adopt Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance

o               By Second Quarter of 2003 

·         Begin implementation of Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance

o              By Second Quarter, 2003


May 12, 2003 Status:  A presentation of the status of the project was offered at an April 29, 2003 Assembly of Governments meeting.  The Town of Carrboro currently has the proposed ordinance under consideration.  Earliest possible implementation would be July 1, 2003.


August 25, 2003 Status:   The Council held a public hearing on June 23 and adopted a resolution adopting a revised Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance Memorandum of Understanding, and an addendum to that Memorandum of Understanding.


The Carrboro Board of Aldermen adopted the Memorandum of Understanding on June 24, 2003, and the Orange County Board of Commissioners adopted the Memorandum of Understanding on June 26, 2003.


November 10, 2003 Status:  New housing applications after July 14, 2003 are now subject to the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. Work is underway to develop staff procedures to implement the ordinance provisions.  Work on a general Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance will begin in 2004.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Work continues on staff procedures to implement the ordinance provisions.  Work on a general Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance will begin in 2004 2005.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Work is completed on the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance.


20.        Library Master Plan


Description:  The Library Master Plan is comprised of three parts.  On February 11, 2002, the Council adopted measures to implement the Five Year Services Plan (2001-2006) and Long Term Facilities Needs Through 2020.  On January 27, 2003 the Council received the Recommended Library Building Program, which revised the 1991 building program.  On January 27, 2003, the Council also received the Information Technology Plan.  Both documents have been referred to the Manager for a recommendation.  Capital Improvements Program and General Obligation Bonds could be used to implement the Plan.

Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·              Adopt the Library Master Plan

o        Second Quarter, 2003


May 12, 2003 Status: On January 27, the Council received reports on the Library Building Program and Information Technology Plan from consultants.  The reports were components of the overall Library Master Plan.


The Library Building Program identifies space and equipment needs through 2025, based on services identified in the Library’s Five-Year Services Plan.  On April 14, the Council adopted the recommended Library Building Program as a third and final component of the Library Master Plan, and directed the Manager to explore phasing and funding options for the proposed Library expansion. 


The Library Information Technology Plan presents recommendations regarding electronic resources, services, and development of the library’s technology infrastructure.  On April 28, the Council adopted the Information Technology Plan 2003-07 as the final component of the Library Master Plan, and directed the Manager to consider resources needed to support projects identified in the plan as budget proposals for 2003-04 and future years are developed.


August 25, 2003 Status:  On June 9, 2003, the Council adopted a Capital Improvements Plan 2003-2018 that includes a $558,000 library technology project budget to implement services recommended in the Library Master Plan. 


On June 23, 2003, the Council adopted a schedule and a process to call a November 4, 2003 bond referendum.  Projects under consideration include the library expansion project proposed in the Library Master Plan.


November 10, 2003 Status:  On September 8, the Council held a public hearing on projects proposed for a November bond referendum.  The Council also adopted a resolution calling for a special bond referendum on November 4, 2003, to include a library expansion bond and four Parks and Recreations bonds. 


In September, staff revised the library floor plan to accommodate an expanded public computer lab in the Reference area and relocated computers in the Children’s Room.  Contractors completed the rewiring project identified in the Technology Plan.  Staff attended presentations by major vendors of radio frequency identification systems.  In October, staff met with vendors of computer management software and computer furniture. 


On November 4, 2003 citizens approved a $16.26 million library expansion bond.


January 15, 2004 Status:  In December, Brannan Business Systems was selected to equip and install the computer lab by the end of February 2004.  The Millennium software upgrade to the library’s automation system was successfully installed. Software implementation will occur in January after staff has been trained to use the new system features.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Work on the Master Plan is now completed.


23.    Procedure for Naming Opportunities


Description:  The Council decided to consider a procedure for naming opportunities.


Follow-up Action:  The Friends of Parks and Recreation will make a proposal to the Council in the first quarter of 2003.


May 12, 2003 Status:  The Council approved a $10,000 appropriation from the Council contingency fund for the Friends. This money will be used as seed funding to hire a staff person for the Friends and begin marketing and solicitation of sponsors for Parks and Recreation facilities, equipment, and programs.


August 25, 2003 Status:  The Council-approved $10,000 appropriation has been used as seed funding to hire a staff person for the Friends and begin marketing and solicitation of sponsors for Parks and Recreation facilities, equipment, and programs.  The Council Naming Committee is working to update its procedures for Council consideration in the fall of 2003.


November 10, 2003 StatusThe Friends and its staff are finalizing a draft policy and procedures for naming opportunities. The draft is scheduled to be finalized at the Friends November 19 meeting and submitted to the Council Facilities Naming Committee before December 1.


January 15, 2004 Status:  The Friends of the Parks, Recreation and Greenways has completed research for Naming Rights Procedures pertaining to municipal properties and facilities. The Friends have reviewed a draft naming rights policy with a liaison for the Council Facilities Naming Committee. The Friends Board will review the draft in its entirety during a retreat on January 15, 2004, in preparation for a later presentation to the Council.


February 23, 2004 Status:   Council adopted policy in November 2003 developed by the Council’s Facilities Naming Committee.  Project completed.


24.    Work Session to Discuss Affordable Housing


Description:  The Council decided to schedule a work session to discuss affordable housing, including use of HOME and Community Development funds, how to improve the capacity of nonprofit organizations, and how to build the most housing for the money available.

Follow-up Action:  Schedule a work session in the second quarter of 2003.


May 12, 2003 Status: At the Council’s budget work session of April 30, 2003, the Council decided to ask Orange County to hold a work session on this topic covering both the HOME and Community Development Program, and authorized the Mayor to send a letter to Orange County making the request.



August 25, 2003 Status:  The Mayor has requested the work session.  At this time, it appears a fall work session is a possibility.


November 10, 2003 Status:  This work session is being organized by Orange County and is scheduled for Thursday, November 20th from 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the Southern Human Services Center.


January 15, 2004 Status:  The Work Session was held on November 20, 2003.  Topics included an overview of current housing resources and a brainstorming session on fund allocation, expenditure rates, service delivery options, and potential housing resources.  A subcommittee is formed to put the information into a final form for distribution.  A suggestion was made to have an annual meeting and report to elected officials.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Orange County to follow up.  Work completed.


25.        Work Session with the Land Trust


Description:  The Council decided to invite the Orange Community Housing and Land Trust Board of Directors to a Council budget work session.


Follow-up Action:  Work session time scheduled for March 5, 2003 at 6:30 p.m.


May 12, 2003 Status:  The Work Session was held on March 5, 2003.


August 25, 2003 Status:  The Work Session was held on March 5, 2003.  Work on this item has now been completed.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Completed.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Completed.


February 23, 2004 Status:   Completed.


26.    Follow-up Report on Minority Supervisors


Description:  The Council received information at the Planning Session on the extent of minority supervisors in the Town work force.


Follow-up Action:  The Manager will report annually on minority supervisors, including the proportion of minority supervisors.  The next report will be in January, 2004.


May 12, 2003 Status:  A follow-up report on this item is scheduled for the May 28 Council meeting.


August 25, 2003 Status:  A follow-up report was presented to the Council on June 23.  Initial work on this item has now been completed; there will be regular follow-up reports in the future.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Initial work completed.  The next follow-up report will be presented in January 2004.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Follow-up report presented to the Council on January 12, 2004.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Work completed.  Report to be presented annually to the Council with Second Quarterly Report.


27.        Equal Employment Opportunity Officer


Description:  The Council discussed the idea of considering the creation of an equal employment opportunity officer to address issues of sexual harassment and asked for information on what an EEO Officer does and the costs involved.


Follow-up Action:  The Manager will provide the Council a report on this request as part of the Manager’s recommendation on the Town Budget in the spring of 2003.


May 12, 2003 Status:  The Human Resources Director presented a report on the proposed reorganization of the Department during budget presentations to the Council.  Part of the reorganization designates the Assistant Human Resources Director as Equal Employment Opportunity Officer and primary contact for employees on all related matters. 

August 25, 2003 Status:  Completed.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Completed.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Completed.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Completed.


28.        List of Priorities for $300,000 in Capital Improvements Program Funding


Description:  The Council reviewed a proposal to amend the 2002-2016 Capital Improvements Program to add $300,000 in renovation/improvements projects.


Follow-up Action:  The Council adopted an amendment to the 2002-2016 Capital Improvements Program to add $300,000 to the 2002-2003 fiscal year on January 27, 2003.


May 12, 2003 Status:  This goal is considered as part of the Council’s budget deliberations.


August 25, 2003 Status: This goal was considered as part of the Council’s budget deliberations.  Work on this item has now been completed.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Completed.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Completed.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Completed.


29.        Council Communications


Description:  The Council discussed ways to articulate the Council’s accomplishments.


Follow-up Action:  A Mayor’s Committee was appointed, consisting of Mayor Foy and Council Members Edith Wiggins and Dorothy Verkerk to review ideas.


May 12, 2003 Status:  The Manager’s Recommended 2003-04 Budget includes reclassification of the Assistant to the Manager position to Public Information Officer, to provide a more extensive public information program.


August 25, 2003 Status: The adopted 2003-04 Budget includes reclassification of the Assistant to the Manager position to Town Information Officer.  Recruitment for this position is currently underway and is expected to be completed this fall.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Recruitment for this position is currently underway and is expected to be completed this fall.


January 15, 2004 Status:  A job offer was made and declined in late fall.  A new recruitment process is underway and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2004.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Recruitment is expected to be completed in First Quarter, 2004.


30.        Transportation Language Policy


Description:  The Mayor provided information on language other communities have adopted concerning transportation “improvements.”


Follow-up Action:  The Mayor agreed to circulate the report to the Council for consideration at a later date.


May 12, 2003 Status:  No further action to report at this time.


August 25, 2003 Status:  No further action to report at this time.


November 10, 2003 Status:  No further action to report at this time.


January 15, 2004 Status:  No further action to report at this time.


February 23, 2004 Status:   No further action.


31.        Horace Williams Citizens Advisory Committee


Description:  The Council discussed completing appointees to the Horace Williams Citizen’s Advisory Committee.


Follow-up Action:  On January 27, 2003, the Council finished its appointments to the Committee.  Council Members Pat Evans, Mark Kleinschmidt, and Bill Strom will serve on this committee, along with citizen appointments, and representatives from the University, and other jurisdictions.   The Committee is expected to begin its work in March, 2003.


May 12, 2003 Status: The Citizens Advisory Committee began meeting on March 4, 2003.  Its first report is expected to be made to the Council in June 2003.


August 25, 2003 Status:  The Horace Williams Citizens Advisory Committee made its first report to Council on June 9, 2003.  On June 23, the Chair of the Committee petitioned the Council to seek additional time with the University so that the Committee could complete its work and enable the Town to have input into the University’s process.  The Committee expects to have an initial draft report for Council consideration on August 25, 2003, followed by an additional report on September 22, 2003.


November 10, 2003 Status:  The Horace Williams Citizens Advisory Committee provided Council a report on goals and principles on August 25, 2003, followed by its complete report on October 8, 2003.  The Council held a public forum on October 27, 2003, and is scheduled to hold a work session on November 17, 2003 at 5:30 p.m.


January 15, 2004 Status:  The Council held work sessions on November 17 and 24, 2003.  On November 24, the Council requested the Horace Williams Citizens Committee review Council’s deliberations and provide additional input to the Council.  The Committee met December 18, 2003 and is scheduled to meet again January 15, 2004 to complete its review as requested by the Council.


         February 23, 2004 Status:  Original Goal completed.  Committee continues to meet.


32.       National Issues


Description:  The Council discussed Council’s policy regarding national issues. 


Follow-up Action:  On February 10, 2003, the Council adopted a resolution introduced by the Mayor concerning war with Iraq.


May 12, 2003 Status:  On February 10, 2003, the Council adopted a resolution introduced by the Mayor concerning war with Iraq.


August 25, 2003 Status: Completed.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Completed.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Completed.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Completed.


33.        Summary of Boards and Commissions


Description: A Council member asked for information on how many boards and commissions the Town has.


Follow-up Action:  Prepare information on how many committees the Town has, with their “sunset” dates.  The Manager submitted a report to the Council on February 24, 2003.


         May 12, 2003 Status:  Completed.


         August 25, 2003 Status: Completed.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Completed.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Completed.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Completed.


34.    Tree Planting


Description:  A Council member noted that additional work could be done for tree plantings on entranceways and along streams for stream restoration.


Follow-up Action:  The Manager will provide a report to the Council on this request in the second quarter, 2003.


May 12, 2003 Status:  The entranceway along NC 86 has been replanted by the N.C. Department of Transportation.  This replanting replaced trees that had been planted and died due to drought and winter storms.  Town staff is still working to clear tree storm debris from the December 2002 ice storm.  The Town does not have a formal policy or program to proactively plant native vegetation along streams, although this type of activity will likely be part of the stormwater utility water quality program.  We will present a more detailed report in the second quarter, 2003.


August 25, 2003 Status:  The entranceway along NC 86 has been replanted by the N.C. Department of Transportation. This replanting replaced trees that had been planted and died due to drought and winter storms.


The median of NC 54 from Greenwood Road to Burning Tree Drive was improved with curb and gutter as part of an OWASA waterline installation project and $12,000 from that project has been set aside for landscaping.  A planting plan is being developed and will be submitted to NCDOT shortly for an encroachment agreement, and plan to install the trees this fall.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Town staff is currently negotiating an encroachment agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation to permit the installation of plantings in the NC 54 median from Burning Tree Drive to Greenwood Road.  This planting will include 7 shade trees where the median is wide enough to accommodate them and 75 flowering trees elsewhere.  We anticipate installation to be completed by the end of the third quarter, 2003.  Town staff will continue to evaluate other entranceway locations for similar landscaping improvements.


January 15, 2004 Status:  The North Carolina Department of Transportation approved plantings in the NC 54 median from Burning Tree Drive to Greenwood Road and all of these trees have been installed.  This tree planting project is now complete.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Completed.


35.        Council Service


Description:  The Council discussed the idea of having ways to encourage citizens to run for office and explain public service.


Follow-up Action:  The Mayor’s Office will plan and sponsor such a session for citizens.


May 12, 2003 Status:  No further action to report at this time.


August 25, 2003 Status:  On June 25, the Council approved a resolution that provides candidates for Mayor and Town Council with free access to the government cable channel through submittal of videocassette tapes.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Seven candidates for Town Council submitted videocassette tapes promoting their candidacy.  Tapes began playing on the government access channel (Channel 18) on October 13.  Work on this item has now been completed.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Completed.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Completed.