TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Bid:  Renovation of the IFC Shelter


DATE:             March 22, 2004



The attached resolution would accept the bid of the lowest responsive bidder, D.W. Ward Construction Company, Inc., general contractor, for the base bid for renovation of the Inter-Faith Council (IFC) Shelter, and authorize the Town Manager to approve necessary change orders for this project up to a cumulative total of $107,418, but not to exceed the combined total project cost or $450,000.




The IFC is located at 100 West Rosemary Street and is owned by the Town of Chapel Hill.  The building is leased to the Inter-Faith Council for Social Services at no charge.  Under the terms of the lease the Town of Chapel Hill is responsible for payment of all utilities expenses and for the maintenance of the building.  The 1999 Facilities Condition Assessment identified $375,000 in exterior maintenance deficiencies at the IFC Shelter.  Subsequent to the 1999 assessment, the building has continued to deteriorate and Town staff has identified some deficiencies that were not noted by the original assessment. The FY 2000–2015 Capital Improvements Program budget included a ten-year installment financed capital maintenance project to address these deficiencies.


In 2003, we conducted an engineering assessment for an IFC Shelter renovation project.  The renovation project is anticipated to make substantial improvements to the condition of the exterior of the IFC Shelter.  Improvements are anticipated to include the following:


·        Removal of roofing slate, repair as needed of roof deck and reinstallation of roofing slate

·        Replacement of membrane roof assembly

·        Removal and replacement of hidden copper gutters and downspouts

·        Repair of water damaged cornice

·        Repainting of exterior

·        Rebuilding and repainting of the cupola

·        Installation of a new metal attic catwalk

·        Installation of snow guards

·        Installation of a new attic access hatch

·        Installation of additional attic insulation

·        Installation of new cupola supports

·        Installation of roof top eye bolts to facilitate safe roof maintenance

·        Replacement of windows

·        Replacement of exterior doors

·        Cleaning and washing the façade

·        Application of an exterior water repellant

·        Replacement of metal gratings




Based on the plans and specifications for this project, bids were solicited from general contractors on a single-prime basis.  The notice to bidders was published in the February 6, 2004 edition of The Chapel Hill Newspaper and the February 5, 2004 edition of The Challenger Newspaper.  Eight bids were received and opened on March 7, 2004, at 3:00 p.m.  The bid results are as follows:




D.W. Ward


Van Thomas






O.C. Mitchell




Hart Brothers



We have reviewed the bids with the project engineer and concluded that the lowest responsive bidder is D.W. Ward Construction Company, Inc. for the base bid of $342,582.


The Council’s policy requires that Council approval is necessary for change orders for construction contracts that cumulatively total more than 10% of the contract, or $50,000, whichever is less.  Because this project involves the renovation of an aging facility, we anticipate that unexpected conditions may be discovered and that change orders may be necessary, quite possibly totaling more than $34,258 (or 10% of the value of the contract).  The delay needed to request Council approval of a change order could be expensive and detrimental to the progress of the work, especially given the spring and summer construction schedule and the Council’s summer break. Therefore, we have included in our recommended resolution, authorization for the Manager to approve necessary change orders up to a total of $107,418 but not to exceed the combined total project cost of $450,000 without additional Council action.




That the Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the lowest responsive bid for the amount of $342,582 from D.W. Ward Construction Company, Inc. and authorizing the Town Manager to approve necessary change orders for this project up to a cumulative total of $107,418, but not to exceed the combined total project cost or $450,000 without additional Council action.





WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill has solicited formal bids by advertisement in the February 6, 2004 edition of The Chapel Hill Newspaper and the February 5, 2004 edition of the Challenger Newspaper in accordance with G.S. 143-128 for the renovation of the IFC Shelter; and


WHEREAS, the following bids were received and opened on March 7, 2004:




D.W. Ward


Van Thomas






O.C. Mitchell




Hart Brothers



NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Town accepts the bid of and awards the contract to the lowest responsive bidder, D.W. Ward Construction Company, Inc., general contractor, for the base bid in the amount of $342,582.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, because this project is a renovation of aging facilities and unexpected conditions may be discovered, the Town Manager is authorized to approve necessary change orders up to $107,418, but not to exceed the combined total project cost of $450,000, without additional approval from the Town Council.


This the 22nd day of March, 2004.