SUBJECT:                              Establishment of a Stormwater Utility:  Review and Recommendation to the Council


MEETING DATE:                 March 16, 2004


RECOMMENDATION:      The Planning Board recommends the concept of establishing a Stormwater Utility to the Council, with the following comments:


·        Provide extensive public education, especially in the first year of planning, including a kick-off education project.


·        Create a clear plan of action focusing on capital projects, such as completion of restoration projects.  It is important for the entity created to be working on stormwater improvement, quality and quantity.  The utility should not be just an internal accounting system.


·        Work towards participation by the University of North Carolina, the Town of Carrboro and Orange County.


·        Work to establish an acceptable credit system to reward entities for appropriate, even if proprietary, improvements. 


·        Create provisions for annual review of Stormwater Utility progress and the next year’s plan by the Planning Board.


·        Enable the Planning Board to flag problem areas for close review and monitoring in its review of proposed new development.


·        Provide expertise and capabilities in the inspection process.


·        Set up a precise procedure for enforcement.


VOTE:                                    9-0


Ayes:  Timothy Dempsey, Coleman Day, Donna Bell, Rebecca Boyles, Thatcher Freund, Nancy Gabriel,

Susanne Haff, Nancy Milio, Ruby Sinreich


COMMENTS:                       The Planning Board notes that while it recognizes the need for a stormwater utility, its comments are meant to endorse the concept.  A specific plan was not yet available for review.  We would like to review the actual plan before the Council makes its decision.


The Planning Board suggests that public presentations on the proposed utility include pictures of stormwater situations needing attention.


Drafted by:       Tim Dempsey, Chair

 Chris S. Berndt, Long Range Planning Coordinator