FY 04-05 Budget Estimate for

Leasing and Equipping Office Space

For Stormwater Management Program


(Assumes two new and two existing stormwater management program staff in leased space)


  1. 1000 square feet at $18/sf/year*                                                             $18,000
  2. Office furniture (Desks, tables, chairs, files, shelves, etc.)**                         3,500
  3. General office supplies                                                                               2,000
  4. Safety supplies, training materials, field equipment                                       2,000
  5. Technical and Office Software (ArcInfo, AutoCad, Microsoft)**               12,000
  6. Software licensing and maintenance                                                           4,000
  7. Telephone/ mobile phone service, I.T. network service                                  5,000
  8. Office equipment (computers, fax, server, printer/copier, plotter)**           $30,000


TOTAL                                                                                                           $76,500


*Four staff persons with furniture and equipment would require approximately 1,000 square feet of total space (including entry/reception, hallway, meeting room, equipment area, and furnished offices).   This estimate for necessary work space area is consistent with comparable areas now serving similar functions in Town Hall.  $18 per square foot per year is the average cost for office space in Chapel Hill.


**First year costs