TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Acceptance of a Mapping Grant for the Police Department
DATE: April 26, 2004
The attached resolution would authorize the acceptance of grant from the Governor’s Crime Commission. The grant would provide funding of $48,134 in the FY 2004-1005 budget to enable police officers to have immediate access to mapped crime information and to analyze crime patterns.
Governor’s Crime Commission grant
The grant will fund a program that will prove all employees the ability to generate crime maps and analyze the data. Officers will be able to create maps for their patrol areas and analyze crime patterns for purposes of forecasting crimes. Employees will be able to share the information with citizens.
The funds will be used for training and software. No positions are being added. The program will be managed by the Department’s Police Analyst.
The funding is available July 1, 2003, and would be disbursed over two years. The grant would provide $48,134 in the first year and $3,483 the second year. A twenty-five percent match is required from the Town, $16, 044 the first year and $1,161 the second year. The matching funds will be provided through the Police Department’s general operating funds.
That the Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the acceptance of the Governor’s Crime Commission Grant.
WHEREAS, the Governor’s Crime Commission has made funds available to enable police officers to have immediate access to mapped crime information and to analyze crime patterns; and
WHEREAS, Town’s application in the amount of $51,617 for two years was approved by the Governor’s Crime Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Police Department will provide the matching funds; and
WHEREAS, grant funds would be used for training and computer software;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Manager to accept the grant from the Governor’s Crime Commission and to make all necessary assurances.
This the 26th day of April, 2004.