TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Quarterly Update of Council Goals
DATE: May 10, 2004
At the Council Planning Session on January 15, 2004, the Council established its goals and priorities for the upcoming year. We provide an update below on these goals and priorities.
We note that the proposed implementation plan is for the calendar year 2004 and 2005. For example, a target timetable date of “First Quarter, 2004” refers to the period January-March 2004.
This plan proposes a schedule for achieving the Town Council’s goals and priorities discussed at the Council’s January 15, 2004 Planning Session. Based on the Council’s discussions, we have categorized the items into Highest Priority, Second Priority, and Third Priority for your review.
Items from 2003 which are now completed, expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2004, or in regular operations of Town government are reported in Attachment 2.
The proposed implementation plan is for the calendar year 2004 and 2005. For example, a target timetable date of “First Quarter, 2004” refers to the period January-March, 2004.
HIGHEST Priority
1. Community Goals/Process for Horace Williams Property (Carolina North)
Description: Continue community dialogue on the future of the Horace Williams property and discussions on process for receiving and considering additional information about the University of North Carolina’s plans for Carolina North.
Product to be Produced and Timetable
· Public forum scheduled for March 1
· Council adoption of Horace Williams Goals and Principles
· Other steps to be determined by Council
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. Council to hold public forum on Horace Williams Goals and Principles Report from the Horace Williams Citizens Committee on March 1, 2004.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Council held a public forum on March 1, 2004. The Council accepted the report on March 22, 2004 and authorized its transmittal to the University of North Carolina and to the Board of Trustees. On April 14, 2004, the Council adopted a resolution that the Council and staff be “extremely cautious” in spending time on the project until the issue of the airport relocation is resolved. A Council information session with the University was conducted on May 5, 2004.
2. Bicycle/Pedestrian Goals
Description: Two major short-term Comprehensive Plan actions are related to Bicycle and Pedestrian goals:
· Adopt Pedestrian/Bicycle Operating Performance Measures. Procedures would be developed for evaluating the operating performance of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The new Mobility Report Card includes data that could be used to develop standards.
· Preparation of Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvement Action Plan. Currently, work on the annual sidewalk and bicycle plan proceeds with the involvement of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and the Transportation Advisory Board. Preparation of a long-range Action Plan is a potential activity of Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board. Plan implementation could be incorporated in Capital Improvements Program process.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council: Bicycle/Pedestrian Operating Performance Measures
o Project Start: Fourth Quarter, 2004
o Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2005
· Draft Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Action Plan for Council Consideration:
o Work to begin Third Quarter, 2003
o Target Completion Date: Fourth Quarter, 2004
May 12, 2003 Status: Implementation of annual sidewalk plan approved by Council November 25, 2002, is underway. A Bike Forum with the Transportation Board and Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board is tentatively scheduled for May 20, 2003, on the issue of the Town's policy concerning wide outside lanes versus striped bike lanes. Work is set to begin next quarter on preparation of performance measures and an Action Plan.
August 25, 2003 Status: The Bike Forum with the Transportation Board and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board was held on May 20, 2003 on the issue of the Town’s policy concerning wide outside lanes versus striped bike lanes. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board subsequently voted on June 24, 2003 to recommend retaining the current Town policy. On June 23, 2003, the Transportation Chair petitioned the Town Council to act on the Transportation Board’s February 18, 2003 petition to modify the current Town policy. Council consideration is tentatively scheduled for September 8, 2003.
Work began this quarter on preparation of a proposed Scope of Work for a Pedestrian/Bicycle Action Plan. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board is scheduled to discuss the proposal on August 26, 2003. Council consideration is tentatively scheduled for September 8, 2003.
November 10, 2003 Status: Council Members Jim Ward and Ed Harrison have been working with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and the Transportation Board to achieve consensus on a new recommended bicycle facilities policy for Council consideration (please see related items on tonight’s agenda).
The Council adopted a Scope of Work and a process for developing a Pedestrian/Bicycle Action Plan on September 8, 2003. On October 27, the Council invited other advisory boards to provide liaisons to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board to assist in developing the Plan, in response to a petition from the Planning Board. An open house was held on October 9, 2003 to obtain citizen ideas on needed facilities. About 60 persons attended the open house. The Board has scheduled additional work sessions on November 4 and December 2 to develop the plan concept.
January 15, 2004 Status: On November 10, the Council adopted a new bicycle facilities policy.
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and liaisons from other interested Boards have been meeting to develop the Pedestrian/Bicycle Action Plan. A second community open house is scheduled for January 14, 2004 in the Chapel Hill Public Library from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to gain citizen input on the plan concept developed to date.
February 23, 2004 Status: The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board held the Public Forum and is continuing to develop the Action Plan.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board is reviewing options for improvements, and is writing a draft report to submit to the Council in June. The schedule adopted by the Council in September 2003 calls for the Council to receive a draft report, and refer it to advisory boards for comment over the summer 2004, with a public hearing to be held in the fall.
3. Northside Neighborhood Conservation District Design Guidelines
Description: This project continues work underway as part of the Council’s consideration of a Northside Neighborhood Conservation District. As part of the project, the Northside Neighborhood Conservation District Advisory Committee has recommended developing an accompanying set of Design Guidelines to provide property owners with information on compatible development guidelines.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Design Workshop with Residents
o Scheduled for February 7, 2004
· Northside Neighborhood Design Guidelines
o Write with Advisory Committee Second Quarter, 2004
· Amendment to Comprehensive Plan Design Guidelines
o Council consider in Second Quarter, 2004
· Publish final document with graphics Fourth Quarter, 2004
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. The Workshop was held on February 7, 2004. The Citizens Advisory Committee will work to develop a draft set of guidelines for Council consideration.
May 10, 2004 Status: Design guidelines are being drafted based on the Workshop, for review by the Northside Conservation District Committee in May, 2004. We expect Council consideration in June, 2004.
4. Clean Water
Description: Three major short-term Comprehensive Plan actions are related to goals related to Clean Water:
· Implement a dedicated funding source for stormwater management. The Council has directed Town staff to work with a consultant and an ad hoc policy committee to develop a stormwater utility that would collect fees to offset the cost of building and maintaining stormwater management infrastructure and monitoring and improving water quality. The work that remains includes completing consultant work and considering establishing a stormwater utility, and is estimated to take eighteen to twenty-four months.
· Adopt, implement improved erosion and sedimentation requirements.
· Develop a water quality performance review process. At the planning session, the Council also discussed possibilities for more aggressive Clean Water initiatives related to water quality. The new Land Use Management Ordinance provisions and the creation of a stormwater utility are expected to begin improving water quality in Chapel Hill. The Comprehensive Plan envisioned establishing a comprehensive water quality performance review process that would set target goals, monitor water quality trends, screen potential problem areas, and evaluate the effectiveness of alternative best management practices for development.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Council review of mission, goals and policy priorities for a stormwater management utility
o Review by Second Quarter, 2004
· Council adoption of stormwater utility
o Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2004
· Council Report on Improved Erosion and Sedimentation Requirements
o Address in Land Use Management Ordinance evaluation, Fourth Quarter, 2004
· Council Report on a Water Quality/Clean Water Performance Review Process
o Work to begin in 2004
May 12, 2003 Status: The Committee has been established, and an initial meeting was held in April. The Committee, consultant, and Town staff have established a work plan and schedule that calls for completion of the utility development work by the end of calendar year 2003, for possible implementation in the first quarter of 2004.
The new Land Use Management Ordinance recently adopted by the Council includes a variety of means and measures intended to reduce and control land disturbing activities that often result in soil erosion and sedimentation problems. To supplement the Ordinance, Town staff is working on an updated Design Manual that will include standards and construction detail intended to improve the control and management of soil erosion and sedimentation resulting from development activities. Town staff is continuing work with the State Division of Water Quality to perform stream assessments intended to locate erosion and sedimentation problems occurring in local streams and drainageways, and to identify appropriate mitigation measures.
August 25, 2003 Status: The Council-appointed stormwater utility committee was established in the first quarter 2003, and began meeting thereafter on a monthly basis. A mission statement has been adopted and goals/objectives have been identified and prioritized by the Committee. The consultant has completed interviews with staff from all Town departments to determine the extent of existing resources and services being provided by the Town in support of stormwater management activities. The Committee, consultant, and Town staff is presently on schedule for implementation in the second quarter of 2004.
We are continuing to sample water quality in our local streams on a regular basis in order to establish baseline water quality data and to identify potential sources of pollution. In conjunction with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, we will be establishing comprehensive water quality protection measures starting in 2004. The water quality program area will include means and measures for performance review.
November 10, 2003 Status: The stormwater utility committee is considering policy recommendations and reviewing potential program elements with regard to level and extent of services to be provided by the Town. The consultant is analyzing impervious surface areas Town-wide as part of the rate study. A status report on progress to date will be presented to the Council at its November 24 regular meeting. We believe that the Council would be in a position to initiate utility operations by the end of the second quarter of 2004.
January 15, 2004 Status: At its November 24 regular meeting, the Council received a status report on the development of a Town Stormwater Utility intended to provide a consistent source of revenue for improved management of stormwater runoff quality and quantity. Town staff from several departments are continuing work with the consultant and the stormwater utility advisory committee to develop policy recommendations and to identify program elements including level and extent of services to be provided by the Town if a utility is established.
The Council has scheduled a workshop on January 26 to discuss development and implementation of the stormwater utility.
February 23, 2004 Status: The Council held a public forum on a proposed Stormwater Utility on February 16, 2004, and adopted a schedule to consider the potential establishment of a stormwater management utility to serve Chapel Hill. The schedule calls for Council consideration in June 2004. The Design Manual has been produced and is in use.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Council continued to review and receive comments regarding the proposed stormwater management utility at meetings and budget discussions on March 24, April 26, and April 28, 2004. The Manager proposed a recommended program that would be supported by a fee of $45 per year per equivalent rate unit. The Council requested a reduced program and the Manager submitted an option that would be based on a budget of $1.7 million and an Equivalent Rate Unit of $39 per year. The Council is scheduled to consider action on establishing a stormwater management utility at its June 14, 2004 business meeting.
5. Transit Master Plan
Description: Develop a Transit Master Plan for Chapel Hill Transit’s future. Look at potential transit configurations 20 to 30 years in the future. Include review of potential fixed guideway corridors, such as U.S. 15-501/N.C. 54. Seek grant funds to pay for such a study.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Consider funding as part of Council’s Budget deliberations, Second Quarter, 2004
· Report to Council on Potential Process
o Report by Fourth Quarter, 2004
Secure Funding in 2004
Study underway in Second Quarter, 2005
· Target Completion Date, Second Quarter, 2006
March 22, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Report to Council on potential process, including funding sources, scheduled for fourth quarter 2004.
6. Affordable Housing Report on Activity and Approaches to Date
Description: Provide a comprehensive report on all affordable housing initiatives and resources pursued or considered to date.
Staff Comment: Based on the Council’s Planning Session discussion and the November 20, 2003 joint Affordable Housing Work Session, it is our understanding that the Council wishes to receive a more comprehensive report.
· Report to Council
o Third Quarter, 2004
· Work session with Council to be scheduled Fourth Quarter, 2004
May 12, 2003 Status: No action to date.
August 25, 2003 Status: No action to date.
November 10, 2003 Status: No action to date. The issue of housing resources is scheduled to be a topic of discussion at the upcoming affordable housing work session.
January 15, 2004 Status: A work session on affordable housing, including available resources, was held on November 20, 2003. A report to elected officials is contemplated as a follow-up to this work session.
February 23, 2004 Status: Goal revised. Work to begin in Second Quarter, 2004.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to be completed in Third Quarter, 2004.
7. Report on Davidson, NC Inclusionary Zoning
Description: Provide the Council a report on how Davidson, North Carolina has provided affordable housing through its inclusionary zoning ordinance.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council on Davidson by Fourth Quarter, 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. Work to begin in Third Quarter, 2004.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in Third Quarter, 2004.
8. Parking Study/New Regulations
Description: The Council has asked the Manager to prepare a study of current parking practices and policies, and propose a set of new requirements during 2003. The study will include local parking patterns, supply, and demand. We will recommend a budget for such a study.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Study by Consultant, New Rules Proposed
o Begin Project: Second Quarter, 2003
o Hearing Date: Second Quarter, 2004
o Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2004
May 12, 2003 Status: The Manager’s budget proposal reserves funds to pay for the parking study. We expect to engage a consultant prior to the end of this fiscal year.
August 25, 2003 Status: On June 23, 2003, the Council authorized the Manager to enter into a contract for $45,000 with Ray Moe of LSA Associates to undertake the parking study. Data collection is to begin this fall. We anticipate having the report results by December, 2003, for inclusion in a January 2004 public hearing on possible changes to the Land Use Management Ordinance. We are behind schedule in pursuing this project, due to reallocation of staff resources required to implement the new Land Use Management Ordinance.
November 10, 2003 Status: Work is underway, and data are being gathered and compiled on parking patterns for existing residential, office, and commercial uses at multiple sites throughout Town. A report will be ready in December, and recommendations on adjusted parking regulations will be presented at the January 21 Public Hearing.
January 15, 2004 Status: Progress was delayed due to workload demands on other projects. The report now is scheduled to be completed in February 2004, with a spring public hearing.
February 23, 2004 Status: Report to be presented to Council in March, 2004.
May 10, 2004 Status: Provided status report to Council on March 22, 2004. Anticipated May public hearing to be delayed to September, 2004 due to workload demands on other projects. Consultant has submitted draft report and staff will complete review during the summer.
9. Monitor/Evaluate Land Use Management Ordinance, Phase 2
Description: We will continue to monitor and evaluate the Land Use Management Ordinance and offer advice on further action.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Implement Second Phase of Revisions
o Specific projects to be scheduled for Public Hearing:
¨ Clarify the relationship between building code and Land Use Management Ordinance definitions of floor area
¨ Clarify land disturbance triggers for soil and erosion control requirements; coordinate with similar requirements in other documents
¨ Adjust parking requirements
¨ Reconsider the time frames specified for action in the OI-4 zoning district
¨ Clarify formula for payment in lieu of affordable housing
¨ Reconsider using the “2-year frequency, 24-hour storm event” as the basis upon which calculations are made regarding how much stormwater (volume) needs to be retained on-site
¨ Consider how to handle porous pavement as impervious surface
¨ Clarify distinctions between water treatment requirements for runoff from public streets vs. private lots
¨ Reconsider requiring stormwater management facilities on individual single-family lots
¨ Increase flexibility in “alternate buffer” provisions
o Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2005
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. The Council is scheduled to authorize a timetable for consideration of the second phase of amendments on February 23, 2004.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Council adopted a schedule for consideration on February 23, 2004. Most items call for a fall, 2004 public hearing. On April 26, 2004, the Council called a public hearing on the OI-4 district proposed changes for October 18, 2004.
10. Response to Petition Regarding Council Ethics and Guidelines
Description: Council received a petition on January 12, 2004, concerning lobbying and Council ethics.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Council referred this matter to a Mayor’s Committee to consist of Sally Greene, Chair; Cam Hill, Dorothy Verkerk, and Edith Wiggins.
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. Council Committee has met and continues to discuss this issue.
May 10, 2004 Status: Council has requested that the Town Attorney prepare a draft ordinance for consideration at the Council’s May 24, 2004 meeting.
11. Development of Parking Lots 2 and 5
Description: Continue implementation of project to develop Town-owned downtown Parking Lots 2 and 5 with the Council Committee and economic development consultant, per Council contract authorization of October 27, 2003. To date, the Council has authorized funding for a market study and for the development of master plans for the sites.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Market Study
o Begin Project: Fourth Quarter, 2003
o Public Forum: To be scheduled in March, 2004
o Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2004
· Master Plan – if authorized by Council
o Begin Project: Second Quarter, 2004
o Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2004
May 12, 2003 Status: On February 24, 2003, the Council adopted Principles and Priorities for developing the lots, and authorized the preparation of a Request for Proposals for economic development consulting services to advise the Council and the Manager in developing a proposal. The Council authorized the Manager to issue a Request for Qualifications, followed by a Request for Proposals, on April 28, 2003. The Request for Qualifications was mailed on Friday, May 2, 2003; proposals are due by May 30, 2003.
August 25, 2003 Status: Twelve proposals in response to the Request for Qualifications were received. The Council Committee on Parking Lots 2 and 5 reviewed the proposals and selected four firms on June 23, 2003 to invite to submit a full Request for Proposals. The Request for Proposals was mailed on Monday, June 30, 2003. On July 30, 2003, the Town received four proposals in response. The Council Committee on Parking Lots 2 and 5 interviewed the four firms on August 13 and 14, 2003. On August 18, the Council Committee met and voted to continue conversations with one of the firms and have the Manager bring back a revised proposal to the Committee for consideration.
November 10, 2003 Status: On October 8, the Council held a work session on downtown issues, including a proposal to hire an economic development consultant for the development of Parking Lots 2 and 5. On October 27, the Council authorized a contract with Stainback Public/Private Real Estate. Planning is underway for a work session with the economic development consultant and public partners on November 20, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Courthouse/Post Office Facility on Franklin Street. The Council Committee on Parking Lot 2 and 5 will also meet on November 21 to review a proposed Market Demand Study.
January 15, 2004 Status: A work session with economic development consultant John Stainbeck was held on November 20, 2003. The Council Committee on Parking Lots 2 and 5 met with the consultant on November 21, 2003, to review a proposed Market Demand Study. On November 24, 2003, the Council added $20,000 to the project budget for additional market study components. On December 16, 2003, the Council Committee met with Economic Research Associates to review the components of the market study. Currently, Economic Research Associates is conducting the study.
February 23, 2004 Status: Market study currently underway. The Council Committee is tentatively scheduled to meet on March 1 to receive and review the draft Market Study.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Council Committee met on March 1 and March 22, 2004 to review drafts of the market study. The Market study is now complete. The Council held a public forum on the study on March 22, 2004. On April 14, 2004, the Council authorized a preliminary building program based on the market study, and authorized initiation of the next project phase of developing design concepts for the properties.
12. Evaluate the Feasibility of a Downtown Transit Transfer Center
Description: An initiative in the Downtown Small Area Plan is the development of a downtown transit transfer center. The Council Committee on Lots 2 and 5 recommended studying the feasibility of a center on sites other than Parking Lot 5. The Council is discussing process options for soliciting development proposals for Lots 2 and 5.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Feasibility analysis of a downtown transit transfer
o Work to begin Second Quarter, 2004
· Council Committee to evaluate
· Council consideration
May 12, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
August 25, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
November 10, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
January 15, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status: The Transportation Board on January 12, 2004, petitioned the Council to include consideration of the market feasibility of a transfer center in the Market Study being conducted as part of the Parking Lot 2/5 project (see Project #9 above). The Council has referred the proposal to the Council Committee on Parking Lots 2 and 5. Consultant has been asked to provide an estimate of costs. Council Committee on Parking Lots 2 and 5 is tentatively scheduled to meet March 1 to discuss the petition from the Transportation Board.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Council Committee met on March 1 and 22, 2004 (see #12 status above). The preliminary building program approved by the Council on April 14, 2004 authorizes consideration of design options for a transit transfer center in conjunction with the development of Parking Lots 2 and 5 as part of the next stage of developing conceptual master plans for the sites.
13. Small Area Planning Process for Greene Tract and Surrounding Residential Areas (Rogers Road, Purefoy Road)
Description: The Council has discussed conducting an additional small area plan per the Council’s action on the Greene Tract Work Group recommendations in November 2002. In the jointly adopted resolution among Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro, Chapel Hill agreed to conduct a small area plan for the residential area west of the Greene Tract (Rogers Road, Purefoy Road area), including the affordable housing site on the Greene Tract. The plan will include a more detailed look at the impacts of providing public services in the area, especially the extension of sewer, and the impacts on the area of developing an affordable housing site.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council on Potential Process
o Work to begin in 2005
May 12, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
August 25, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
November 10, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
January 15, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
14. Incorporation of Public Arts Program as a Town Government Operation
Description: Consider incorporating the Chapel Hill Public Arts Program as a Town government operation.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Report with options for the Council’s consideration
o Provide report by Second Quarter, 2004
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Manager and representatives of the Public Arts Commission have begun discussion about options for accomplishing this goal. We expect a joint report before the end of June, 2004.
15. Tree Ordinance
Description: Consider protection of trees on private property and banning clearcutting, through amendments to the Land Use Management Ordinance.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Revision to Land Use Management Ordinance
o Work to begin Third Quarter, 2004
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. Work to begin in Third Quarter, 2004.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in Third Quarter, 2004.
16. Elections Financing
Description: Consider publicly financed elections to make elections more inclusionary and consider options for providing more disclosure of financing sources.
Product to be Produced and Timetable
· Form a Council Committee to investigate this issue, Second Quarter, 2004
March 22, 2004 Status: New goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Council Committee has been formed and work will begin in the Second Quarter, 2004.
SECOND Priority
17. Downtown Small Area Plan Implementation
Description: Develop an implementation schedule and begin implementing the Downtown Small Area Plan. The Town has completed some of the initiatives in the Plan since its adoption in 2000, but in a piecemeal fashion. This document would spell out specific projects and a timetable for completing them.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council proposing projects and schedule
o Work to begin in Second Quarter, 2004
o Report to Council in Fourth Quarter, 2004
May 12, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
August 25, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
November 10, 2003 Status: Work to begin this quarter.
January 15, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in Second Quarter, 2004.
18. North Carolina Rehabilitation Code
Description: Consider adopting provisions for downtown that conform to the N.C. Rehabilitation Code, as a tool to encourage downtown revitalization.
Product to be Produced and Timetable
· Add to Implementation Timetable for Downtown Small Area Plan
o Work to begin in 2004
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
Staff Comment: The Pilot Program for the N. C. Rehabilitation Code applies during a four-year period from January 1, 2002 to January 1, 2006. The act allowed the pilot rehabilitation code to be adopted not only by Mecklenburg County but also by any city or county whose building inspection departments have been approved by the North Carolina Building Code Council to conduct local plan review and approvals. Due to staff size the Chapel Hill Inspections Department is not in the group of nine jurisdictions approved to participate in the Pilot Program. However the Act directs the lead jurisdiction (Mecklenburg County) to submit an interim report on the effectiveness of the Pilot Program to the Building Code Council, and the General Assembly by December 1, 2004, and a final report by April 1, 2006. The report must include statistics on the utilization of the code and cost issues, recommend whether the pilot program should be extended or made permanent, and if so, determine whether the code should be part of the State-wide code.
19. Street Vendors
Description: Review street vending downtown, and a process to evaluate proposals for licensing vendors. Explore opportunities with the Public Arts Commission.
Product to be Produced and Timetable
· Add to Implementation Timetable for Downtown Small Area Plan
o Work to begin in 2005
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. Work to begin in 2005.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
20. Rosemary Street Redevelopment
Description: Consider strategies to reduce surface parking and make property available for redevelopment on Rosemary Street.
Product to be Produced and Timetable
· Add to Implementation Timetable for Downtown Small Area Plan
o Work to begin in 2005
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
21. Implement Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Description: A schedule for funding and implementing the 2002 Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council proposing long-term funding schedule for implementing Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
o Work to begin in 2004
May 12, 2003 Status: Work is to be completed by the fourth quarter of FY 2003-04.
August 25, 2003 Status: Work is to be completed by the fourth quarter of FY 2003-04.
November 10, 2003 Status: Special Use Permit process work is proceeding on the Southern Community Park and Homestead Park Aquatic Facility projects. We continue work with the Siena Hotel regarding the Pritchard Park plan. Work is to be completed by the fourth quarter of FY 2003-04.
January 15, 2004 Status: We continue to work on the Special Use Permits for the Southern Community Park and Homestead Park Aquatic Facility projects. We are waiting for information from the Siena Hotel regarding the Pritchard Park plan.
February 23, 2004 Status: The Parks and Recreation Commission began discussions of long-term funding at their February 18, 2004 meeting.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Parks and Recreation Commission has developed a preliminary recommendation. The staff is working on an implantation strategy and we expect to complete a report with recommendations by the Third Quarter, 2004.
22. Develop Process to Address Neighborhood Traffic Impacts
Description: Consider neighborhood requests for traffic calming devices and other measures.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council in Third Quarter, 2003
May 12, 2003 Status: Traffic calming measures authorized by the Council have been implemented in several neighborhoods to date. Town staff is currently working with four neighborhoods to develop traffic calming proposals for the Council’s future consideration.
August 25, 2003 Status: Traffic calming measures authorized by the Council have been implemented in seven neighborhoods to date, and several additional traffic calming petitions are on file awaiting further consideration and funding. We will poll the Council in August to establish a date for a work session on traffic calming policy recommendations for the Council’s consideration.
November 10, 2003 Status: A Council work session to discuss traffic calming policy and procedural matters is scheduled for November 24, 2003. At the work session, the Council will receive for its consideration staff proposals and recommendations for establishing a fair and equitable community-wide traffic calming program.
January 15, 2004 Status: The Council considered a draft proposal for traffic calming policy and procedures at a workshop on November 24, 2003. The proposal was referred to the Transportation Board for review and comment. We expect to return to the Council in March 2004 with a revised proposal for Town traffic calming policy and procedures.
February 23, 2004 Status: Report expected in March, 2004.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Transportation Board has completed its review of the proposed traffic calming policy and procedures, and has provided its recommendations. The Manager’s report and recommendations are scheduled for the Council’s consideration at tonight’s meeting.
23. Public Arts Master Plan
Description: The Public Arts Commission is preparing a Public Arts Master Plan. Include the Public Arts Master Plan under development as a component of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Commission to Draft Public Arts Master Plan
o Commission began work in First Quarter, 2004
o Commission to complete draft by Fourth Quarter, 2004
· Council to consider Commission draft in 2005
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. Public Forum held on February 7, 2004, to solicit comments from citizens.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Commission continues to solicit comments from citizens. On April 18, the Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission hosted a table at the Apple Chill Street Fair and had a newsletter insert in the Chapel Hill News.
24. Neighborhood Advocate Functions
Description: Consider options for providing neighborhood advocate functions within Town government, including a program neighborhood advocate education.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Report to the Council on options
o Provide report with options in Second Quarter, 2004
o Establish program by Fourth Quarter, 2004
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. Manager’s Intern is researching programs in other communities.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Manager has begun the work to develop the curriculum for a Neighborhood Advocate corps Training Program. Work is expected to be completed in the Third Quarter, 2004.
25. Communications with Chatham County
Description: Work to improve communications with Chatham County, possibly by reviving the Orange-Chatham Work Group.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Council Member Hill to initiate discussions in 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: The Council met with the Chatham County Board of Commissioners on April 20, and discussed development issues related to the University, the Downtown, mixed use, the Urban Services Boundary, stormwater management, traffic and transit, and affordable housing. The Manager will develop a proposal for re-establishing the Chapel Hill-Chatham Work Group and report to the Council by September, 2004.
26. Communications with Orange Water and Sewer Authority
Description: Establish a regular system of receiving information from the Orange Water and Sewer Authority.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Request the Orange Water and Sewer Authority provide the Council with a written quarterly report augmented by presentations as desired by the Council.
o Resolution forwarding request to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority by First Quarter, 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. Resolution to be considered by the Council on March 22, 2004, to establish a regular system of receiving information from the Orange Water and Sewer Authority.
May 10, 2004 Status: Please see Agenda item 4c on the Council’s May 10, 2004 Agenda for a resolution that would establish a regular system of receiving information from the Orange Water and Sewer Authority.
27. Energy Bond/Efficiency
Description: Continue planning for implementation of energy bonds and achieving energy efficiency in Town buildings.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Referred to Council Committee on Sustainability, Energy and Environment
· Schedule Council discussion by Second Quarter, 2004
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Council Committee on Sustainability, Energy and Environment met on March 30, 2004 and reviewed the sustainable community development grant received for energy improvements to the Fire station and to discuss the 2003 bond schedule for energy improvements. The Committee is scheduled to meet again on May 5, 2004.
28. Transportation Demand Management Plan
Description: Develop revised Transportation Demand Management Program. The Manager will prepare a report to the Council, to include: a survey of programs in other communities, an evaluation of the Town’s program, and proposals for revising the Transportation Demand Management Program. The Transportation Advisory Board and the Planning Board have petitioned the Council to evaluate and revise the Town’s Transportation Demand Management Program.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council evaluating system of requiring Transportation Management Plans
· Transportation Management Program
o Report to Council evaluating system, Second Quarter, 2004
o Begin work on new Transportation Demand Management Program in 2005
May 12, 2003 Status: No action to date.
August 25, 2003 Status: No action to date.
November 10, 2003 Status: A report to Council evaluating the Transportation Management Plans is scheduled for the November 24, 2003 Council meeting.
January 15, 2004 Status: Report scheduled for November was delayed due to necessary work on regional Transit Consolidation Study. Work will be completed in the second quarter of 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status: Report to Council scheduled for Second Quarter, 2004.
May 10, 2004 Status: Report to Council tentatively scheduled for June 28, 2004.
29. Town Advisory Board Processes
Description: At its September 22, 2003 meeting the Council received a report on advisory boards’ processes for citizen comments and applicant interviews. At that time, the Council referred this issue to the January 2004 Planning Session.
Follow-up Action: The Council referred this item to a Council Committee at its Planning Session on January 15, 2004. The Committee is to bring back recommendations to the Council (Council Members Hill and Strom agreed to serve).
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Council Committee will begin work late in the Second Quarter, 2004, and will work with the Town Clerk to develop recommendations for the Council’s consideration.
30. Public Dialogue on Homelessness
Description: Undertake a public dialogue on homelessness: its root causes; what Council can do to address it.
Follow-up Action: The Council decided to schedule a discussion at another time.
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal. Mayor Foy and Council Member Greene will propose a time for Council discussion.
May 10, 2004 Status: Mayor Foy and Council Member Greene will plan meeting with County officials and members of the IFC regarding sponsorship of a roundtable discussion with service providers for the homeless population. Mayor Foy and Council Member Greene have agreed to propose a time for Council discussion.
THIRD Priority
31. Entranceway Corridors
Description: Revision of Town’s 1988 Master Plan for Entranceway Corridors.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Revised Entranceway Corridors Master Plan.
o Work to begin in 2005.
May 12, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
August 25, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
November 10, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
January 15, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status: Work on the Revised Entranceway Corridors Master Plan to begin in 2005.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
32. General Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance
Description: The Council deferred work on a general Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance until completion of work on a Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. The ordinance has gone into effect following adoption by Carrboro, Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board. This project would develop an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance for other types of public facilities such as roads, parks, open space, etc.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council on process for developing general Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance
o Begin work in 2005
February 23, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
33. Prepare Non-Residential Development Strategies and Guidelines
Description: This strategy of the Comprehensive Plan relates to the economy of Chapel Hill. The goal in the Comprehensive Plan calls for a multi-faceted approach to attract and retain desirable forms of non-residential development. Approach includes developing a strategy to
implement and retain non-residential development, and reviewing and strengthening existing design guidelines and standards for non-residential development. The Town would develop and implement a proactive strategy to encourage and retain non-residential development, including small businesses.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council on potential strategies
o Work to begin in 2006
May 12, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
August 25, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
November 10, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
January 15, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2005.
February 23, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2006.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2006.
34. Use Patterns
Description: An initial draft of the new Land Use Management Ordinance contained a series of Use Patterns: descriptions of particular types of development that would represent desirable forms of development. The Council determined that a placeholder be left in the new ordinance and that work be taken up one-by-one by the Planning Board and Staff.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Amendments to Land Use Management Ordinance to include Use Patterns
o Begin Project: First Quarter, 2005
o Report to Planning Board and Council on Potential Process: Second Quarter, 2005
May 12, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
August 25, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
November 10, 2003 Status: Work to begin in 2004.
January 15, 2004 Status: Work to begin this quarter.
February 23, 2004 Status: Work to begin in First Quarter, 2005.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in First Quarter, 2005.
35. Transfer of Development Rights
Description: Initiate discussions with Orange County, Carrboro, and Hillsborough concerning a coordinated Transfer of Development Rights/Purchase of Development Rights/conservation easement strategy as a priority Rural Buffer protection action, per Strategy 5B-1 of the Comprehensive Plan. This strategy calls for working with Orange County and Carrboro to evaluate and implement options for strengthening the Urban Services Area and Rural Buffer.
Product to be Produced and Timetable
· Initiate discussions through Joint Planning process, Fourth Quarter, 2005
March 22, 2004 Status: New goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in Fourth Quarter, 2005.
36. Inventory of Post World War II Architecture
Description: This action would relate to Strategy 3B-1 of the Comprehensive Plan to strengthen existing Historic District Regulations. The proposal would update a survey of historic resources to include preservation of post-World War II architecture in Chapel Hill.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Pursue grant funding in 2004
· Conduct survey in 2005
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: No action to date. Will pursue grant funding in 2004.
37. Health Issues Related to Stormwater Retention/Detention
Description: Study health effects of stormwater ponds and swales as they relate to the West Nile virus and other diseases potentially transmitted by mosquitoes.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Seek University/contractual help, Second Quarter, 2004
· Consider as part of Council’s Budget deliberations, Second Quarter, 2004
· Report to Council, Fourth Quarter, 2004
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Will explore University help in Second Quarter, 2004.
38. Potential Mitigation of Traffic Congestion in U.S. 15-501 Corridor
Description: Examine potential traffic congestion mitigation beyond the “superstreet” concept for the U.S. 15-501 Corridor from Manning Drive to I-40 corridor; especially consider expansion of Chapel Hill Transit operations and configurations.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council on options for proceeding
o Submit report First Quarter, 2005
o Request Study through MPO and NCDOT
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Report to be submitted in First Quarter, 2005.
39. Town Fleet Efficiency
Description: Set goals for increased gas/fuel efficiency. Create a Chapel Hill Green Fleets Policy.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
· Report to the Council Third Quarter, 2004
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Report will be submitted in Third Quarter, 2004.
40. Defibrillators
Description: Provide defibrillators in major Town facilities.
Product to be Produced and Timetable
· Consider as part of Council’s Town Budget deliberations
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Purchase of four additional defibrillators for public buildings to be considered with the 2004-2005 budget recommendations. One defibrillator has already been purchased and placed in the Town Hall Council Chambers. Budget scheduled for adoption on June 14, 2004.