TO: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
FROM: Bob Avery, Information Technology Director
SUBJECT: Considerations for Replacement of the Town Hall Telephone System
DATE: May 19, 2004
This memorandum is provided in response to Council Members’ questions about the Capital Improvements Program project for replacing the telephone system in Town Hall.
The Town Hall telephone system was initially installed in two parts in the 1990 time frame as part of the expansion of Town Hall. In 1997, a system upgrade was installed so the two systems could be merged into a single system to resolve a number of incompatibilities.
The installed system is a Nortel NORSTAR Modular Integrated Communications System (MICS). The basic system is designed to handle 32 telephone handsets. The modular system design allows incremental additions of 12 telephone lines or 16 handsets. Our current configuration utilizes all of the modular capabilities and has 112 handsets and 60 telephone lines. From this point, the addition of handsets would require an offsetting reduction in telephone lines and vice versa. The system switching hardware is still supported by Nortel but the integrated Meridian voice mail system is not.
Several factors have led to a recommendation to replace the Town Hall equipment. These are maintenance costs, expandability, functional features, and compatibility with a future system to be installed at the Town Operations Center.
One additional benefit of replacing the Town Hall system is the option to upgrade two other Town facilities through a migration process. The Town Hall system would become a replacement system for the Parks and Recreation Administration Office at Plant Road. The system installed at Plant Road does not provide sufficient connections for extensions to support the number of employees at Plant Road but is adequate for the smaller number of employees at the Hargraves Community Center. The Plant Road office system would be transferred to Hargraves Community Center to replace an expensive set of commercial services assigned to individual telephone lines. Both of these moves would benefit the Town citizens by improving telephone capabilities at both locations.
The Town Hall telephone system probably is sustainable for a few more years but lacks any capability to integrate with the Town Operations Center or to provide enhanced telephony capabilities for employees at Town Hall. Coordinating the replacement of the Town Hall system in combination with efforts to outfit the Town Operations Center would provide an opportunity to put in place compatible systems and potentially reduce costs through consolidation of purchases into one contract.
During the next twelve to eighteen months we will need to identify the system to be installed at the Town Operations Center. If the Town Hall system replacement is included in the planning process, we could ensure both compatibility and lowest cost of the resulting systems.