TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Public Forum on Conceptual Master Plan Concepts for Development of Town Parking Lots 2 and 5


DATE:             May 24, 2004



Tonight’s Public forum provides citizens an opportunity to comment on draft conceptual plans for developing Town Parking Lots 2 and 5.


The Council Committee on Lots 2 and 5 reviewed an initial set of conceptual plans on May 10 and 12, 2004. The consultant is now refining those ideas based on the Committee’s recommendations. The initial plans are available on-line at and have been on display in the First Floor Conference Room at Town Hall.


On Wednesday, May 19, we posted on the Town’s website the consultant’s work in progress. The consultant may bring additional materials for a Council Committee meeting this afternoon, May 24.




Town Parking Lot 2, at East Rosemary and South Columbia Streets, and Town Parking Lot 5, on West Franklin and Church Streets, are identified in the Downtown Small Area Plan as development “opportunity areas.” The Plan states that developing Town Parking Lot 5 is an opportunity to bring pedestrian activity to this section of West Franklin Street by forming a “visual bridge” linking the developed, pedestrian-friendly sections of East and West Franklin Street. The Plan states that development of Lot 2 could be comprised of a “combination of land uses, a parking deck, or possibly a transit transfer center,” and that development “should bring closure to the building frontages at this intersection.”


In February and March 2002, more than 100 people participated in design workshops which focused on both sites and other key downtown properties. Concepts for Lots 2 and 5 all included a combination of mixed-use buildings, significant public space, and structured parking. These concepts are described in a Summary Report presented to the Council in June 2002.


On June 10, 2002, the Council formed a Council Committee on Lots 2 and 5 to review in greater detail options for proceeding with a project to develop the two parking lots. On February 24, 2003, the Town Council adopted principles and priorities recommended by the Council Committee on Lots 2 and 5.


With the Council’s authorization, the Town in November 2003 contracted with John Stainback of Stainback Public/Private Real Estate to work with the Council and staff in soliciting and analyzing developer proposals and negotiating and executing a development agreement.


In March 2004, Economics Research Associates presented to the Council a market demand study which forecast strong demand for apartments and retail space. On March 22, 2004, the Council held a public forum on the findings of the study.  


The results of the study formed the basis for the range of uses and amount of development specified in the building program adopted by the Council on April 14, 2004 (see Attachment 1).


Using the building program ranges, HKS, Inc., a Dallas architecture firm working as a subcontractor for Mr. Stainback, developed 10 draft scenarios showing the potential arrangement of buildings, public space, and parking, as well as options for building a downtown transit transfer center. On May 10 and 12, the Council Committee reviewed the sketches with HKS and Mr. Stainback and gave direction on issues related to scale, provision of parking, configuration of open space, transit transfer center concepts, and other issues.


After completion of the master plans, the next step would be a financial feasibility analysis of the concepts, completed by Stainback Public/Private Real Estate. The Council has the option of deciding whether to proceed after each phase.




Attached is a status report on the designs from HKS, Inc. (see Attachment 2). HKS was asked to revise their initial drafts, incorporating the following recommendations on which the Council Committee reached consensus at its May 12th meeting:














The initial plans are available on-line at and have been on display in the First Floor Conference Room at Town Hall.


On Wednesday, May 19, we will post the work in progress of the consultant on the Town’s website. The consultant may bring additional materials for a Council Committee meeting on May 24. We also are notifying citizens via e-mail and advertising the forum in the Chapel Hill Herald.




The project schedule contemplates the Council considering approval of conceptual master plans for the sites on June 14, 2004. Should the Council give the authorization to proceed, Mr. Stainback will analyze the financial feasibility of the building program as illustrated in the approved conceptual master plans.




  1. April 14, 2004 Resolution Outlining Recommended Building Program for Lots 2 and 5 (p. 4).
  2. May 19, 2004 Status Report on Conceptual Master Plans from HKS, Inc. (p. 6).