TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Joyce A. Smith, Town Clerk
SUBJECT: Appointment to the Horace Williams Citizens Committee
DATE: June 30, 2004
Tonight, the Council may make an appointment to 1 vacancy on the Horace Williams Citizens Committee, to be effective July 1, 2004.
A recommendation from the Horace Williams Citizens Committee is attached.
Copies of the applications and ballots are attached.
TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Randy Kabrick, P.E.
Chair, Horace Williams Citizens’ Committee
SUBJECT: Comments on Filling Vacancy on Horace Williams Citizens Committee
DATE: June 30, 2004
As Chair of the Horace Williams Citizens Committee, I am pleased to forward the Committee members’ comments on filling vacancies on the Committee.
On Thursday, June 17, 2004, Committee members discussed potential candidates for replacing Blair Pollock, who has resigned. Mr. Pollock was appointed as one of five neighborhood representatives on the Committee.
The Committee did not formally vote on June 17th due to a lack of quorum. At the request of Committee members, I contacted a former Committee member, Kathleen Kearns, about potential reappointment. However, Ms. Kearns has declined due to prior commitments. Committee members also expressed support for Rudy Juliano of 408 Lyons Road, Chapel Hill, who submitted an application for consideration in March 2004.
The Committee would like the Council to act tonight so the Committee would have the additional member while working over the summer on the Council’s new charge.
I also was asked to remind the Council that a replacement has yet to be named for David Otto, who resigned in February 2004 as Carrboro’s representative on the Committee.