TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Joyce A. Smith, Town Clerk
SUBJECT: Appointments to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority
DATE: June 30, 2004
Tonight, the Council may make appointments to 3 vacancies on the Orange Water and Sewer Authority, to be effective July 1, 2004.
A recommendation from OWASA Interview Committee is attached.
Copies of the applications and ballots are attached.
TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Council’s OWASA Interview Committee
(Bill Strom, Jim Ward and Cam Hill)
SUBJECT: OWASA Board Recommendations
DATE: May 11, 2004
There are three vacancies to fill on the OWASA Board. Based on committee interviews and recommendations from the OWASA Board, the following people are recommended for appointment.
By a unanimous vote, the Committee recommends Penny Rich and Judith Weseman for reappointment and Randy Kabrick for appointment to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority.