BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby adopts the following resolutions and ordinances as submitted by the Town Manager in regard to the following:
a. |
Minutes of May 10, 12, 17, 19, and 24, 2004. |
b. |
Nominations to various advisory boards and commissions (R-2). |
c. |
Bid Award for the Purchase of One Rear Loading Refuse Truck (R-3). |
d. |
Bid Award for the Purchase of Two Front Loading Refuse Trucks (R-4). |
e. |
Response to Petition Requesting Installation of Stop Signs on Greenwood Road at its Intersection with Sandy Creek Trail/Old Mill Road (O-1). |
f. |
Response to Petition from OWASA Requesting Expedited Review of a Special Use Permit for the I-40 Water Booster Pump Station Project (R-5). |
g. |
Memorandum of Agreement with Durham Technical Community College (R-6). |
h. |
Budget Amendment for Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) Ice Storm and Hurricane Isabel Reimbursement (O-2). |
i. |
Budget Ordinance to Amend the Parks and Recreation Department’s Budget (O-3). |
j. |
Project Ordinance for the Capital Fund Program for Public Housing Renovations (O-4). |
k. |
Grant Project Ordinance for the 2004-2005 Community Development Entitlement Program (O-5). |
l. |
Calling a Public Hearing on a Draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan (R-7). |
m. |
Addition to the Design Guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan for the Northside Neighborhood Conservation District (R-8). |
n. |
Authorization to Submit Public Housing Assessment System Management Operations Certifications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (R-9). |
o. |
Resolution Initiating Establishment of a Library Building Committee (R-10). |
p. |
Agreement for Banking Services and Amendment to the Town’s Cash Management Policy (R-11, R-12). |
q. |
Approval of Underwriters for the Town Operations Center (R-13). |
r. |
Franchise for Madison River Communications, LLC (Second Reading) (O-6). |
s. |
Deferring Consideration of Amendment to the Land Use Plan for Designating School Sites to September 7, 2004 (R-14a, R-14b). |
t. |
Budget Amendment to Close the SafeLight Program (O-7). |
u. |
Budget Amendment re Housing (O-8a, O-8b). |
v. |
Preliminary Report on Ways to Improve Pedestrian Travel Around the Town Hall and at Airport Road and North Columbia Street (R-15). |
w. |
Fees for Roll-Cart Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service (R-15.1). |
x. |
Project Ordinance Amendment for the Town Operations Center (O-8.1). |
y. |
Contract Amendments for the Downtown Economic Development Initiative (R-15.2). |
This the 30th day of June, 2004.