To:                   Mayor and Town Council

                        Town of Chapel Hill


From:                Chapel Hill Public Library Board of Trustees  

                  Evelyn Daniel                             Jessica Kem, Secretary

                              Bill Holton, Vice Chair                Brandon Rector

                              Leslie A. Johns                           Bob Schreiner, Chair

                              Paul Jones                                  Margaret Siefert

                              Virginia Young

                              Amanda Harper, Liaison, High Schools

                              JoAnn Kerrick, Liaison, Friends of the Library

                              Jim Ward, Liaison, Town Council


Subject:             The Library Board's further consideration of CHPL Internet Policy


Date:                June 22, 2004                                                                                                   


Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the specific Library Internet Policy options described in the Town Manager’s memo of June 14, 2004 to the Mayor and Town Council.


The Board discussed this at its June 21, 2004 meeting.  The meeting was attended by all of the people listed above except members Johns and Rector and liaison Kerrick.


The Board reviewed all three options in the June 14 memo with special attention to Option A, voluntary filtering for adults and parental choice for minor children.


After careful consideration, the Board affirmed its earlier recommendation of Option B, unfiltered Internet access.  The vote was 7-0.


Thank you again for your consideration and continued support for the Chapel Hill Public Library.



c:  Kathleen Thompson, Director, Chapel Hill Public Library