To: Mayor and Town Council
From: Julie McClintock, Milton Heath, Phil Berke, Judy Weseman, Scott Radway, John French, and Alan Rimer, members Stormwater Advisory Committee
Date: September 10, 2004
Subject: Chapel Hill’s Comprehensive Stormwater Plan
In our February 2004 recommendations to the Town Council, the entire Stormwater Advisory Committee made several principle recommendations to you. One was to concentrate efforts on developing a master plan that would encompass all aspects of the stormwater utility program. A second was to create a Stormwater Management Program Advisory Committee. We are pleased you adopted our report and that you are now taking applications for the new oversight committee.
In the next several weeks, we understand Town staff is preparing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a consultant to prepare the essential objective of developing the comprehensive master plan to sort out program priorities, costs, benefits, and discretionary versus mandatory activities. We are concerned that the new advisory group will not meet until after the consultant is selected and the scope, products and expectations are identified.
We petition the Mayor and Town Council to request that the previously seated Stormwater Advisory Committee review the draft RFP for the comprehensive stormwater master plan. We can schedule this meeting ourselves within the next month, and do not need staff support. We want members of our committee to give expeditious input to the Council and staff on the scope, products and expectations of the consultant's assignment to develop the stormwater master plan. Please direct Town staff to give us this opportunity.
Thank you.
Electronic copy to Stormwater Advisory Committee Members