Table 1. Action Plan – Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan Initiatives (Summary Schedule 10/27/2004)




Short-Term Actions


Mid-Term Actions


Long-Term Actions



Completed Actions

(0-2 years)


(2-5 years)


(5-10 years)


Engineering Actions


·         Develop an Annual Construction Plan and begin implementing the Construction Plan


·         Continue implementing the Construction Plan


  • Continue implementing the Construction Plan



·         Investigate crossings identified in Plan to determine scope for improvements







·         Small area studies: request (NCDOT) to make an assessment of:

§         NC54 and US 15-501

§         NC54 by-pass and Merritt Mill Road

§         US 15-501 South and Culbreth Road and Mount Carmel Church Road



·                     Implement the improvements identified in the Small area studies  





·         Develop and adopt pedestrian performance measures.







·         Develop and adopt bicycle performance measures.


·         Undertake a preliminary assessment of the existing arterial and collector streets for the application of bicycle facilities policy as part of the development of the bicycle performance measures.





·         Begin implementing retrofit of existing arterial and collector streets with bicycle facilities. 





·         Continue implementing retrofit of existing arterial and collector streets with bicycle facilities.  



·         Bicycle and Pedestrian advisory Board select graphic details of appropriate parking stands and storage facilities for inclusion in the Town of Chapel Hill Standard Details.


·         Review Town Bicycle Parking Standards every two years in the light of experience.



·         Review Town Bicycle Parking Standards every two years in the light of experience.




·         Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board work with Town staff to review existing Town standards for traffic control devices and to develop a policy and program for detecting pedestrians and bicyclists at traffic controlled intersections.


·         Begin implementing retrofit of detection features.


·         Continue implementing retrofit of detection features. 



·         Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board develop for the Town a policy and program for raising sunken drainage grates.


·         Begin implementing retrofit of drainage grates.


·         Complete retrofit of drainage grates.





Short-Term Actions


Mid-Term Actions


Long-Term Actions



Completed Actions

(0-2 years)


(2-5 years)


(5-10 years)


Education and Encouragement Actions



·         Town of Chapel Hill offer bicycle education classes and provide facilities for bicycle instructor training.



·         Continue to offer bicycle education classes


·         Continue to offer bicycle education classes





·         Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board or a sub-committee thereof prepare a proposal for a historic district/downtown way-marked walk.








·         Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board or a sub-committee thereof prepare a recreational walks map for publication by the Town of Chapel Hill.


·         Update map annually if possible






·         Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board or a sub-committee thereof prepare an advisory bicycle route map for publication by the Town of Chapel Hill


·         Update map annually if possible




·         Town of Chapel Hill be an active partner in the Active Living by Design program to promote and develop a Safe Routes to School program.



·         Implement pilot Safe Routes to School program.


·         Expand Safe Routes to School program.




·         Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board select 2 or 3 bicycle advisory routes for signing as a pilot project. If deemed a success the Board shall develop a program for sign installation as funds allow.


·         Town Council consider replacing the present “Share the Road” signs with “Streets Are for Everyone (SAFE) sign.



·         Complete implementing 50% of Plan advisory routes.





·         Complete sign replacement program


·         Complete implementing remaining 50% of Plan advisory routes.




·         Town Council of the Town of Chapel Hill develop a strategy to lobby State and Federal representatives for funds, including the provision of guidance to citizens and interest groups to encourage effective public participation and lobbying of local representatives.


·         Continue lobbying and providing guidance to citizens and groups.


·         Continue lobbying and providing guidance to citizens and groups.




·         Town Council of the Town of Chapel Hill develop a strategy to lobby State agencies and other agencies as appropriate to make policy changes to increase bicycle and pedestrian use.  


·         Continue lobbying


·         Continue lobbying





·         Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board undertake an annual review of progress on the actions set out in this plan. The review should coincide with the preparation of the Town’s Capital Improvements Program. The Board should also develop a set of performance measures and benchmarks for the annual review.



·         Continue annual  review process


·         Continue annual  review process