(Projects from Council Resolution of September 8, 2003)





Legion Road #2 (south side), Clover Road to Ephesus Church Road

Completed May/June, 2004 Construction by Town crews.

Culbreth Road (south side), between Cobble Ridge Drive and Rossburn Way

Unfunded: Cost estimate $36,000, difficult topography and utility constraints to resolve. Construction by contract.

Seawell School Road #3 (east side), Savannah Terrace to High School Road

Completed in 2002-2003 Construction by contract.

McCauley Street (south side), Brookside Drive to Pittsboro Street

Unfunded: Historic District, need to resolve question of impact on trees and agree appropriate materials with Historic District Commission. Cost estimate unknown at this time. Construction would be by Town crews.

South Graham Street (east side), Cameron Avenue to Franklin Street (Community Development funds

Completed in 2002-2003 Construction by Town crews.

University Drive (north side), Pittsboro Street to Ransom Street

Unfunded: Historic District, need to resolve question of impact on trees and agree appropriate materials with Historic District Commission. Cost estimate unknown at this time. Construction would be by Town crews.

Legion Road #1 (south side), Scarlette Drive to Martin Luther King Jr. Street

Completed May/June, 2004 Construction by Town crews.

Ephesus Church Rd #1 (south side), Eden Lane to 15-501 Bypass

Unfunded: 3,000 linear feet rough cost estimate at $50 per linear foot $150,000. Construction by contract.

Estes Road Extension #3 (south side), Seawell School Road to Airport Road.

Unfunded: 4,100 linear feet rough cost estimate at $50 per linear foot $205,000. Possible State “Moving Ahead” project to fund shoulders Summer 2005. Construction by contract.

Airport Road (east side), Timber Hollow Court to Homestead Drive.

Funded: April, 23, 2004 executed inter-local agreement with State. Construction to be undertaken within two years of the agreement’s execution. Allocated $50,000 from CIP as local match for $200,000 in State project funds. Commence design work after Town Council consider NC86/Airport Road Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Mobility Study prepared by Highway Safety Research Center. Public Forum scheduled for November 22, 2004. Construction by contract.