TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Roger S. Waldon, Planning Director


SUBJECT:       Concept Plan:  Southern Orange Senior Center   


DATE:             November 15, 2004




Attached is a proposal for Concept Plan Review of a Special Use Permit Modification on a 34 acre site that is located on Southern Human Services Campus on the south side of Homestead Road.  The conceptual plan proposal includes the addition of a 25, 000 square foot senior center with 107 parking spaces.  The proposed development is located in the northeast portion of the Southern Human Services Campus on the south side of Homestead Road.  This site is located in the Residential-5-Conditional (R-5-C) zoning district.  The tract is located in Orange County and is identified as Chapel Hill Township Tax Map 24, Lot 42.




July 5, 1994                    Town Council approved a Special Use Permit to Orange County to construct a 34,000 square foot public service facility (Orange County Southern Human Services Center).


November 28, 1995        Town Council approved a Special Use Permit Modification to authorize the construction of 10,800 square feet to provide temporary housing for homeless families and battered women.


September 27, 2004        Town Council granted expedited process in the review of a Special Use Permit Modification application for Southern Orange Senior Center (Attachment 4).







On January 27, 2003, the Council enacted a Land Use Management Ordinance requiring that the Council conduct a Concept Plan Review for proposed development meeting specific land or floor area thresholds.  Applications (other than in Town Center) meeting any of the minimum thresholds as shown below require Town Council review in addition to the Community Design Commission review: 


            Characteristic                                       Threshold Triggering Council Review


            Land Area                                                        5 acres

            Floor Area                                                       100,000 square feet

            # of Dwelling Units                                           50 dwelling units


The Council has the opportunity tonight to hear this applicant’s presentation, receive a set of comments from the Community Design Commission, hear public comment, and offer suggestions to the applicant for consideration as further plans are drawn.  At the conclusion of the evening’s discussion, we recommend that the Council adopt a resolution (attached) transmitting comments to the applicant.


An excerpt for the Land Use Management Ordinance with a description of the process for Concept Plans is attached.


























The Concept Plan review process does not involve staff evaluation of the proposal.  Review of the Concept Plan submitted is conducted by the Community Design Commission and, in some instances, Town Council, as noted above.




A Concept Plan is a preliminary step toward preparation of a formal development plan and application.  The Land Use Management Ordinance states that design and construction of site elements should include:


·            Appropriate descriptions and explanations of the relationships and balances among site elements;


·            The relationship of the development to natural features, neighboring developments, and undeveloped land;


·            Access and circulation systems;


·            Retention of natural vegetation, minimal alteration of natural topography, mitigation of erosion and sedimentation, mitigation of stormwater drainage and flooding;


·            Arrangement and orientation of buildings and amenities in relation to each other and to neighboring developments and streets;


·            Landscaping, preservation or enhancements of vistas; and


·            Mitigation of traffic impacts.


The Town Council and Community Design Commission, in examining development applications, are to consider the various aspects of design, with special emphasis on whether the proposed development is consistent with the Town’s Design Guidelines, and the Goals and Objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.  A work sheet for review of Concept Plans is attached for the Council’s use with this memorandum (Attachment 2).


This Concept Plan was reviewed by the Community Design Commission on October 20, 2004.   A summary of comments from that meeting is attached for the Council’s use (Attachment 3).




This Concept Plan proposes to amend the Southern Human Services Campus Special Use Permit and construct a 25,000 square foot senior center with 107 parking spaces. 


The Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, identifies this site as Institutional.  The site is located in the Residential-5-Conditionnal (R-5-C) zoning district.  The property is located in Town limits and within the Town Urban Service Area.  The property is located in Orange County and is identified as Chapel Hill Township Tax Map 24, Lot 42.


A Concept Plan for this site was reviewed by the Community Design Commission on October 20, 2004. The Concept Plan before the Council tonight is the same plan reviewed by the Community Design Commission. 




We recommend that the Council review this Concept Plan, receive comments from citizens, and adopt a resolution transmitting comments to the applicant.




  1. Excerpt from Land Use Management Ordinance of Concept Plan procedures (p. 5).
  2. Worksheet for Concept Plan Review (p. 8).
  3. October 20, 2004 Community Design Commission Summary Comments (p.10).
  4. Concept Plan application materials (p. 11).
  5. Color Area Map (p. 18).




WHEREAS, a Concept Plan has been submitted for review by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill, for Southern Orange County Senior Center; and


WHEREAS, the Council has heard presentations for the applicant, and citizens; and


WHEREAS, the Council has discussed the proposal, with Council members offering reactions and suggestions;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council transmits comments to the applicant regarding this proposal, as expressed by Council members during discussions on November 15, 2004, and reflected in minutes of that meeting.


This the 15th day of November, 2004.








4.3   Concept Plan Review


Purpose StatementIt is the intent of the Site Analysis Data and Conceptual Development Plan process to provide an opportunity for the Town Council, Town Manager, the Community Design Commission and citizens to review and evaluate the impact of a major development proposal on the character of the area in which it is proposed to be located.  This process is intended to take into consideration the general form of the land before and after development as well as the spatial relationships of the proposed structures, open spaces, landscaped areas, and general access and circulation patterns as they relate to the proposed development and the surrounding area.


4.3.1      Applicability


(a)        Proposals Subject to Review by Community Design Commission


This Section applies to any:


(1)               Special Use Permit or a Special Use Permit Modification; or


(2)               Master Land Use Plan or a Master Land Use Plan Modification; or


(3)               Major Subdivisions.


(b)        Proposals Subject to Additional Review by Town Council


(1)        An application that meets any of the minimum thresholds established in subsections (1) or (2), below, shall require Town Council review as provided in Section 4.3.2, below, in addition to Community Design Commission review:




TC-1, TC-2 Zoning Districts

All Other Zoning Districts

Land Area

15,000 square feet

5 acres

Floor Area

20,000 square feet

100,000 square feet

Dwelling Units

35 dwelling units

50 dwelling units


(2)        If an application does not meet the thresholds established in subsection (1), above, the applicant may request review by the Town Council.  The Town Council may determine to review the application, or it may decline to review the application.  Such request shall be filed at least fifteen (15) days in advance of a regular meeting of the Town Council.  The Town Council’s determination shall be rendered at its next regular meeting after receiving a complete request for Town Council review.


4.3.2      Procedures


(a)        Application Submittal Requirements


Applications for Site Analysis Data and Conceptual Development Plan review shall be filed with the Town Manager.  The Town Manager shall prescribe the form(s) on which information shall be submitted.  Forms shall include the name and address of the applicant, the name and address of the owner of each zoning lot involved, and the relationship of the applicant and property owner in connection with the plan.  If the applicant or property owner is an entity other than an individual, the plans shall also include detailed information regarding the principals of the entity.  Forms shall include the name of the project principals and indicate the project principals development experience.  The Town Manager shall prescribe any other material that may reasonably be required to determine compliance with this Chapter and relationship to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan with sufficient copies for necessary referrals and records.


No application shall be accepted by the Town Manager unless it complies with such submittal requirements.  Applications that are not complete shall be returned forthwith to the applicant, with a notation of the deficiencies in the applications


(b)        Time Frame for Action on Concept Plans


Upon receipt of a complete Concept Plan, the Town Manager shall forward all information submitted by the applicant for review by the Community Design Commission within thirty (30) days.


(c)        Aspects of Review


The Town Council and Community Design Commission, in examining development applications, are to consider the various aspects of design, with special emphasis on whether the proposed development is consistent with the Town’s Design Guidelines and the Goals and Objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.


(d)        Community Design Commission Review


(1)        The Community Design Commission shall review the application and shall submit its written recommendation to the applicant and Town Council, if applicable. 


(2)        The Community Design Commission shall consider public comments and shall base its recommendation on its determination of whether or not the application conforms to applicable provisions of this Chapter.


(3)               The Community Design Commission shall provide its recommendations to the applicant within thirty-five (35) days of the meeting at which a complete application is considered, or within such further time consented to in writing by the applicant or by Town Council resolution.  If the Community Design Commission fails to prepare its recommendation to the applicant within this time limit, or extensions thereof, that agency shall be deemed to recommend the application without conditions.


(e)        Town Council Review


(1)        After receiving the recommendations of the Community Design Commission, the Town Council shall review the application in the same manner as prescribed in subsection (d), above.  The Town Council may appoint a subcommittee to review the application.  The Mayor shall determine the membership of the subcommittee. 


(2)        The Town Council may conduct its review concurrent with the Community Design Commission.


(3)        After considering public comments and the recommendations of the Community Design Commission, the Town Council shall adopt a resolution transmitting its preliminary recommendations to the applicant. 


4.3.3      Criteria


The Concept Plan is a preliminary step toward the preparation of a formal development plan.  All Concept Plans should demonstrate a high quality of overall site design.  The design and construction of site elements should include appropriate descriptions and explanations of the relationship and balance among site elements, the relationship of the development to natural features, neighboring developments and undeveloped land, access and circulation systems, retention of natural vegetation, minimal alteration of natural topography, mitigation of erosion and sedimentation, mitigation of stormwater drainage and flooding, arrangement and orientation of buildings and amenities in relation to each other and to neighboring developments and streets, landscaping, preservation or enhancement of vistas, and mitigation of traffic impacts.




Work Sheet for Review of Concept Plans


Page 1 of 2



Area for Review


Comments on Proposed Concept



Comprehensive Plan:  Review how this property is designated on Chapel Hill’s Land Use Plan.  Note designations of surrounding areas.




Review Current Zoning:  Check zoning designation for subject property;  note what uses are permitted, at what intensities.




Existing Conditions: Review the following:


Topography of site

Steep slopes

Drainage patterns

Stream corridors and RCD

Patterns of Vegetation

Significant stands of trees

Existing structures or improvements




Transportation Systems:  Review existing and proposed systems:


Surrounding street network

Key nearby intersections

Possible points of access to site

Bicycle and pedestrian systems in the area

Access to existing transit routes


Review possibilities for connections to all these systems





Work Sheet for Review of Concept Plans


Page 2 of 2




Area for Review



Comments on Proposed Concept



Utilities:  Review locations of existing water, sewer, natural gas and electric lines that will need to be extended to serve the site, and the routes for such extension; consider how extensions to subject site might help bring service to nearby areas.




Constraints Particular to Subject Property:  Review constraints presented by existing easements, utility lines, natural features.





Development Program:  Consider the applicant’s proposed development program:


Uses proposed

Intensity and density proposed

Identification of development areas Identification of preservation areas

Points of access for vehicular movements

Review bicycle, pedestrian movements

Access to public transportation

General stormwater management strategies





General:  Overall comments about Concept Plan:  Key positive areas, key areas needing further attention.