TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Gregg Jarvies, Chief of Police

                        Dan Jones, Fire Chief

                        Bob Avery, Information Technology Director


SUBJECT:       Request for Legislative Support – VIPER System Funding


DATE:             February 24, 2005



The purpose of this memorandum is to request that the Town Council recommend to our state legislators that they support proposed state funding of the State Highway Patrol 800MHz trunked radio system knows as VIPER (Voice Interoperability Project for Emergency Responders.)


The North Carolina State Highway Patrol (NCSHP) operates a radio system that provides public safety two-way radio communications throughout the state. Over the past several years, the NCSHP has extended coverage and expanded interoperability to include local jurisdiction public safety agencies. In conjunction with grants from both federal and state agencies, this process has allowed jurisdictions such as Chapel Hill and Orange County to convert local public safety communications to 800 MHz system at a much lower cost than could be done alone and on a basis that assures interoperability with other local and state public safety agencies.


Chapel Hill and Orange County have received grants that allow installation of communications systems and purchase of consoles and radios that permit participation in the VIPER communications systems. This equipment will support local public safety needs and provide for interoperability with other agencies as may be needed. Procurement and installation plans are being developed to take advantage of these grants. UNC-Chapel Hill public safety has also applied for grants to participate in this communications system.


The most recent budget submitted by Governor Easley includes a request for $15 million (half from the General Fund and half from the Highway Fund) to support the VIPER program expansion and support for local agency access. Proposed funding in last year’s budget was reduced significantly and further delayed the ability for the local jurisdictions to participate in the system.


We believe the proposed funding would directly benefit our efforts to convert our public safety communication systems to an 800 MHz system operated through the VIPER system. We believe the Town Council’s support of this initiative through the local state delegation would increase the chances for success.