2. Bicycle/Pedestrian
Goal to Develop Operating Performance Measures
Description: Two major
short-term Comprehensive Plan actions are related to Bicycle and Pedestrian
Adopt Pedestrian/Bicycle Operating Performance Measures. Procedures would be developed for evaluating the
operating performance of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The new Mobility
Report Card includes data that could be used to develop standards.
Preparation of Bicycle/Pedestrian
Improvement Action Plan. Currently, work on the annual sidewalk and
bicycle plan proceeds with the involvement of the Bicycle and Pedestrian
Advisory Board and the Transportation Advisory Board. Preparation of a
long-range Action Plan is a potential activity of Bicycle and Pedestrian
Advisory Board. Plan implementation could be incorporated in Capital
Improvements Program process.
Products to Be
Produced and Timetable
Report to Council: Bicycle/Pedestrian Operating Performance Measures
Project Start: Fourth Quarter,
Target Completion Date: Second
Quarter, 2005
Draft Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Action Plan for Council
Work to begin Third Quarter, 2003
Target Completion Date: Fourth
Quarter, 2004
May 12,
2003 Status: Implementation of
annual sidewalk plan approved by the Council November 25, 2002, is underway. A Bike Forum with the Transportation Board
and Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board is tentatively scheduled for May 20, 2003, on
the issue of the Town's policy concerning wide outside lanes versus striped
bike lanes. Work is set to begin next
quarter on preparation of performance measures and an Action Plan.
25, 2003 Status: The Bike Forum
with the Transportation Board and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board was
held on May 20,
2003 on the issue of the Town’s policy concerning wide outside
lanes versus striped bike lanes. The
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board subsequently voted on June 24, 2003 to recommend
retaining the current Town policy. On June 23, 2003, the Transportation Chair
petitioned the Town Council to act on the Transportation Board’s February 18, 2003
petition to modify the current Town policy. Council consideration is
tentatively scheduled for September 8, 2003.
began this quarter on preparation of a proposed Scope of Work for a
Pedestrian/Bicycle Action Plan. The
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board is scheduled to discuss the proposal on August 26, 2003. Council consideration is tentatively
scheduled for September
8, 2003.
10, 2003 Status: Council Members Jim Ward and Ed Harrison
have been working with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and the
Transportation Board to achieve consensus on a new recommended bicycle
facilities policy for Council consideration (please see related items on
tonight’s agenda).
Council adopted a Scope of Work and a process for developing a
Pedestrian/Bicycle Action Plan on September 8, 2003. On October 27, the Council invited other
advisory boards to provide liaisons to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory
Board to assist in developing the Plan, in response to a petition from the
Planning Board. An open house was held
on October 9,
2003 to obtain citizen ideas on needed facilities. About 60 persons attended the open
house. The Board has scheduled
additional work sessions on November 4 and December 2 to develop the plan
15, 2004 Status: On November 10,
the Council adopted a new bicycle facilities policy.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and liaisons from other interested Boards
have been meeting to develop the Pedestrian/Bicycle Action Plan. A second community open house is scheduled
for January 14,
2004 in the Chapel Hill Public Library from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
to gain citizen input on the plan concept developed to date.
23, 2004 Status: The Bicycle and
Pedestrian Advisory Board held the Public Forum and is continuing to develop
the Action Plan.
10, 2004 Status: The Bicycle and
Pedestrian Advisory Board is reviewing options for improvements, and is writing
a draft report to submit to the Council in June. The schedule adopted by the Council in
September 2003 calls for the Council to receive a draft report, and refer it to
advisory boards for comment over the summer 2004, with a public hearing to be
held in the fall.
7, 2004 Status: The Bicycle and
Pedestrian Advisory Board submitted a draft Plan to the Council on June 30, 2004. At that time, the Council called a public
hearing for September
20, 2004 and referred the proposal to Town advisory boards for
November 8, 2004 Status: The Town Council held a public hearing on the
draft Plan on September
20, 2004. On October 27, 2004,
the Council adopted the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan as a component of
the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.
Consideration of Bicycle/Pedestrian Operating Performance Measures will occur as part of the Town’s Annual
Sidewalk and Bicycle Facilities Construction Plan, scheduled for a Public Forum
on November 8, 2004, and for Council consideration on December 6, 2004.
February 28, 2005 Status:
Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan now a component of the Town’
Comprehensive Plan. Annual Sidewalk Plan adopted January 10, 2005.
3. Northside Neighborhood Conservation District
Design Guidelines
Description: This project continues work underway as part
of the Council’s consideration of a Northside Neighborhood Conservation
District. As part of the project, the
Northside Neighborhood Conservation District Advisory Committee has recommended
developing an accompanying set of Design Guidelines to provide property owners
with information on compatible development guidelines.
Products to Be
Produced and Timetable
Design Workshop with Residents
Scheduled for February
7, 2004
Northside Neighborhood Design Guidelines
Write with Advisory Committee Second Quarter, 2004
Amendment to Comprehensive Plan Design Guidelines
Council consider in Second Quarter, 2004
Publish final document with graphics Fourth Quarter, 2004
23, 2004 Status: New Goal. The Workshop was held on February 7, 2004. The Citizens Advisory Committee will work to
develop a draft set of guidelines for Council consideration.
10, 2004 Status: Design guidelines
are being drafted based on the Workshop, for review by the Northside
Conservation District Committee in May, 2004.
We expect Council consideration in June 2004.
7, 2004 Status: The Northside
Conservation District Committee approved guidelines in May, 2004 and forwarded
its recommendation to the Town Council.
On June 30, the Council adopted the text of the design guidelines. Preparation of the final document with
graphics is underway.
8, 2004 Status: Preparation of the
final document with graphics is underway for submission to Council by December 6, 2004.
February 28,
2005 Status: Final document submitted to Council on
December 6, 2004. Project complete.
6. Affordable Housing Report on Activity and
Approaches to Date
Description: Provide a comprehensive report on all affordable
housing initiatives and resources pursued or considered to date.
Report to Council
Third Quarter, 2004
Work session with Council to be scheduled Fourth Quarter, 2004
May 12, 2003 Status:
No action to date.
25, 2003 Status: No action to date.
10, 2003 Status: No action to
date. The issue of housing resources is
scheduled to be a topic of discussion at the upcoming affordable housing work
15, 2004 Status: A work session on
affordable housing, including available resources, was held on November 20, 2003. A report to elected officials is
contemplated as a follow-up to this work session.
23, 2004 Status: Goal
revised. Work to begin in Second
Quarter, 2004.
10, 2004 Status: Work to be completed
in Third Quarter, 2004.
7, 2004 Status: Work to be
completed by December 2004 for subsequent consideration at a Council work
8, 2004 Status: Work to be
completed by December 2004, for subsequent consideration at a Council work
February 28,
2005 Status: Report submitted to Council on January 10,
2005. Project complete.
7. Report on Davidson, NC
Inclusionary Zoning
Provide the Council a report on how Davidson, North Carolina
has provided affordable housing through its inclusionary zoning ordinance.
Products to be
Produced and Timetable
Report to Council on Davidson by Fourth Quarter, 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
Work to begin in Third Quarter, 2004.
10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in
Third Quarter, 2004.
7, 2004 Status: Work to begin in Third Quarter, 2004.
8, 2004 Status: Staff has scheduled
a field trip to Davidson in mid-November, 2004 to gather information for a
report to the Council.
February 28,
2005 Status: Staff visited Davidson, N.C.
and prepared an initial report for Council’s consideration on January 10,
2005. Subsequent work to be part of 2005
Council Goal #7 (see Attachment 1).
10. Response to Petition Regarding Council Ethics
and Guidelines
Description: Council received a
petition on January
12, 2004, concerning lobbying and Council ethics.
Products to be Produced and Timetable
Council referred this
matter to a Mayor’s Committee to consist of Sally
Greene, Chair; Cam Hill,
Dorothy Verkerk, and Edith Wiggins.
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
Council Committee has met and continues to discuss this issue.
10, 2004 Status: Council has
requested that the Town Attorney prepare a draft ordinance for consideration at
the Council’s May
24, 2004 meeting.
7, 2004 Status: The Council
considered a draft ordinance on May 24, and held a public forum on June 14 and
June 30. The public forum was continued
to the Council’s October
11, 2004 meeting. Council
Member Greene will convene the Committee in September to consider revisions to
the draft ordinance presented to the Council in June.
8, 2004 Status: The Council adopted
a resolution at its October
27, 2004 meeting to table this work until a future time.
February 28,
2005 Status:
Tabled by the Council.
14. Incorporation of Public Arts Program as a
Town Government Operation
Description: Consider incorporating the Chapel Hill Public
Arts Program as a Town government operation.
to be Produced and Timetable
Report with options
for the Council’s consideration
Provide report by
Second Quarter, 2004
23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
10, 2004 Status: The Manager and
representatives of the Public Arts Commission have begun discussion about
options for accomplishing this goal. We
expect a joint report before the end of June, 2004.
7, 2004 Status: The Council adopted a resolution on June 30 that directs
the Town Manager and the Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission to take the
required steps to establish the Commission as a non-profit corporation with
501(c)3 legal status, to negotiate a performance agreement for the Council’s
consideration that would allow the Commission to meet its obligations, carry
out a work program approved by the Council, and comply both with Internal
Revenue Service requirements and governmental accounting standards. The Commission is currently working with a
lawyer hired by the Town on the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
November 8, 2004 Status: The CHPAC Articles of Incorporation were filed
with the NC Secretary of State in August 2004.
The Commission is currently revising its Bylaws.
28, 2005 Status: Transition to nonprofit status is complete.
18. North
Carolina Rehabilitation Code
Description: Consider
adopting provisions for downtown that conform to the N.C. Rehabilitation Code,
as a tool to encourage downtown revitalization.
Product to be Produced and Timetable
Add to Implementation
Timetable for Downtown Small Area Plan
Work to begin in 2004
23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
10, 2004 Status: Work to begin in
Staff Comment: The Pilot Program
for the N. C. Rehabilitation Code applies during a four-year period from January 1, 2002
to January 1, 2006.
The act allowed the pilot rehabilitation code to be adopted not only by Mecklenburg County but also by any city or county
whose building inspection departments have been approved by the North Carolina
Building Code Council to conduct local plan review and approvals. Due to
staff size the Chapel Hill Inspections Department is not in the group of nine
jurisdictions approved to participate in the Pilot Program. However, the
Act directs the lead jurisdiction (Mecklenburg
County) to submit an
interim report on the effectiveness of the Pilot Program to the Building Code
Council and the General Assembly by December 1, 2004, and a final report by April 1, 2006.
The report must include statistics on the utilization of the code and cost
issues, recommend whether the pilot program should be extended or made
permanent, and if so, determine whether the code should be part of the
State-wide code.
7, 2004 Status: Mecklenburg County
as the lead jurisdiction is to provide an interim report on the effectiveness
of the Pilot Program to the Building Code Council and the General Assembly by December 1, 2004. A final report is due by April 1, 2006. Determination will then be made on whether
the code should be part of the State-wide code.
8, 2004 Status: Same as above.
February 28, 2005
On December 14, 2004, the North
Carolina Building Council at their regular meeting approved adoption of the “N.
C. Rehabilitation Code” as cited in the N.C. Session Law 2001-372.
The N.C. Department of
Insurance is currently working to develop training and is in the process of
merging the N.C. Existing Building Code and the N.C. Rehabilitation Code. We are waiting for information regarding
training on the new Code and an implementation date.
Develop Process to Address Neighborhood Traffic Impacts
Description: Consider neighborhood requests for traffic
calming devices and other measures.
Products to Be Produced and
Report to Council in
Third Quarter, 2003
May 12, 2003 Status:
Traffic calming measures authorized by the Council have been implemented
in several neighborhoods to date. Town
staff is currently working with four neighborhoods to develop traffic calming
proposals for the Council’s future consideration.
August 25,
2003 Status: Traffic calming measures authorized by the Council have
been implemented in seven neighborhoods to date, and several additional traffic
calming petitions are on file awaiting further consideration and funding. We will poll the Council in August to establish
a date for a work session on traffic calming policy recommendations for the
Council’s consideration.
November 10,
2003 Status: A Council work session to discuss traffic
calming policy and procedural matters is scheduled for November 24, 2003. At the work session, the Council will receive
for its consideration staff proposals and recommendations for establishing a
fair and equitable community-wide traffic calming program.
January 15,
2004 Status: The Council considered a draft proposal for
traffic calming policy and procedures at a workshop on November 24, 2003. The proposal was referred to the
Transportation Board for review and comment.
We expect to return to the Council in March 2004 with a revised proposal
for Town traffic calming policy and procedures.
February 23, 2004 Status: Report expected in March, 2004.
10, 2004 Status: The Transportation
Board has completed its review of the proposed traffic calming policy and
procedures, and has provided its recommendations. The Manager’s report and recommendations are
scheduled for the Council’s consideration at tonight’s meeting.
7, 2004 Status: The Council adopted a Policy and Procedures for
Neighborhood Traffic Management involving a petition process intended to assure
involvement of area residents that would be affected by proposed traffic
calming measures. Town staff is now
processing current traffic calming petitions in accordance with the policy and
procedures established by the Council.
Projects will be submitted to the Council for funding consideration
during its annual budget deliberations this winter.
8, 2004 Status: This work was
completed through establishment of a Council policy on traffic calming.
February 28,
2005 Status: Project complete and
in regular operation.
26. Communications with
Orange Water and Sewer Authority
Establish a regular system of receiving information from the Orange
Water and Sewer Authority.
Products to be Produced and
Request the Orange Water and Sewer Authority provide the Council with a written
quarterly report augmented by presentations as desired by the Council.
Resolution forwarding request to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority by
First Quarter, 2004.
February 23, 2004 Status:
New Goal. Resolution to be
considered by the Council on March 22, 2004, to establish a regular system of
receiving information from the Orange Water and Sewer Authority.
May 10, 2004 Status: Please see Agenda item 4c on the Council’s
May 10, 2004 Agenda for a resolution that would establish a regular system of
receiving information from the Orange Water and Sewer Authority.
September 7, 2004 Status: A resolution establishing a regular system of
receiving information from the Orange Water and Sewer Authority was adopted by
the Council on May 10, 2004, and forwarded to the Authority’s Executive
Director, who has agreed to provide quarterly updates from the Authority to the
Council on the same schedule as other quarterly reports currently received by
the Council. The first quarterly update
is Agenda Item #5f on tonight’s agenda.
November 8, 2004 Status: The first quarterly update was received by
the Council on September 7, 2004.
Updates are scheduled to be received each quarter. This goal is now complete.
February 28,
2005 Status:
Project complete and in regular
30. Public Dialogue on Homelessness
Description: Undertake a public dialogue on
homelessness: its root causes; what
Council can do to address it.
Follow-up Action: The Council decided to schedule a discussion
at another time.
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
Mayor Foy and Council Member Greene will propose a time for Council
May 10, 2004 Status: Mayor Foy and Council Member Greene will plan
meeting with County officials and members of the IFC regarding sponsorship of a
roundtable discussion with service providers for the homeless population. Mayor Foy and Council Member Greene have
agreed to propose a time for Council discussion.
September 7, 2004 Status: The planning group met on August 11, and a
group representative met with the regional federal Homelessness Director on
August 18. A public roundtable
discussion of IFC’s Community Involvement Report, released on August 11, is
scheduled for November 9 from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. at the Southern Human Services
November 8, 2004 Status: A public roundtable discussion of IFC’s
Community Involvement Report, released on August 11, is scheduled for November
18 from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on
Airport Road.
February 28,
2005 Status:
Public roundtable held on November
18. Council is establishing a new goal
of participating in development of a ten-year plan to end homelessness (see
Attachment 1, Goal # 12).
40. Defibrillators
Description: Provide
defibrillators in major Town facilities.
to be Produced and Timetable
Consider as part of
Council’s Town Budget deliberations
February 23, 2004 Status: New Goal.
May 10, 2004 Status: Purchase of four additional defibrillators
for public buildings to be considered with the 2004-2005 budget
recommendations. One defibrillator has
already been purchased and placed in the Town Hall Council Chambers. Budget scheduled for adoption on June 14,
September 7, 2004 Status: Departments that have public assembly areas
such as the Library and Community Center meeting rooms will be encouraged to
include defibrillators in the FY 2005-06 budget. Currently, only Town Hall has a public-use
type defibrillator in place, located in the Council Chamber.
November 8, 2004 Status: No change in status.
February 28,
2005 Status:
In regular operation by annual
consideration through the Town’s budget process.
New Conservation
Easements on Town Owned Property
Description: Develop procedures survey all Town property
to determine and mark exact boundaries.
February 28,
2005 Status:
This work will begin with marking the
properties along Morgan
Creek and will continue
as staffing permits. In addition, we
will require boundary markers on public lands acquired through development
permitting procedures.
New Open Space Report
Description: Provide the Town Council with an updated 2005
Context for Potential Open Space Land Acquisition for use in acquisition of property pursuant
to already established goals as a base for open space acquisition
efforts within the Town’s jurisdiction and nearby areas.
February 28,
2005 Status:
Report to Council completed on
January 24, 2005.
New Refreshments
Description: Provide the Council basic nourishment during
Council meetings.
February 28,
2005 Status:
Provided. Now in regular operation.
Continuing Legislative Goals
Description: Establish
legislative goals for 2005.
February 28,
2005 Status: New Goal.
Legislative Forum held January 26, 2005.
Fiscal Impacts of
Rezoning: The Council decided at its work session not to pursue the
2000 Comprehensive Plan goal of developing a methodology to examine the fiscal
impacts of rezoning.