TO:                  Town Council


FROM:            Mayor Pro Tempore Edith Wiggins and Council Member Sally Greene


SUBJECT:      Composition of Observances Committee


DATE:             February 14, 2005


The Chapel Hill Town Council on January 10, 2005, established an Observances Committee to organize and develop the logistics of appropriate observances and ceremonies to recognize the road name change of Airport Road to Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. scheduled for May 8, 2005.  The Committee’s charge is to: plan appropriate observances and ceremonies to mark the changing of Airport Road to Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Appointments to the Observances Committee are scheduled for this evening.

The Observances Committee will be composed of one or more Council member(s), interested citizens and others as determined by the Council. We recommend the following Committee composition:

Two (2) Councilmembers

One (1) NAACP Member

One (1) Representative from Airport Road, including but not limited to a resident, business owner or church

One (1) Representative from the Chamber of Commerce

One (1) Representative from the University

One (1) Representative from the Visitor’s Bureau 

Five (5) At-large members of the Chapel Hill community

We also recommend that a representative from the following departments sit in on the Committee meetings: Parks and Recreation, Public Safety, Transportation, Public Works, Engineering and the Mayor’s Office.