TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Response to a Request to Prohibit Parking on the North Side of Nuttree Lane
DATE: April 25, 2005
The following information responds to a request submitted by Ms. Nancy Fontaine requesting that on-street parking be prohibited on the north side of Nuttree Lane. Please refer to the attached map (Attachment 1).
We do not recommend the requested change to existing on-street parking regulations on the north side of Nuttree Lane. However, in reviewing this request, we noted other changes that we believe would improve conditions on Nuttree Lane.
We recommend enactment of the attached ordinance that would codify the existing on-street parking restrictions on the south side of Nuttree Lane and would prohibit parking within 75 feet of the intersection of Nuttree Lane and Brannon Court.
The Engineering Department received a request from Ms. Nancy Fontaine, 106 Nuttree Lane, requesting that on-street parking on the north side of Nuttree Lane be prohibited. Ms. Fontaine stated that vehicles are often parked on the north side of Nuttree Lane too close to driveways and intersections, thus creating unsafe conditions.
Nuttree Lane is 26 feet wide, paved, with curb-and-gutter and with sidewalk on one side. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. On-street parking is currently allowed on the north side and prohibited on the south side of Nuttree Lane.
We conducted field observations at various times on different days. We observed that some cars parked close to the intersection of Nuttree Lane and Brannon Court, creating sight visibility problems. We did not observe a chronic problem of cars parking too close to driveways.
We prepared and distributed a survey form to the residents on Nuttree Lane and solicited comments regarding the requested change in on-street parking. A copy of the survey form is provided in Attachment 2. We distributed 16 survey forms and 14 were returned. Survey results are provided below:
· Four supported prohibiting on-street parking on the north side of Nuttree Lane between Cobble Ridge Drive and Brannon Court.
· Two supported prohibiting on-street parking on the north side for the entire length of Nuttree Lane.
· Eight did not support any change in the existing on-street parking regulations on Nuttree Lane.
The results of our survey suggest that there is not a consensus within the neighborhood for changing on-street parking regulations on Nuttree Lane. However, following our field review, we have installed additional no parking signs near the intersection of Nuttree Lane and Brannon Court, to deter parking close to the intersection. We also installed a no parking sign close to the driveway of Ms. Fontaine’s residence, so that cars do not block her driveway.
The existing prohibition of on-street parking on the south side of Nuttree Lane was originally established when the neighborhood was developed, but the Town code was not properly edited to include the parking restrictions. Enactment of the attached ordinance would codify the existing Nuttree Lane parking restrictions, and would restrict parking at all times near the Nuttree Lane/Brannon Court intersection.
The Manager recommends enactment of the attached ordinance that would codify the existing on-street parking restrictions on the south side of Nuttree Lane and would prohibit parking within 75 feet of the intersection of Nuttree Lane and Brannon Court.
2. Copy of the Survey Letter (p. 5).
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill as follows:
Section 1. Section 21-27 of the Town Code of Ordinances, “No parking as to particular streets” is here by amended by adding the following:
“Street Side From To
Nuttree Lane South Cobble Ridge Drive Rossburn Way
Nuttree Lane North A point 75 feet east of A point 75 feet west of
Brannon Court Brannon Court
Brannon Court Both Nuttree Lane A point 75 feet north of
Nuttree Lane”
Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective upon enactment.
This the 25th day of April, 2005.