TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Roger Waldon, Planning Director


SUBJECT:       Funding to Increase the Number of Bicycle Lanes and to Promote Greater Bicycle Ridership


DATE:             April 27, 2005



This working paper reviews a request from the Community Design Commission that the 2005-06 budget include funds to increase the number of bike lanes and to promote greater bicycle ridership.



In November 2003, the Town Council adopted a revised bicycle facilities policy which calls for the provision of striped bicycle lanes on newly constructed or reconstructed arterial streets and for either striped bicycle lanes or wide outside lanes on Collector Streets depending on site specific circumstances. (Please see Attachment 1). 


The policy recognizes that the appropriate design, type and width of bicycle facilities will be assessed on an individual and site-specific basis depending on the circumstances that exist as listed in the policy. The Town Manager has been authorized by the Town Council to use this policy in reviewing development plans and in the design of roadway improvements within the Chapel Hill Planning Jurisdiction.


On October 27, 2004 the Town Council adopted a Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan as a component of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. It is a long-range plan to guide future decisions about the provision of facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians. It identifies locations throughout the Town where improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities are desired and recommends a series of actions to work toward the provision of improved facilities.


The plan identifies a list of proposed advisory bicycle routes. These are primarily located on Town-maintained streets and connect parts of the town via local and collector streets as alternatives to more heavily trafficked arterial streets (please see Attachment 2). 


The Plan also identifies street corridors where bicycle and pedestrian improvements are desired and which may include the provisions of (bicycle lanes/wide outside lanes). These are primarily located on State-maintained streets. It also identifies on State-maintained street intersections in the Town which are perceived as barriers to cyclists and pedestrians (please see Attachment 2).


Attachment 2 also shows the bicycle facility improvements that are included on the Chapel Hill Transportation Priority List. The majority of the corridors and intersections identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan are located on State-maintained streets. Improvements would require the approval of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and funding would primarily be the responsibility of the NCDOT. Funding is being sought through the process for developing The State Transportation Improvement Program, and where eligible, through Surface Transportation Direct Allocation Program (STPDA), the Congestion Management and Air Quality Program (CMAQ), the North Carolina Moving Ahead Program (State Roads Improvement Initiative) and the North Carolina Transportation Enhancement Program. The Action Plan is a tool for identifying the Town’s vision and planning for the long-term provision of these facilities through development and planned State road improvements.




We believe that State funds should be used to make improvements on State-maintained streets and that Town funds should generally be used to make improvements on Town-maintained streets.


Status of State Funding:

·        4 foot wide shoulders were installed on Homestead Road from High School Road to Airport Road during the summer of 2004.

·        4 foot wide shoulders will be installed later this year on Estes Drive Extension from Seawell School Road to Airport Road.

·        Striped bicycle lanes are included in the following State road improvement projects under construction:

§         US 15-501(South) north of Main St. Southern Village to Culbreth Rd.        2005

·        Striped bicycle lanes are currently included in the draft 2006-2012 State Transportation Improvement Program:

§         S. Columbia Street from South Fordham Blvd. to Manning Drive in  year 2009

§         Weaver Dairy Road entire length in year 2009


Status of Local Funding:

At the local level on Town–maintained streets the Action Plan identifies locations for signed bicycle advisory routes. In October 2004 the Town sold $4 million in bonds as the first of four projected bond sales between 2004 and 2009. The first issue includes $300,000 for traffic calming and bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements.


On January 24, 2005 the Town Council adopted a Sidewalks and Bicycle Facilities Construction Plan for 2004-05 (resolution attached). The elements in the construction plan related to bicycle facilities are as follows:


Bicycle Advisory Routes:

Town Maintained streets: $30,000 approved for signing the following three advisory bicycle routes as pilot projects:

  1. Finley Golf Course Road/Old Mason Farm Road (from NC Highway 54 to South Fordham Boulevard.)
  2. Cleland Drive/Cleland Road (from Pinehurst Drive to existing off-road path at Fordham Boulevard.)
  3. Burning Tree Drive/Pinehurst Drive (from NC Highway 54 to Ephesus Church Road.)


The Town Council also resolved to request the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to undertake feasibility studies to identify improved facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians for:


·        the following proposed shared bicycle and pedestrian off-road paths:


§         15- 501 S. Fordham Boulevard from Manning Dr to Kings Mill Rd.

§         15- 501 S. Fordham Boulevard by-pass from Old Mason Farm Rd to Prestwick Rd.

§         Fordham Blvd (north) from rear of Binkley Baptist Church to Estes Dr.

§         Christopher Rd, extend a path from the northern end or road to S. Estes Dr.

§         US 15-501 S. Fordham Boulevard from Meadow Lane to Morgan Creek Greenway.

§         NC54 Finley Golf Course Rd to Hamilton Rd (south side).


·        the following intersections:



Town staff is currently working with the North Carolina Department of Transportation to review the desired improvements identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan and in particular the items included in the Towns resolution approving the 2004-2005 sidewalks and bicycle construction plan (2005-01-24/R-8a). (Please see Attachment 3).




The Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan provides the long-term vision for improving bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the Town. The plan can be implemented using Federal, State and Town funds where eligible. We believe that Town funds should generally be used to make improvements on Town-maintained streets and State funds on State-maintained streets. The Action Plan shows that many of the improvements desired for bicyclists are located on State- maintained streets. The Town staff will continue to work with North Carolina Department of Transportation to identify opportunities for improvements as listed in the Council’s resolution of January 24, 2005.




  1. Town of Chapel Hill Bicycle Facilities Policy. Resolution (2003-11-10/R10) (p. 4).
  2. List of bicycle improvements identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan (p. 5).
  3. 2004-05 Sidewalk and Bicycle Facilities Construction Plan. Resolution (2005-01-24/R-8a) (p. 7).





WHEREAS, it is the goal of the Town of Chapel Hill to accommodate the needs of existing bicyclists; and


WHEREAS, it is the goal of the Town of Chapel Hill to encourage greater use of bicycles as an alternative mode of transportation; and


WHEREAS, the Chapel Hill 2000 Comprehensive Plan includes the objective “develop and maintain a system of safe and efficient bikeways (on-street bike lanes and off-street paths within greenways) designed to contribute to Town-wide mobility, connecting neighborhoods with activity centers, schools, parks, and other neighborhoods”; and


WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan recommends the Town “adopt revised roadway standards incorporating on-street bike lanes, including a commitment to install bike lanes in roadway resurfacing projects where feasible; and


WHEREAS, variable circumstances exist in the Town of Chapel Hill such as topography, vehicle speed and volume, impediments such as parked vehicles, drainage grates or raised reflectors, access to public facilities and activity centers and available right of way.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill, that:


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council directs the Manager to utilize this policy in reviewing development plans and in the design of roadway improvements within the Chapel Hill Planning Jurisdiction.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan include discussion of the type, design and width of bicycle facilities that may be appropriate for different streets within the Planning Jurisdiction of the Town of Chapel Hill. Until such time that the Action Plan is completed and adopted by the Town Council, Town staff shall recommend bicycle accommodations on a case by case basis and in accordance with this policy, subject to approval by the Town Council.


This the 10th day of November, 2003.



Bicycle Advisory Routes listed in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan


Bicycle Advisory Routes are identified on the proposed plan to be signed as routes for cyclists. They connect parts of the town via local and collector streets as alternatives to more heavily trafficked arterial streets.





Proposed Corridors for bicycle and pedestrian improvements as identified in Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan:


State-Maintained Streets. These locations are also included in the Town of Chapel Hill Transportation Improvement Priority List (for improvements to State-maintained streets).


·        Airport Road corridor: From I-40 to North Street *

·        Barbee Chapel Rd from NC 54 to Southeastern town limits.

·        Erwin Rd from eastern town limits to US 15-501.

·        Estes Dr ext. from western town limits to Airport Rd.

·        Finley Golf Course Rd from NC 54 to Old Mason fm Rd.

·        Fordham Boulevard Corridor: US 15-501 South to Ephesus Church Road*

·        Homestead Rd from western town limits to Airport Rd.

·        Mason Farm Rd. from South Fordham Blvd. to Finley Golf Course Rd.

·        Mount Carmel Church Rd from US 15-501South to Urban Services Boundary.

·        NC54 Corridor: Fordham Boulevard to Barbee Chapel Road*

·        Old Durham Chapel Hill Rd from northern town limits to US 15-501.          (project extends to Durham feasibility in study 2004)

·        Piney Mountain Rd from Airport Rd to Rigsbee Rd.

·        Pope Rd from Ephesus Church Rd to Old Durham Chapel Hill Rd.

·        Seawell School Rd from Estes Dr ext. to Homestead Rd. (feasibility study in 2004)

·        US 15-501 from Northeastern town limits to E. Franklin St.

* added to TIP priority list April 5, 2005


Town-Maintained Streets.

Hillsborough Street entire length

Legion Road entire length

Weaver Dairy Road Extension entire length




WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill has available approximately $730,000 in Bond funds, and an estimated $20,000 in Community Development program funds, for sidewalk and bicycle facility projects in the 2004-2005 fiscal year; and


WHEREAS, the Council may pursue other sources of funding for sidewalk projects, including Direct Allocation funds from the State of North Carolina; and


WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed projects for possible use of these funds;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that 2004-2005 Bond funds and Community Development program funds be used to construct the following sidewalk projects, crossing improvements and bicycle advisory routes as indicated:




Town-Maintained Streets


  1. Legion Road (west side) north of Clover Drive
  2. Legion Road (east side) south from Europa Drive
  3. West Rosemary Street (south side) at Roberson Street (eligible for Community Development funds)
  4. East Rosemary Street (north side) 157 E. Rosemary Street to Henderson Street (located in a Historic District)
  5. Legion Road intersection with Ephesus Church Road
  6. Curtis Road west side from Clayton Road to Elliott Road
  7. West Rosemary Street, south side at S. Graham Street (eligible for Community Development   funds)
  8. West Rosemary Street, north side, west of Church Street (eligible for Community Development   funds)
  9. West Rosemary Street, north side, east of Church Street (eligible for Community Development funds)
  10. West Rosemary Street, north side, east of intersection with Mitchell Lane (eligible for Community Development funds)
  11. Westminster Drive, north side, east of Banks Road
  12. Ransom Street, east side from McCauley to University Drive (located in a Historic District)
  13. Prestwick Road, north side at rear of shopping center
  14. Cameron Avenue, north side, northeast corner at Merritt Mill Road
  15. Vance Street, south side Ransom Street to Pittsboro Street (located in a Historic District)
  16. Kenan Street, east side, Cameron Avenue to Franklin Street (located in a Historic District)
  17. Kingston Drive, east side, south from Weaver Dairy Road
  18. West University Drive, south side from Ransom Street to Westwood Drive (located in a Historic District)
  19. Hamilton Road, east side from Cleland Drive to Flemington Road
  20. Flemington Road, Hamilton Road to Hayes Road
  21. North Street, north or south side, Airport Road to Henderson Street
  22. Piney Mountain Road, north side, Forest Creek Drive to Priestly Circle Drive
  23. Umstead Drive, south side, Village Drive to Estes Drive extension.


State-Maintained Streets


  1. Airport Road west side north and south of Northfields Drive
  2. Fordham Boulevard, west side from Ephesus Church Road to Elliot Road
  3. Estes Drive, south side from Franklin Street to Willow Drive
  4. Homestead Road, south side from Southern Orange Human Services to Shelter
  5. Culbreth Road, south side, 15-501 to Culbreth Park Drive
  6. Fordham Boulevard, east side, at northeast corner intersection with Estes Drive.
  7. NC 54, south side west of intersection with Finley Golf Course Road
  8. Culbreth Road, south side, between Cobble Ridge Drive and Rossburn Way


Crossing Improvements:

  1. East Rosemary St. and Henderson; and
  2. West Rosemary St. and Church St.


Bicycle Advisory Routes:

  1. Finley Golf Course Road/Old Mason Farm Road (from NC Highway 54 to South Fordham Boulevard.)
  2. Cleland Drive/Cleland Road (from Pinehurst Drive to existing off-road path at Fordham Boulevard.)
  3. Burning Tree Drive/Pinehurst Drive (from NC Highway 54 to Ephesus Church Road.)


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council request the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to undertake feasibility studies to identify improved facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians at:


Ø      the crossing locations identified in Attachment 3 of the Manager’s Memorandum to Council December 6, 2004.


Ø      the following proposed off-road paths:


§         15- 501 S. Fordham Boulevard from Manning Dr to Kings Mill Rd.

§         15- 501 S. Fordham Boulevard by-pass from Old Mason Farm Rd to Prestwick Rd.

§         Fordham Blvd (north) from rear of Binkley Baptist Church to Estes Dr.

§         Christopher Rd, extend a path from the northern end or road to S. Estes Dr.

§         US 15-501 S. Fordham Boulevard from Meadow Lane to Morgan Creek Greenway.

§         NC54 Finley Golf Course Rd to Hamilton Rd (south side).


Ø      the following intersections:



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council requests the University of North Carolina to work with Town staff to investigate the feasibility of the providing shared bicycle and pedestrian off-road paths at:


§         15- 501 S Fordham Boulevard by-pass from Old Mason Farm Rd to Prestwick Rd

§         Merritt Mill Rd to west end of McCauley Street.


This the 24th day of January, 2005.