TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: User Fees and Solid Waste Services Information
DATE: April 27, 2005
This report discusses 1. Recommendations to increase fees for special collections, 2. Imposing fines for ordinance violations and 3. Information program for citizens as recommended by the Citizens Review Committee.
The charging of user fees is an equitable method of recovering some of the costs of providing sanitation services that exceed those routinely provided and funded from the general fund. Fees are based on estimated actual costs.
We presently have the following solid waste service fees and charges:
Compactor Services
Starting in 1995-96, customers using the two compactors downtown, one at the Rosemary Parking Deck and one at Parking Lot #2, paid an annual fee based on an estimated quantity of waste generated by their business (i.e., high, medium or low). Quantities can be estimated and fees adjusted by monitoring the number of times a customer’s key accesses the compactor.
Based on actual data, these rates were adjusted where appropriate for 1996-97 billing to reflect actual volumes in the prior year. Due to reduced recycling and increased waste, fee increases were adopted effective in fiscal 1998-99 for large users (from $1,000 to $1,200 annually) and for medium users (from $500 to $600 annually).
Yard Debris Container Rentals
This service that offers dumpsters for a fee to residents for brush disposal was introduced in fiscal 1992-93. The brush dumpsters are 10 cubic yards and are serviced by a hook lift truck.
Prior to 1996-97, fees differed between weekday and weekend and by type of container. Starting in 1998-99, the fees became uniform irrespective of type or day. Fees have increased from $12.00 to $15.00 and have been effective during the past three years
Sale of Yard Waste Containers (Roll Carts)
The Public Works Department continues to provide yard waste containers to interested citizens. The town leased 575 roll carts for use in the pilot curbside residential refuse collection program, which ended July 1, 1993. Rather than return these leased carts, we purchased them for use by the recycling program and by citizens interested in purchasing a roll cart for use in disposing yard waste. The recycling program purchased 100 of the carts; the remaining 475 were converted into yard waste containers and sold to the public.
Additional carts have been acquired and sold to the public in subsequent fiscal years, including the current one. The request for next year provides for sale of roll carts also. While the original carts were sold at a cost of $20 each, we increased the cost to $40 and then to $43 to reflect our current unit cost. We propose using the same fee next year.
Bulky Waste Removal
We currently charge $15 for removal of the first three items and $5 for each additional item. This fee has not changed in eight years. Tonnages have decreased in the past few years and we do not recommend raising fees.
Citations and Fines
Under town ordinance, there currently are nine categories of violations comprising fines of $25 per incident/citation and one that results in a fine of $50.
Group 1 ($25 Fine)
Cart/can left at curb.
Garbage not in receptacles.
Yard waste mixed with garbage.
Tires left at curb.
Improper use of a public litter receptacles.
Banned material in a bulk container.
Garbage not in bags.
Furniture/Appliances left at curb.
Cardboard in bulk container.
Group 2 ($50 Fine)
Bulk container cardboard re-inspection failure.
Revenues generated by fines are difficult to predict, given our relatively brief three-year history of issuing citations. Actual garbage citations posted in fiscal 2003-04 totaled $11,687; we estimate that $6,000 will be received in the current year; and we include $9,000 for next year.
The following table shows possible impacts of changes in the fees discussed above and includes the name and current amount of the fee, revenues in next year’s base budget and possible revenue increases if fees are adjusted.
Name of Fee Current Proposed
Compactor services Fees
Combined revenue |
$1,200 (hi) $ 600 (med) $ 225 (lo) $26,000 |
$1,500 (hi) $ 750 (med) $ 280(lo) $33,000 |
Rental of yard waste containers Combined revenue |
$15 per rental
$5,000 |
$20 – weekday $25 – week-end $9,000 |
Sale of yard waste containers |
$43 per container $3,000 |
No Change $3,000 |
Bulky waste removal |
$15 – 1st 3 items $5 per each additional item $4,000 |
No Change $4,000 |
Citations and fines |
Varies by citation $6,000 |
No Change (anticipates increase to $9,000 next year based on experience. |
Combined Impact of Possible Fee Changes: increase of $10,000
The Solid Waste Services Division has many different forms of communication issued or accessible to the public, including the following:
As recommended by the citizens budget review committee, the division will either issue a revised public information brochure addressing Solid Waste Services, or incorporate revisions in a more comprehensive public brochure identifying a broader range of departmental and/or total town services.
We will continue to issue warnings or citations to violators on the spot as allowed by ordinance. We recommend that additional citations be incorporated into Chapter 8 of the Town Ordinance to address violations of the limitations of service section related to yard debris.;