TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Catherine Lazorko, Town Information Officer


SUBJECT:       Providing Citizens with Information about the Town Budget and Town Taxes


DATE:             April 25, 2005

The Town Budget, a blueprint for our community services and programs, is developed from a large community conversation over common values and how best to allocate resources to plan for the future. The goal of public information about the Town Budget is to explain the budget process, encourage participation in the process, and provide information about Town, County and school taxes; recycling and stormwater fees. This information also will note differences between Orange and Durham tax bills for Chapel Hill residents. In addition to this information plan, the Town continuously will make innovative efforts to reach out, to raise understanding, to get out the word about beneficial government services and programs, and to strengthen the connection between citizens and government.



  1. Web: A new section on the Town web will feature detailed information about the budget with the following headings: Budget Process, Financial Challenges and Pressures, Town Budget and Property Taxes, Estimating Your Tax Bill, Assessment Increases and Your Property Taxes, What does $100 of Chapel Hill taxes buy?, How Chapel Hill taxes compare to Triangle communities, and Chapel Hill’s AAA Credit Rating.


  1. Brochure: A brochure will explain the annual process of citizen review of the Town budget, providing hearing and meeting dates for public involvement. It will be made available at Town Hall, the Library, and other public facilities.


  1. Newspaper Columns: Two newspaper columns will be issued: one at the beginning of the budget process to announce the public hearing schedule and explain the process; the second at the conclusion of the process to explain the new budget.


  1. Newspaper advertisements: The newspaper advertisements will announce the meeting dates, and in brief fashion will illustrate the budget process and spending of tax dollars.


  1. Parks and Recreation Guide: The summer recreation schedule is typically printed in mid-April and includes a Report to Citizens. This report will highlight the budget process. This guide is distributed through the local newspaper and made available at public facilities throughout the community.


  1. Citizens Guide to Services: This is a new publication to be made available as an insert within the local newspaper with additional copies available for distribution throughout the year. The guide will include information about services, the costs for these services, and a roadmap for citizen participation in local government.


  1. Coordination with Other Entities: The Town Information Officer will seek additional ways to reach citizens by coordinating outreach with Orange County and utility companies. Examples could include links on other entity web sites to the Town’s budget section on the web, the use of the telephone directory to disseminate information, and 1/3-sheet mailers from the Town to be included in some mailings.