From:             Chapel Hill Transportation Board


To:                  Chapel Hill Town Council


Date:               May 4, 2005


Subject:          Recommendation Regarding Appointments to Transportation Board


            At its regularly-scheduled meeting on April 19, 2005, the Chapel Hill Transportation Board voted 7-0 to recommend to Town Council that it appoint (reappoint) Mr. Robert Koontz to a three-year term on the Transportation Board.


            At its regularly-scheduled meeting on May 3, 2005, the Chapel Hill Transportation Board voted 7-0 to recommend to Town Council that it appoint Ms. Kathryn Carder to a three-year term on the Transportation Board.


            Mr. Alex Smith, a UNC student who has been serving on the Board, recently announced his resignation, citing other student obligations which require a significant amount of his time.  This resignation means that there are three vacancies on the Board (hopefully two of those might be filled by the above recommendations).  Although there is not an official student position on the Board, the T-Board has traditionally tried to have student representation because students are the major users of the transit system.  The Board’s intention is to try to encourage (through Mr. Smith and other contacts) one or more students to apply for a position on the Board.  With that effort in mind we hope to bring a recommendation to the Council either sometime in June or in September.  There are currently no other applicants, students or otherwise, who have expressed interest in serving on the Transportation Board.




For the Transportation Board,




George Cianciolo
