TO:                 Mayor and Town Council


FROM:           W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:      Recommended 2005-2006 Community Development Program


DATE:             May 9, 2005



The attached Resolution would:


(1)   Approve a plan for use of $685,977 of 2005-2006 Community Development funds; and


(2)   Authorize the Manager to incorporate the Community Development Plan into the Consolidated Plan developed with Orange County, Hillsborough and Carrboro for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on May 13, 2005.




At the March 23, 2005 public hearing, we presented to the Council a preliminary proposal for the 2005-2006 Community Development program.  We recommend no changes to that proposal.


The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has informed us that the Town will receive $666,392 of Community Development funds in fiscal year 2005-2006. In addition, the Council will be able to reprogram $17,475 of Community Development program income and $2,110 residual Community Development funds for a total of $685,977.




The recommended plan is based on applications for funding submitted by agencies and comments received at public hearings held by the Council on January 26, 2005, and March 23, 2005.


1.  Public Housing                                                                               $217,000

Renovation of Public Housing                        $167,000

Refurbishing Program                                     $  50,000

            2. Habitat for Humanity – Rusch Hollow Phase II                            $100,000

3. Orange Community Housing and Land Trust

Homeownership Assistance/Property Acquisition in Northside     $100,000

4. Sewer Connection Assistance                                                         $ 42,775

5. Inter Faith Council Development of a Public Facility

(Men’s Residential Facility)                                                    $ 25,000

6. Community Services                                                                       $ 70,700

            Chapel Hill Police Dept. Youth Programs                  $41,700

Chapel Hill Training and Outreach/

Family Resource Center After School Program      $15,000

            YMCA After School Program                                    $14,000

7. Administration                                                                                $130,502

Total                                                                                                    $685,977




The Town of Chapel Hill has received Community Development grants since 1975 under the federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.  This legislation provides funds to cities and counties to carry out activities that benefit low- and moderate-income families including: housing repair, public improvements, acquiring land for housing and economic development. 


The primary objective of the Community Development program is to develop viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income households.  Federal regulations define low-income as up to 50% of the median income and moderate-income as up to 80% of the median family income.  According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 80% of the current median income for a family of four in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Metropolitan Statistical Area is $69,800 (Please see Attachment 1 for the 2005 Durham Median Family Income by Household Size). 


Since the mid 1980s, the Council has used a significant amount of Community Development funds for the renovation of public housing communities, affordable housing projects and neighborhood revitalization.  Funds have been used to rehabilitate the exterior of public housing apartments, for drainage improvements, and to refurbish the interior of apartments.  Over the past several years, the Council has also budgeted funds for affordable housing development such as the Legion Road and Meadowmont and Vineyard Square Townhomes, two Habitat for Humanity subdivisions located off of Rogers Road, neighborhood revitalization activities with EmPOWERment, Inc., and community service activities programs with the Town’s Police Department and local non-profit agencies such as the YMCA, the Orange County Family Resource Center, and the Orange County Literacy Council.  Please see Attachment 2 for a summary of the 2004-2005 Community Development program. 


The Consolidated Plan


This year, the Orange County HOME Consortium consisting of the Town, Orange County, Carrboro and Hillsborough is required to submit a new Consolidated Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development covering fiscal years 2005-2006 thorough 2009-2010.  The purpose of the Plan is to identify and prioritize the housing and community development needs for Chapel Hill and Orange County, and to suggest how the Town and the County will address the needs over a five-year period.   The Plan includes a 2005-2006 Community Development and HOME Program Plan, establishes priorities for use of funds, and also includes a description of housing and community development initiatives and programs in Orange County. 


As the lead entity of the HOME Consortium, Orange County has hired a consultant to develop the Plan.  The consultants held four focus group meetings to receive input from affordable housing and community service providers, citizens, and government staff on how to prioritize the affordable housing and community development needs in the County.  Comments from these sessions are incorporated into the Consolidated Plan. 


The Community Development Plan is approved by the Council and the HOME Program Plan is approved by the governing bodies of the HOME Program Consortium: the Council, the Orange County and Hillsborough Commissioners, and Carrboro Board of Aldermen.  A draft summary of the Consolidated Plan is on tonight’s agenda for the Council’s consideration.


Public Participation Process


On January 26, and March 23, 2005 the Council held public hearings to receive ideas from citizens about how funds could be spent in five areas: the Town Budget, Capital Improvements Program, the Community Development Program, the HOME Program and the Capital Fund Grant for public housing activities.  Please see Attachment 3 for a summary of Community Development related comments from these hearings. 


Application Process


Agencies requesting Community Development and/or HOME Program funding were asked to submit a standardized application.  The application requested detailed information about the agencies requesting funds and the proposed projects.  The application also included a list of eligible Community Development activities.  We believe that this process allowed agencies to more clearly understand the criteria by which the projects would be evaluated. This application process, along with monitoring procedures (including site visits to each agency to evaluate progress), is designed to improve overall Community Development performance. 


Please see Attachment 3 for a summary of Community Development applications received.




Recommended 2005-2006 Community Development Plan


We recommend the following activities for the 2005–2006 Community Development grant:


1.  Renovation of Public Housing:   $217,000


·          Renovation of Public Housing:  $167,000


We recommend that the Council budget $167,000 to continue the renovation of the Airport Gardens community and to begin renovating the North Columbia Street public housing community.  Funds would be used along with Public Housing Capital Grant funds and previously allocated Community Development funds to renovate the communities.  We also recommend that $15,000 of this amount be used to pay a portion of the Operations and Special Projects Coordinator’s salary for oversight of the renovation project. 


Renovation work would include the abatement of lead-based paint and asbestos, replacement of water and sewer lines to OWASA standards, installation of new washer and dryer hook-ups, replacement of wall and base cabinets and countertops to include new range hoods and sinks, replacement of windows and screens, replacement of interior and exterior doors, replacement of furnaces including air conditioning and water heaters, replacement of floor tiles, replacement of bathtub liners and surrounds, bathroom fixtures, plumbing and electrical upgrades, and interior and exterior painting.   Funds will also be used for site improvements including replacement of asphalt driveways and parking lots; planting new shrubs, and replacement of storm drainage systems and retaining walls.  Due to the extent of building improvements, the relocation of residents will be required and the work will have to be scheduled in phases. 


·         Refurbishing Program: $50,000


We recommend that the Council appropriate $50,000 of Community Development funds to continue the public housing refurbishing program.  This program includes minor repairs of public housing units.


2.  Infrastructure Development: Habitat for Humanity:   $100,000


We recommend that the Council allocate $100,000 to Habitat for Humanity for development of Phase II of the Rusch Hollow development located off of Rogers Road.  Funds would be used for infrastructure development.  Habitat intends to build at least twelve single family homes on this site for first time homebuyers earning less than 60% of the area median income.  We understand that Habitat intends to begin construction of the sanitary sewer for this development before submitting a development application.  The sewer extension is related to the request for sewer connection assistance for residents of the Rogers Road/Purefoy Road neighborhood.


Please see related agenda item #5h on tonight’s agenda in response to Habitat’s request for assistance with connection for two homeowners with failed septic systems. 


3.  Homeownership Assistance: Orange Community Housing and Land Trust:   $100,000


We recommend that the Council allocate $100,000 to Orange Community Housing and Land Trust for acquisition of property, demolition or renovation (if necessary or appropriate), and/or to reduce the sales price of homes in the Northside neighborhood.  The Land Trust would work with Empowerment, Inc. to sell the properties to households earning between 50% and 80% of the area median income. 


4.  Sewer Connection Assistance:    $42,775


We recommend that the Council allocate $42,775 for homeowners earning less than 80% of the area median income who need assistance with connection to the public sewer system.  Funds would be available to eligible applicants Town-wide, with priority given to residents of the Rogers Road and Apple Street neighborhoods.  Funds would be used for the cost of connecting houses to the OWASA public sewer system and for OWASA fees.  Funds would be provided as a deferred second mortgage that would be forgiven over a five to 10-year period (depending on the amount of assistance provided). 


We further recommend that if the Town receives program income during the program year that up to $40,000 may be allocated to this program.  The additional funds would allow us to assist more homeowners to connect to the public sewer system.   By including this statement in the preliminary plan at the March 23 public hearing and in the attached resolution, the Council could allocate any program income up to $40,000 without going through an additional public hearing process.  We would forward a project ordinance amendment to the Council when funds were received. 


5.  Development of a Public Facility:  $25,000


We recommend that the Council allocate $25,000 for pre-development costs for a residential facility for homeless men.  The shelter would offer emergency and longer-term housing services and provide services for shelter residents.  The InterFaith Council has not yet identified a site for this facility.  The recommended HOME Program plan also includes $75,000 for this request.  


6.  Community Services:  $70,700


We recommend that the Council allocate funds for four community service activities that meet the Community Development regulations:


  1.  $41,700 to the Chapel Hill Police Department to fund two youth programs:


·         $40,700 to continue the Youth Work Program for youths ages 14 to 17 living in the Pine Knolls, Northside and public housing communities.  During the summer, at least 30 youths would work a minimum of 20 hours per week in various Town Departments and local non-profit organizations.  During the school year, some of these children would continue to work approximately 10 to 15 hours per week. Youths would also be required to participate in workshops focusing on financial education, career development, and improving interview skills.  The Police Department also proposes to enhance the program by providing CPR training and vocational training such as resume writing, interview skills and career exploration.


·         $1,000 for educational programs for youths living in the Northside, Pine Knolls, or public housing communities including an academic awards program a mentoring and leadership program for young men, and trips to college campuses.  Programs would be coordinated with the Town’s Police, Housing and Parks and Recreation Departments, and would provide structured activities and emphasize components that will improve academic skills, prevent drug abuse and drug-related crime, leadership development, and career planning.


  1. $15,000 to the Orange County Family Resource Centers to continue to operate an after school enrichment program at the South Estes Family Resource Center located in the South Estes Drive public housing community.


  1. $14,000 to the Chapel Hill–Carrboro YMCA to continue operation of an after school program for elementary and possibly middle-school youths living in the Pine Knolls neighborhood and the South Estes Drive public housing community.   Funds would be used to provide scholarships to eligible children. 


7.  Program Administration:            $130,502


We recommend that the Council allocate $130,502 for administration of the Community Development program and related housing programs.  Currently, the Community Development staff administers the Community Development Program and the Housing Loan Trust Fund, coordinates efforts with non-profit organizations that receive Community Development funding from the Town, coordinates activities with the HOME Program Consortium, monitors compliance with Performance Agreements and federal regulations, administers housing loans and grants provided by the Town over time, and coordinates with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to achieve compliance with federal regulations. 


We propose to continue to use funds for the Community Development Coordinator’s salary and benefits, a portion of the Long Range Planning Coordinator’s salary, a part-time Community Development Program Monitor, and a part-time financial/clerical position.  These costs total approximately $126,350.  The balance of funds, approximately $4,150, would be used for overhead costs such as advertising expenses, business meetings and training, supplies and professional services.




Housing and Community Development Advisory Board Recommendation:  At its March 22, 2005 meeting, the Housing and Community Development Advisory Board voted 5-0 to approve the preliminary Community Development Program plan.


Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the attached resolution that would authorize submittal of the 2005-2006 Community Development Plan.




1.     2005 Median Household Income Chart (p. 9).

2.     Summary of 2004-2005 Community Development Program (p. 10).

3.     Summary of Comments and Community Development Requests (p. 14).



WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill held two public hearings to receive ideas from citizens about how Community Development Block Grant funds could be spent in 2005-2006;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that based on the Town’s allocation of $666,392 of Community Development Block Grant funds, $17,475 of Community Development program income, and $2,110 of residual Community Development funds for a total of $685,977, the Town Council approves the following 2005-2006 Community Development Block Grant Program Plan:


Public Housing                                                                                                217,000

Renovation of Airport Gardens                      $167,000

Refurbishing Program                                     $  50,000

Habitat for Humanity – Rusch Hollow Phase II                                            100,000

Orange Community Housing and Land Trust

Homeownership Assistance/Property Acquisition in Northside               100,000

Sewer Connection Assistance 42,775

Inter Faith Council Development of a Public Facility

(Men’s Shelter) 25,000

Community Services 70,700

Chapel Hill Police Dept. Youth Programs              $  41,700

Chapel Hill Training and Outreach/

   Family Resource Center After School Program  $15,000

YMCA After School Program                                $14,000

Administration                                                                                                $130,502

Total                                                                                                                $685,977


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the Town receives Community Development Program income during the 2005-2006 program year, the Council authorizes use of up to $40,000 of this program income for the sewer connection assistance program. 


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council authorizes the Manager to incorporate the 2005-2006 Community Development Plan into the Consolidated Plan developed with Orange County, Hillsborough and Carrboro for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


This the 9th day of May, 2005.



2005 Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill MSA

Median Family Income – $69,800



100% of Median

80% of Median






































Source:  U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

NOTE:  HUD has adjusted the income limits for this area due to unusually high incomes and housing costs






2004-2005 Community Development Program


The following activities were approved by the Council on April 26, 2004 for the 2004-2005 program year.  The program was amended on December 6, 2004 to allocate program income to the Neighborhood Revitalization activity. 



Public Housing Activities:     $206,000


1.  Renovation of Airport Gardens:  $150,000


The Council budgeted $150,000 to help fund renovation of the Airport Gardens public housing community.   Funds will be used along with Public Housing Capital Grant funds and previously allocated Community Development funds to renovate the twenty-six unit community.  Of this amount, $15,000 will be used to pay a portion of the Operations and Special Projects Coordinator’s salary for oversight of the renovation project. 


Proposed renovation work will include the abatement of lead-based paint and asbestos, replacement of water and sewer lines to OWASA standards, installation of new washer and dryer hook-ups, replacement of wall and base cabinets and countertops to include new range hoods and sinks, replacement of windows and screens, replacement of interior and exterior doors, replacement of furnaces including air conditioning and water heaters, replacement of floor tiles, replacement of bathtub liners and surrounds, bathroom fixtures, plumbing and electrical upgrades, and interior and exterior painting.   Funds will also be used for site improvements including replacement of asphalt driveways and parking lots; planting new shrubs, and replacement of storm drainage systems and retaining walls.  Due to the extent of building improvements, the relocation of residents will be required and the work will have to be scheduled in phases. 


2. Refurbishing Program: $50,000


The Council appropriated $50,000 of Community Development funds to continue the public housing refurbishing program.  This program includes repainting and minor repairs of public housing units.


3.      Installation and Repair of Playground Equipment:  $6,000


The Council budgeted $6,000 to repair and replace playground equipment at various public housing sites. 


Neighborhood Revitalization: $213,018


On April 26, 2004 the Council budgeted $121,700 of Community Development funds to continue neighborhood revitalization activities in the Northside, Pine Knolls, and public housing neighborhoods.  An additional $91,318 of Community Development Program income was allocated to this activity on December 6, 2004.  Activities must serve households earning less than 80% of the HUD published area median income. Funds could be used for the following activities: second mortgage assistance; property acquisition and/or renovation; code enforcement; demolition; public improvements such as installation of sidewalks, curb and gutter improvements or parks and recreation facilities; or community service activities.  This year, we recommend that the funds be used primarily for public improvements in the Northside neighborhood. 


The Council continued to authorize the Manager to approve specific projects for use of these funds in accordance with the guidelines mentioned above.   The Council also continued to authorize the Manager to approve converting Neighborhood Revitalization funds into grants to Orange Community Housing and Land Trust as opportunities appear to achieve long term affordability of housing projects to be placed in the Land Trust. 


Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program:   $100,000


The Council allocated $100,000 for a comprehensive rehabilitation program to renovate owner-occupied housing in the Northside neighborhood.  Funds will be used to provide deferred loans to owners earning less than 80% of the area median income.  We have contracted with Orange County to oversee the rehabilitation work, and that Town staff is responsible for the administrative portion of the program (i.e. qualifying households). 


Orange Community Housing and Land Trust:      $100,000


The Council allocated $100,000 to Orange Community Housing and Land Trust to reduce the prices of ten townhomes in the Vineyard Square Development.  Funds would be provided as a grant to the Land Trust.  Funds will be used to reduce the sales price of three-bedroom townhomes from $115,000 to $105,000.  Townhomes will be sold to first time homebuyers, earning less than 80% of the area median income.  In addition, once subsidized, the homes could not be sold to households earning more than 80% of the median income. 


Community Services:  $81,700


The Council allocated funds for four community service activities that meet the Community Development regulations:


  1.  $40,000 to the Chapel Hill Police Department to fund the following youth programs:


·         $31,900 to continue the Youth Work Program for youths ages 14-17 living in the Pine Knolls, Northside and public housing communities.  During the summer, approximately thirty youths will work twenty hours per week in various Town Departments and local non-profit organizations.  During the school year, ten of these children will continue to work approximately ten hours per week. Youths will also be required to participate in workshops focusing on financial education, career development, and improving interview skills. 


·         $2,600 for educational programs for youths living in the Northside, Pine Knolls, or public housing communities including an academic awards program  a mentoring and leadership program for young men, a support program for parents of young children to help them to begin teaching their children to read, and trips to college campuses.  Programs would be coordinated with the Town’s Police, Housing and Parks and Recreation Departments, and will provide structured activities and emphasize components that will improve academic skills, prevent drug abuse and drug-related crime, leadership development, and career planning.


·         $5,500 for the Career Explorers Program.  This program is designed for high school aged youth who reside in Northside, Pine Knolls, or public housing neighborhoods.  Six youths will be placed in work sites in the business community.   Youths will work thirty-six hours per week and spend an additional four hours sharing work experiences, learning financial skills, and participating in career exploration experiences.  Funds will be used to supplement funds paid by the local businesses. 


  1. $15,000 to the Orange County Family Resource Centers to continue to operate an after school enrichment program at the South Estes Family Resource Center located in the South Estes Drive public housing community.


  1. $13,700 to North Carolina Cooperative Extension to operate a ten week program for thirty overweight youths and their families focusing on nutrition, physical activity, and psycho-social skills to promote a healthier lifestyle.  The program will be held at the Chapel Hill – Carrboro YMCA.   Recruitment for the program will target residents of public housing, as well as other lower income areas of Chapel Hill and Carrboro.  Funds will be used to provide scholarships to Chapel Hill residents. 


  1. $13,000 to the Chapel Hill–Carrboro YMCA to continue operation of after school programs for children living in the Pine Knolls neighborhood and the South Estes Drive public housing community.  Funds will be used to provide scholarships to eligible children. 


Program Administration:     $101,600


The Council allocated $101,600 for administration of the Community Development program and related housing programs.  Currently, the Community Development staff administers Community Development Program, the Revolving Acquisition Fund, and the Housing Loan Trust Fund, works with other Town departments and non-profit organizations that receive Community Development funding from the Town to implement activities, coordinates activities with the HOME Program Consortium, monitors compliance with Performance Agreements and federal regulations, administers housing loans and grants provided by the Town over time, and coordinates with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to achieve compliance with federal regulations. 


Funds will be used for the Community Development Coordinator’s salary and benefits, a portion of the Long Range Planning Coordinator’s salary, a part-time Community Development Program Monitor, and a part-time financial position.  These costs total approximately $95,100.  The balance of funds, approximately $6,500, will be used for overhead costs.



Community Development Staff Report


Summary of Comments and Community Development Requests


The citizen comments received at the January 26 and March 23, 2005 public hearings, and applications for funding are summarized below.  We note that all agencies that requested funding were required to submit an application. 


Affordable Housing/Public Improvement Requests


Activities eligible for Community Development funding must meet one of three National Objectives:


·         Benefit low- and moderate-income persons; or

·         Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight; or

·         Treat urgent needs posing an immediate threat to public health and welfare.


Examples of eligible activities include acquisition and/or renovation of property, second mortgage assistance, and site development. 


The following comments and applications were considered:


1.      Chapel Hill Department of Housing


The Chapel Hill Department of Housing requests $286,000 of Community Development Program funds for the following purposes:  $200,000 to pay a portion of the cost to renovate apartments in the Airport Gardens (26 units) and North Columbia Street (11 units) public housing communities; $80,000 to continue the Five-Year Refurbishing Program to refurbish about thirty-eight apartments; and $6,000 to install and repair playground equipment. 


Staff Comment:  The recommended plan includes $167,000 for the renovation of Airport Gardens and North Columbia Street, and $50,000 for the refurbishing program.    The Town’s public housing is an important source of affordable rental housing and the Town’s investment in this property should be maintained.  The $167,000 would help with the cost of renovating the remaining units at Airport Gardens and a portion of the design costs for North Columbia Street.  This amount also includes $15,000 for a portion of the Operations and Special Projects Coordinator’s salary for oversight of the renovation work.  The refurbishing program is spending about $50,000 per year, and the recommended plan maintains this level.



2.  Habitat for Humanity of Orange County


Habitat for Humanity requests $200,000 of HOME and/or Community Development funds for predevelopment costs (surveying, engineering and design) and infrastructure costs for the development of Phase II of the Rusch Hollow subdivision located off of Rogers Road. 


At the March 23, 2005 public hearing, Susan Levy, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity requested additional Community Development funds for sewer connection assistance for two homeowners with failed septic systems.  Assistance was requested for tap-on fees. 


Staff Comment:  The recommended Community Development Plan includes $100,000 for this project.  The recommended HOME Program Plan includes $100,000 for this request.    Providing funds for this project will assist with increasing affordable housing opportunities in the community.    


In response to Habitat’s request for additional assistance for sewer connection, please see Agenda item #5h.  In addition, the recommended Community Development plan includes $42,775 (plus an additional $40,000 of program income) for sewer connection assistance, including tap fees with priority given to households living in the Rogers Road/Purefoy Road and Apple Street neighborhoods. 


3.   Requests for Sewer Connection Assistance


At the January 26, 2005 Public Hearing, Mr. Tom Tucker spoke on behalf of residents in the Rogers Road/Purefoy Road neighborhood.  Mr. Tucker explained that residents were requesting extension of sewer service to Purefoy Road.


At the March 23, 2005 public hearing, several residents of the Rogers Road and Purefoy Drive area again requested that the Council provide funds for sewer connection assistance.


At the January 26, 2005 Public Hearing, Mr. Major Geer requested assistance for families on the north side of Apple Street with connecting to the public sewer line. 


Staff Comment:  The recommended plan includes $42,775 to assist lower income households with connection to this sewer line.  We recommend that the program be available Town-wide for households earning less than 80% of the area median income, but priority would be given to residents of the Apple Street and Rogers Road/Purefoy Road neighborhood.  The Rusch Hollow project proposed by Habitat for Humanity would extend the sewer lines to serve many residents in the Rogers Road/Purefoy Road neighborhood.   


4.  Orange Community Housing and Land Trust


At the January 26, 2005 public hearing, Orange Community Housing and Land Trust requested $100,000 of Community Development funds to reduce the prices of newly constructed homes in the Northside neighborhood.  Funds would be used to purchase, demolish or rehabilitate (if necessary or appropriate), and/or reduce the price of houses.  The Land Trust intends to sell the homes to families earning between 50% and 80% of the area median income.   The Land Trust anticipates that $50,000 of a subsidy (Community Development, HOME or a combination of both) is needed to make each home permanently affordable. 


Staff Comment:  The recommended plan includes $100,000 for this request.   The Land Trust also submitted separate request for $100,000 of HOME Program funds for this project.  The recommended HOME Program plan also includes $100,000 for this request.  Funding this request would be consistent with the Town’s efforts to revitalize the Northside neighborhood, and increase the number of affordable housing units in Chapel Hill. 


5.  InterFaith Council


InterFaith Council submitted an application requesting $250,000 of Community Development funds for predevelopment costs for a residential center for homeless men.  The shelter would offer emergency and longer-term housing services and provide services for shelter residents.  The InterFaith Council has not yet identified a site for this facility.


At the March 23, 2005 public hearing, a representative from the InterFaith Council Strategic Planning Committee stated that $200,000 - $250,000 was needed but they were appreciative of the amount of funds recommended in the preliminary plan. 


Staff Comment:  The recommended plan includes $25,000 for this request.   The recommended HOME Program plan also includes $75,000 for this request.  We believe that these amounts combined would represent a substantial level of commitment for predevelopment planning costs. 


6.  Northside Neighborhood Association


At the January 26, 2005 Public Hearing, Ms. Delores Bailey requested that the Council allocate additional funds for the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program to renovate owner occupied homes in the Northside neighborhood. 


Staff Comment:  A formal application was not submitted for this request.  In 2003-2004, the Council allocated $150,000 of Community Development funds for a Comprehensive Rehabilitation program.  In 2004-2005, an additional $100,000 was allocated for this program.  We have identified several homeowners eligible for assistance and are working with Orange County’s Department of Housing and Community Development to renovate the properties.   We do not recommend additional funding for this program until the current allocations are spent. 


7.  Town of Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department


The Town’s Parks and Recreation Department requested a total of $204,650 of Community Development funds for improvements to the grounds of the Hargraves Recreation Center.  Improvements would include designing the site, replacing outdated equipment and site improvements.


Staff Comment:  The recommended plan does not include funding for this activity.   Community Development funds cannot be used for general maintenance and replacement of equipment.  The Council is receiving a payment of $85,000 from the developer of the Rosemary Village residential project, for use at Hargraves Park.  The money will be used to replace bleachers on the baseball field, fix internal sidewalks, resurface a play area, replace several sets of outdoor stairs, and replace benches, grills, and picnic tables.  Funds will also be used to make some drainage-related improvements.


Community/Public Service Requests


The use of funds for public service activities is eligible under federal Community Development regulations. Examples of public service activities includes programs concerned with employment, crime prevention, child care, health, drug abuse, education, fair housing counseling, energy conservation, homebuyer down payment assistance or recreational needs.  The amount of Community Development funds used for public services cannot exceed 15% of the Town’s Community Development grant ($102,895 in 2005-2006). 


In addition to meeting one of the National Objectives listed above, community or public service activities must provide:


(1)   a new service; or

(2)   a quantifiable increase in the level of an existing service than what was provided over the last fiscal year.


In the past, the Council has funded public service projects that support other Community Development objectives and activities, especially public housing and Neighborhood Revitalization.  Some emphasis has also been placed on job training for low-income residents.  We evaluated the following applications in terms of previous performance and their relationship to other Community Development objectives.  In general, we are recommending that some funding be set aside for community services, but that the Council emphasizes housing objectives as contained in the Consolidated Plan. 


The following agencies submitted applications for Community/Public Service activities:


1.  Chapel Hill Police Department


The Chapel Hill Police Department requests funds for two programs:




Staff Comment:  The recommended plan includes $40,700 for the youth work program and $1,000 for youth programs.  Based on our on-going monitoring reports received, the program has continued to meet the goals established in the 2004-2005 Performance Agreement.  Thirty-one youths participated in the 2004-2005 program; both supervisors and youths reported that it was a positive educational experience. In addition, the program supports the Town’s current neighborhood revitalization efforts in the Northside, Pine Knolls and public housing communities. 


2.  Chapel Hill – Carrboro YMCA


At the January 26, 2005 public hearing, the Chapel Hill – Carrboro YMCA requested $14,000 of Community Development funds to continue operation of an After School Program for children living in the Pine Knolls and South Estes Drive Family communities.   The program is held at the Chapel Hill – Carrboro YMCA facility on Airport Road. 


Staff Comment: The recommended plan includes $14,000 to the YMCA to continue its after school program for youths living in the Pine Knolls and South Estes Drive public housing communities.    Funds would be provided in the form of scholarships for eligible children.


Since 1994, the Town has provided Community Development funds to the YMCA for its After School Program at the Pine Knolls Community Center.  In 1999, the YMCA established a similar program for youths living in South Estes Drive public housing community. The program has merged with the YMCA’s existing after school program held at the YMCA facility.  In the current year, two children from Pine Knolls and nine children from South Estes are being served by the program.  The YMCA continues to operate a program that meets the goals and objectives established by the Performance Agreements.


3.  Orange County Family Resource Centers


The Orange County Family Resource Centers requests $15,000 of Community Development funds to continue to operate an after school program at the South Estes Drive public housing community.  The Center would provide free after school care for about thirteen children. 


Staff Comment:  The recommended Plan includes $15,000 for this project.  We believe that the provision of after school services is an important activity and supports the Town’s efforts in providing services to public housing residents.  This would be the third allocation of funds for this agency.  The 2004-2005 after school program has met the goals and objectives established by the Town’s Performance Agreement. Twelve children from the South Estes Drive public housing community are served by this program. 


4. Orange County Family Resource Centers/Chapel Hill Department of Housing/Dispute Settlement Center/Town of Chapel Hill Human Services


The above mentioned agencies submitted a requested for $33,975 of Community Development funds to create a Chapel Hill-Carrboro Tenant’s Association on behalf of the 806 citizens residing in the 13 public housing communities in Chapel Hill and Carrboro.  The purpose of the Tenant’s Association would be to improve the quality of resident life and satisfaction and participate in self-help initiatives to enable residents to crate a positive living environment for families living in public housing. 


Staff Comment:  The recommended plan does not include funding for this project.  We do not believe that the proposed project meets the objectives established by the Consolidated Plan for the Community Development program.


5.  North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, Orange County Center


At the January 26, 2005 Public Hearing, NC Cooperative Extension and the Orange on the Move Coalition requested $14,800 to continue a program for overweight youth, or those who are at-risk for becoming overweight and their parents.  The program would focus on nutrition, physical activity, and psychosocial skills for thirty over weight youth and their adult caregivers, with specific focus on low income and minority youths.  


Staff Comment:  The recommended plan does not include continued funding for this project.  The agency received $13,700 of 2004-2005 Community Development funds.  While the 2004-2005 program has met the goals established in the Performance Agreement, we do not believe that this program meets the priorities of the Community Development program established by the Consolidated Plan.  We believe that there may be other funding sources available to fund this request such as through the Active Living by Design program.


6.  Orange County Literacy Council


The Orange County Literacy Council requested $21,620 of Community Development funds to operate a computer–based literacy program at the Trinity Court public housing community. Funds would be used for personnel, materials and other expenses related to operating the program.


Staff Comment:  The recommended plan does not include funding for this project.  In 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 the Literacy Council received Community Development funds.  Due to high staff turnover, the program was put on hold until the Literacy Council could develop a plan for implementing the program.  An extension to the 2002-2003 program was granted and the program is currently underway at Trinity Court to spend that allocation.  The programs did not meet the objectives established in the Performance Agreements therefore additional funding is not recommended.


7.  Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools


At the March 26, 2005 public hearing, Mr. Frank Camp of the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools requested Community Development funds to support the after school program at the Smith Middle School.  An application for funding was submitted requesting $30,000 for the program.   According to the application submitted, the program currently serves 38 students from the Northside neighborhood, and several of the Town’s public housing communities. 


Staff Comment:  The recommended plan does not include funding for this project.  The application submitted did not clearly demonstrate the need for funding and did not specifically meet the objectives of the Consolidated Plan.