TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Emily M. Dickens, Chair
Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness Work Group
SUBJECT: Recommendation from the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness Working Group Regarding the 10-Year Plan Process
DATE: May 23, 2005
This memorandum is a recommendation from the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness Work Group to Partnership membership, regarding the 10-Year Plan Process.
In October 2003, Triangle-area elected officials were briefed on the 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness initiative sponsored by the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness. Attendees were asked to begin similar planning in their localities.
At the Town Council Planning Session on January 17, 2004, the Council agreed to add a public dialogue on homelessness to its list of goals for 2004. This goal was implemented on November 18, 2004 when Chapel Hill, Orange County, and the United Way hosted a Roundtable Discussion on Homelessness in Orange County. At the 2005 Town Council Planning Session, the Council agreed to include development of a 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness in Orange County as a high priority. On January 24, 2005, the Town Council passed a resolution to join the Partnership to End Homelessness in Orange County.
In early 2005, Council member Greene and Work Group members made presentations to the Orange County Board of Commissioners, Hillsborough Board of Commissioners and Carrboro Board of Alderman that included a request that they, by resolution, officially join a “Partnership to End Homelessness in Orange County”. The last municipality joined on March 1, 2005. As a result, the Partnership to End Homelessness in Orange County includes Orange County, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough, the Triangle United Way, the Community Initiative and Orange Congregations in Mission. In joining, each elected body acknowledged that membership in the Partnership would involve a commitment to providing staff, funding and other resources for this initiative.
In April 2005, the Partnership Work Group presented a budget request for first year costs associated with this initiative.
The Partnership Work Group anticipates a very public process that will include attributes from the Raleigh/Wake County and Durham 10-Year planning processes. Major components of the process include:
· Maintaining the composition of the current working group with a few additions
· Hiring a full time project manager
· Forming a Steering Committee to serve in an advisory role to the Work Group
· Using the Continuum of Care as an advisory group to the Steering Committee and Work Group
The Timeline
The Work Group anticipates a one-year process to complete the 10-Year Plan.
3/1/05 |
Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness Complete |
3/11/05 |
Planning Committee Meeting with Martha Are, Homeless Policy Specialist, NC Department of Health and Human Services |
3/22/05 |
Partnership Work Group Meeting |
4/6/05 |
Partnership Work Group Meeting |
4/18/05 |
Partnership Work Group Meeting |
4/28/05 |
Partnership Work Group Meeting with Elected Officials |
4/30/05 |
2nd Roundtable Discussion |
5/3/05 |
Partnership Work Group Meeting |
5/17/05 |
Planning Committee Meeting to prepare final process document |
6-9/05 |
Assist with Planning for Orange County Human Services Advisory Commission Forum |
7/05 |
Organize Steering Committee |
9/13/05 |
Orange County Human Services Advisory Commission Forum |
9/2005 |
Identify and hire project manager |
9/05-9/06 |
Plan Development including Public Forums |
The Working Group
Composed of representatives from all governing bodies in Chapel Hill, the Triangle United Way, the Inter Faith Council, Orange Congregations in Mission and the Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce, the workgroup has met every few weeks for over a year on this initiative. We recommend this group continue to guide this process with the assistance of a full-time staff person to oversee the project.
Role: Provide general oversight; overall coordination;
Town of Carrboro Orange Congregations in Mission
Town of Chapel Hill UNC Hospitals Emergency Room
Town of Hillsborough Chapel Hill/Carrboro Chamber
Orange County Hillsborough Chamber
Triangle United Way County Social Services Director
Inter-Faith Council County Health Director
UNC—Chapel Hill OPC Area Health
UNC – Schools of City and Regional Planning, Public Health and Social Work
Orange County Mental Health Court
The Steering Committee
The Raleigh/Wake County process included a steering committee composed of members from all areas of the community that have interaction with the homeless community. These stakeholders were asked to provide guidance on new initiatives and feedback from the community. We believe inclusion of a similar group in our process would be beneficial.
Role: Provide guidance; advice; and support; meet monthly
Elected Official – each jurisdiction (4) United Way President
County and Town Managers (4) Ministerial Alliance
OPC Mental Health Board Chair or ED Inter Faith Council Board Chair
Law Enforcement – each jurisdiction (4) Lending Institution Representative
UNC Chancellor’s Office Representative Continuum of Care Representative
Orange Congregations In Mission Board Chair Media Representative
Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce Chair Homeless Community
Chapel Hill Carrboro Schools Superintendent El Centro Latino Board Chair
Orange County Schools Superintendent Business Representative/BCBS
Carrboro Downtown Development Commission Orange County Health Board
Department of Social Services Board Chair Builder
UNC School of Social Work Representative UNC Hospital Representative
Orange County Correctional Facility Representative
Chapel Hill/Carrboro Chamber of Commerce Chair
Chapel Hill Downtown Economic Development Corporation
Current total – 36
Project Manager
Raleigh/Wake County hired an out-of-state consultant. The consultant researched and compiled “best practices” information that has been made available to Orange County. However, because the consultant was out-of-state, staff spent many hours completing administrative duties related to the initiative. Durham County hired a project manager that is housed at United Way and paid through one of the local non-profits. We are recommending initiating a request for proposals from consultants and individuals with special knowledge in this area. Orange County will serve as the fiscal agent and the incumbent will be housed at Triangle United Way with Raleigh/Wake County’s implementation staff person, Durham’s project manager, and Triangle United Way’s homelessness specialist.
The project manager will be charged with the following duties:
§ Write the Plan;
§ Develop Process Design (committee structure; identify information needs);
§ Provide Staff Support to the Steering Committee and Partnership;
§ Research Other Plans (from similar communities);
§ Plan and Convene Public Forums designed to engage community involvement;
§ Complete Gap Analysis (existing vs. non-existing services);
§ Complete Cost Analysis of Homelessness;
§ Gather and Analyze Data;
§ Identify Potential Revenue Sources for Plan Development and Implementation;
§ Serve as the Community Contact Person;
§ Coordinate Orange County plan development activities with Triangle United Way Homeless Coordinator; and
§ Coordinate Public Information Activities and Events.