Meeting Summary

Chapel Hill Downtown Economic Development Corporation

May 11, 2005

7:30 a.m. Midway Business Center


Members Present from Board of Directors:  Andrea Rohrbacher (Chair), J. Allen Fine, Roger Perry, Tom Tucker, Kevin Foy. Nicholas Didow, interim Executive Director


Town Staff: Bruce Heflin, Assistant Town Manager; Bill Letteri, Public Works Director; Curtis Brooks, Landscape Architect/Urban Forester; Emily Cameron, Landscape Architect


Following the regular business portion of the agenda, Curtis Brooks provided background for the presentation, stating that the Public Works staff was directed by the Town Council on April 25 to obtain feedback on the 2005 Streetscape proposals from groups with interest in downtown improvements. Through a PowerPoint presentation, he described the history of the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan as well as its design objectives and concepts. Curtis reviewed available funding for Streetscape and described completed sidewalk reconstruction projects using photos of “before-and-after” conditions.


The presentation included descriptions and conceptual plans for 3 proposed Streetscape projects that were recommended to the Town Council on April 25:


1.      Mast arm traffic signal poles and crosswalk improvements at the intersection of Columbia and Franklin Streets and at the intersection of East Franklin Street and Porthole Alley;


  1. Sidewalk reconstruction on the south side of the 100 and 200 blocks of West Franklin Street adjacent to University Square; and


  1. Custom street and pedestrian level lighting on the south side of the 500 and 600 blocks of West Franklin Street from Merritt Mill Road to Roberson Street.


Three alternative sidewalk reconstruction projects were also presented. In conclusion, Curtis summarized Streetscape projects completed on Rosemary Street and described challenges the Town faces in negotiating easements or right-of-way purchase for improvement projects.


Members of the CHDEDC expressed a desire to see the available Streetscape funding spent on sidewalks and lighting as opposed to mast arm traffic signal poles.


Curtis Brooks advised the group that if the funds were not spent on the mast arm poles this year, it may not allow for a second sidewalk construction project this summer.


Assistant Town Manager, Bruce Heflin, described the tentative schedule for future bond sales.


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The CHDEDC Board also discussed Streetscape improvements on Rosemary Street.


The draft meeting summary prepared by the Interim Executive Director of the CHDEDC is included below. The actions taken by the Board are highlighted in bold text:


The board heard a requested briefing by Curtis Brooks, Town of Chapel Hill, concerning the background, accomplishments to date, and plans for the next phase of Streetscape.   Others present from the Town and participating in the briefing and ensuing discussion were Bruce Heflin, Bill Letteri, and Emily Cameron.   The board was particularly interested in the Streetscape projects proposed by Town staff for 2005.   These projects total about $530,000 in downtown investment and include $230,000 to upgrade the 100 East Franklin block and Columbia/ Franklin intersection traffic signs and pedestrian crosswalks, $240,000 for sidewalk reconstruction in from of University Square, and $60,000 to complete the lighting on the southern side of West Franklin Street from Roberson Street to Merritt Mill Road.   After much discussion the board passed the following two resolutions 4-0 (with Kevin Foy abstaining on each vote):


  1. That the Town proceed with the proposed crosswalk improvements in the 100 block of East Franklin Street and at the Columbia/ Franklin intersection, yet reallocate the mast arm traffic signal upgrade funds to other Streetscape projects.


  1. That the Town collaboratively develop a master plan for sidewalks and Streetscape on both sides of Rosemary Street from Henderson Street to Merritt Mill Road.


The board also indicated their interest in partnering with the Town to work with local property owners to enable the Town to acquire easements and right-of-way where needed throughout the downtown.