Questions for Ram Development
6/20/05 Council work session
Developed by the Chapel Hill Planning Department and
Stainback Public/Private Real Estate
Parking Lot #5
Design -
1. Discuss options for contemporary architectural design that also draw on the context of downtown Chapel Hill. Discuss potential building material concepts.
2. Discuss building height from the perspective of scale and the context of downtown.
3. Discuss interface between properties to the east and proposed building and public space layout on Lot 5. How does the proposed layout of buildings and infrastructure accommodate the potential future development of adjoining properties as it relates to access and circulation?
4. Discuss the proposed inefficient single-loaded corridor for housing along Rosemary Street.
5. Do we want covered arcades (walkways) on all three public sides of the property? Discuss appropriateness of this concept given that downtown buildings now feature awnings and other building projections, not arcades. The Rosemary Street side in particular would likely be dark, and the configuration would limit the potential for inviting outdoor cafes and other pedestrian-friendly uses.
Design - Open Space
6. Are these the appropriate locations for public open space?
7. Describe how proposal provides different types of active and passive pedestrian-oriented space for different kinds of users (family, children, etc.). (People watching spaces, a Town gathering place, space for civic events, outdoor dining and window shopping, etc.)
8. Discuss amount and types of softscape (lawn) vs. hardscape (paving) included in pedestrian space.
9. Describe how space would draw people in from Franklin, Church and Rosemary Streets. Identify opportunities for north-south connections through the property and buildings.
Site Plan
10. Discuss relationship to adjoining neighborhood and commercial districts.
11. Discuss the lack of building definition along Church Street.
12. Discuss the location of the following types of parking spaces:
1) Public parking for retail space
2) Private parking for housing units
3) Replacement parking
Parking on Franklin and Church Streets
13. Discuss access to parking garage � vehicles, pedestrians.
Uses (housing, retail, open space)
How to most effectively enhance shopping on Franklin, Church
and Rosemary streets?
Do we provide additional second-level space for restaurants
which overlook pedestrian spaces at street level?
Increase how to increase sense of activity.
16. Discuss ideal location of restaurant/outdoor caf�(s) and art gallery space to activate pedestrian space.
How to plan for RBC Centura?
Discuss use of pedestrian space and activities at
19. Discuss programming of civic and commercial space activities.
20. Discuss the potential to include civic uses.
Affordable Housing
21. Discuss amount, size (square feet, number of bedrooms) and location of affordable housing units within the development in relation to the Council�s goal of 20% affordable housing.
Other Issues
22. Discuss ideas for integrating public art into the design process.
23. High-speed wireless Internet access would draw in users to the public space. Discuss including this in the project.
24. How would the development minimize noise impacts on residents on-site and on the surrounding community? Discuss the location of proposed �Club� on the site plan.
25. How would design provide private entry to housing units? On Rosemary Street we suggest entrances off of Rosemary in addition to from the rear private courtyard.
Wallace Deck
Historic District (parking area and lawn behind Post
Office is in Historic District)
26. What effects do the Historic District Commission requirements have on the design of the Wallace Deck site?
Alternative Plan
27. Explain Ram�s alternative plan for the Wallace Deck noted in the May 2 proposal submission, including the option of phasing.
Design � Buildings
28. Discuss options for contemporary architectural design that also draw on the context of downtown Chapel Hill. Discuss potential building material concepts.
29. Discuss building height from the perspective of scale and the context of downtown. Specifically what would you see from Franklin Street?
30. Discuss the potential to design buildings to wrap around the front of the deck and have residential entrances on the street.
31. Discuss whether the parking garage frontage on Henderson Street includes a false storefront. Are there opportunities for retail space or public art space here?
32. Discuss interface between properties to the east and proposed building and public space layout on Wallace Deck. How does the proposed layout of buildings and infrastructure accommodate the potential future development of adjoining properties as it relates to access and circulation?
33. Is the pedestrian bridge connecting the residential buildings a private bridge?
Design - Open Space
34. Is this the appropriate location for public open space? Will this function as public space or pass-through space?
35. Discuss options for north-south pedestrian connections through the project, especially connections to the existing alleys to Franklin Street.
36. Discuss amount and types of softscape (lawns) vs. hardscape (paving) included in pedestrian space.
37. Describe how public space as configured would draw in people. How would this space be more successful attracting users compared to the current configuration?
38. Are there opportunities for smaller pockets of open space, such as on the corner of Henderson and Rosemary?
Site Plan
39. Discuss relationship to adjoining neighborhood and commercial districts.
40. Discuss ability to sell or lease housing units facing alleyway. Is this a problem or a basis to reconfigure the units?
41. Adding a half level of parking to rear alley side of deck would raise the residential units so that they are not on the same level as the alley; is this an option?
42. Discuss the location of the following types of parking spaces:
i. Public parking for retail space
ii. Private parking for housing units
iii. Replacement parking
43. Discuss how to address parking shortfall by adding more parking than shown in the proposal.
Uses (housing, retail, open space)
Discuss use of pedestrian space and activities at
45. Discuss programming of civic and commercial space activities.
46. Discuss the potential to include civic uses.
Affordable Housing
47. Discuss amount, size (square feet, number of bedrooms) and location of affordable housing units within the development in relation to the Council�s goal of 20% affordable housing.
Other Issues
48. Discuss ideas for integrating public art into the design process.
49. High-speed wireless Internet access would draw in users to the public space. Discuss including this in the project.
50. How would the development minimize noise impacts on residents on-site and on the surrounding community?