Subject: Chapel Hill North Residential Component – Concept Plan Proposal
Meeting Date: June 18, 2003
Recommendation: That the comments of the Commission be forwarded to the applicant and the Town Council.
Vote: Unanimous to forward comments by members present: Terry Eason (Chair), George Cianciolo, Thatcher Freund, Alice Ingram, Laura King Moore, Charlotte Newby, Weezie Oldenburg, Martin Rody, Amy Ryan and Polly Van de Velde.
Commission member Comments:
1. Several Commission members were supportive of the “internal” focus of development, including the internal courtyards and underground parking. Although a Commission member was disappointed with the internal focus, the member understood that the design concept was appropriate due to the surrounding parameters (highway noise, adjacent commercial activity).
2. Other Commissioners expressed disappointment with the orientation of the development suggesting that the design “pushed” residents away from the shopping center. Some Commission members recommended that the applicant consider a design inviting residents towards the Harris Teeter retail area by means of direct pedestrian connections.
3. The proposal to design parking areas under buildings, and therefore reduce impervious surface area, was supported by several Commissioners.
4. One Commissioner member recommended that the applicant investigate the possibility of moving the entire development further south, away from Interstate 40.
5. Another Commission member believed that the visibility of proposed building elevations, above and behind the Harris Teeter rooftop, will improve the current vista from Airport Road.
6. In response to the applicant’s projection that the project would generate between 300 and 400 vehicle trips per day, several Commission members stated a preference for two access points into the site. Old University Station Drive was noted as a possible secondary access point by one Commissioner.
7. Most of the Commission expressed a desire to increase pedestrian movement between the proposed site and the adjacent commercial shopping centers (Chapel Hill North and Timberlyne). Some Commissioners recommended that the applicant consider a design that invites the residents into the commercial areas by foot and bicycle. Possible pedestrian connections to Chapel Hill North retail center, suggested by the Commission, included construction of a sidewalk near the northwest corner of site and/or a pedestrian connection through the vegetated area between the proposed residential buildings and the shopping center.
8. The applicant was also asked to investigate the feasibility of improving the area around the existing stormwater pond and creating a pleasant, appealing pedestrian connection to the shopping center in that area.
9. One Commission member expressed concerned with amount of proposed clearing and grading associated with the proposal.
10. A Commissioner noted that planned construction of additional travel lanes along Interstate 40 could result in increased noise pollution.
11. One Commission member expressed support for the proposed residential density, however, also stated the need for additional green space.
Prepared by: Terry Eason, Chair
Gene Poveromo, Staff