2005-06 Million Solar Roofs Grant Proposal




Submitted March 21, 2005


Following is the Town of Chapel Hill’s list of grant projects to be completed as a subcontractor to NC State University for the 2005-06 Million Solar Roofs grant. The Chapel Hill Solar Roofs Committee will implement the projects with support from Town staff. Activities will take place between April 1, 2005 and March 31, 2006.


Description of Tasks



Task 1: Organize “Meetups” workshops in the Chapel Hill area. Topic areas will be decided by the Committee during the planning stages. The Committee will continue organizing regularly scheduled informal meetings at coffee shops and other Chapel Hill area places accessible to the public. These events make installers, architects and other experts available to discuss technical issues with anyone interested. The Committee sponsored three meetups in the fall of 2004, held in Chapel Hill and Carrboro.


The Town will contract with Students Unites for a Responsible Global Environment (SURGE), a Carrboro nonprofit organization, to help organize the meetups. SURGE’s tasks will include booking locations, confirming speakers, doing publicity, and executing the events along with the support of the committee.


Deliverables:   Copies of flyers and other materials related to the “meetups” and workshops.


Task 2: Continue to gather and enter inventory of solar energy systems in Orange County.  The inventory will identify additional existing solar energy systems in Orange County, starting with Chapel Hill. The Town will contract with SURGE to complete the task.


Deliverables:   CD-ROM with inventory database of solar energy systems in the Chapel Hill area


Task 3: Create public outreach materials, and develop informational display for the Chapel Hill MSRI Group to promote solar and renewable energy at community events. The Committee will develop materials such as handouts, brochures, questionnaires, T-shirts and other items as necessary for events such as workshops and community events. This task involves the design and purchase of a tabletop display for use at tabling events.  It also included the purchase of small portable solar demonstration devices to help convey the principles of solar technology.  The intent is to provide visual and hands-on interaction.


Deliverables:  Copies of handouts and other materials that are developed. Photos and descriptions of tabletop display, and items purchased for demonstration.


Task 4: Conduct Chapel Hill Area Solar & Green Homes Tour. The Committee will work with the NC Sustainable Energy Association to identify suitable solar homes, develop informational packets describing the solar features, and handle planning, registration and volunteer the day of the event. The Town will contract with SURGE to provide support at tour sites and help with organizational tasks as needed.


Deliverables:  Copies of information packet, registration materials, list of attendees.


Task 5: Establish Annual Innovation in Solar Award. The Committee will consult with the Town’s Public Arts Commission to develop guidelines for establishing an annual Chapel Hill Innovation in Solar Award. Award-winner would be determined by the Committee. The Committee will work with a local artist to develop the award using glass or another building material. Grant will cover cost of creating the award.


Deliverables:  Photos of award and award-winning project and copy of award criteria.







Below are the estimated costs per task.


Task                                                                                                       Estimated Cost


1.      Seven “Meetups”                                                                                         $1,500


2.      Inventory of solar installations                                                                       $500


3.      Outreach, Informational Display and promotional materials                       $1,500


4.      Chapel Hill Area Solar & Green Homes Tour                                                $750


5.      Annual Innovation in Solar Award Program                                                  $750



TOTAL                                                                                                                 $5,000






20 Percent Cost Share

Through in-kind contributions and funds, the Town of Chapel Hill and the Chapel Hill Solar Roofs Committee will match approximately 40 percent of the $5,000 requested to complete the tasks described above. The Committee will contribute at least $500.00 toward completing Tasks 2 and 4, including purchasing outreach materials. The Committee will contribute at least 100 volunteer hours, including attendance at Committee meetings to implement grant projects and attendance at “Meetups” and other grant-funded events. Based on a rate of $15 per volunteer hour, this works out to a $1,500 in-kind contribution. (Not included in the estimate: Town staff hours related to Committee activities.)


Partnership: Geographical Coverage

The Chapel Hill partnership represents the Town of Chapel Hill and the broader Orange County community.


Current Members

Ralph Taylor (Chair), Brian Coble, Paul Fendt, Tom Henkel, Tom Wills, Ed Witkin. Chapel Hill Town Council Member Mark Kleinschmidt is the Council liaison to the Committee.


Organizational Overview

The Chapel Hill Solar Roofs Committee has been re-appointed annually by the Chapel Hill Town Council since 2001. The Committee initially was established as a 20-member steering committee to develop an Action Plan. The Committee, which now consists of six members plus a Council liaison, meets approximately once every two months. The Town Council has pledged staff support through 2005.


Ralph Taylor is the Committee Chair for 2005. Senior Planner Philip Hervey of the Chapel Hill Planning Department provides staff support for the Committee, including working with the Chair to develop the meeting agendas, reserving meeting room spaces at Town facilities, and managing grants and solar contracts. Grant funds are administered by the Town’s Finance Department.


Current partnering includes the NC Sustainable Energy Association, which has sent representatives to Committee meetings and has co-sponsored solar tours.  The Committee also plans to continue its partnership with SURGE, as described in the grant proposal tasks.  We also anticipate partnering with the Chapel Hill Carrboro Chamber of Commerce to coordinate workshops and educational events.  Partnership with the NC Solar Center helps with structure and communication.  The Committee plans to increase communication with the Durham MSRI group due to the close geographic proximity.


Sponsoring Organization: The Town of Chapel Hill is the sponsor organization for the Million Solar Roofs Committee.  Committee members have submitted applications and have been appointed by the Town Council.  A Council member serves as liaison between the committee and the Town Council.  The Committee submits an annual report to the Town Council outlining goals and accomplishments.



Contact Information:

Chair: Ralph Taylor                                         Phone: (919) 962-7283

311 Colony Woods Drive                               E-mail: [email protected]

Chapel Hill, NC 27514


Staff Liaison: Philip Hervey, AICP                Phone: (919) 968-2728

316 N. Columbia St.                                       E-mail: [email protected]

Chapel Hill, NC 27516


Meeting Schedule

Meetings occur on the third Thursday of every other month. The meetings are 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.  To comply with state Open Meetings Laws, the meetings all take place in Town facilities open to the public. Subcommittees, such as the Solar Tour subcommittee, meet as needed. All Committee and subcommittee meetings are announced on the Town of Chapel Hill’s website.


Group Structure

Committee decisions are made by consensus. Committee members are often assigned specific tasks, such as updating website material or organizing a solar tour or workshop. The Chair organizes meetings, sets meeting agendas, and serves as the primary contact for the Committee.


NC MSR Website

The Committee will keep the portions of the NC MSR website that pertain to the Committee’s current home page, calendar, and news sections.


Activities Updates

The Committee will email a bulleted list of activities that occurred in the previous month to the MSR coordinator by the 3rd work day of the following month.